I am happy to report that I'm done with Christmas shopping. All is done and wrapped :) I think this is the first time that I've actually finished this early!!!
Me and Mom, some friends and my aunt went shopping last night. It was too much fun. I didn't get home until well after midnight. Now I remember why I hated living in Mclean and why I love it here. Everyone is bitter and greedy in Mclean. Here, we're just happy go-lucky's!
I'm admitting that I go overboard with gifts this time of year and now since my parent's aren't paying any of my bills and I have to pay my own I can't drop $500 on each brother/sister/parent/nephew/neice/grandparent!!!! Sure nice things cost an arm and a leg but I have to stop this insanity.
Speaking of insanity...my boy Kenny went overboard this Christmas too. I asked him. Strike that, I told him that I don't need exspensive gifts! He spent way to much on me. I'm the girl with everything and there is nothing in this world that I really need! He knows my weaknesses and went crazy with it. I gave him some small suggestions. Clinque Happy Perfume, anything from Sephora, something small and inexspensive, right? He didn't listen to me! His reasoning is because I spent a little more on him than he did me...WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER DISCCUSSED HOW MUCH MONEY WE SPENT ON EACH OTHER!!! I think he was trying to outdo me!!! I thought that was impossible!
I got him some things that he needed. I got him the Nate Berkus Decorating Book, Titanium Cuff Links from Tiffany's, A Velvet Coat (not by some hot Italian Designer either) some candles, A frame with a very meaningful picture in it and something that belongs to me that he has wanted forever :) I gave in to him!!! I'm sure he's going to love it!!!
My stylist is coming to stay with me for 3 days in January. He adores me! He told me that I'm by far the sweetest person he knows!!! He's married. He's hot but it ain't like that! We're just really great friends. We got coffee yesterday and spent an hour just talking about his accident where he was brutally stabbed, beaten and left for dead in a school yard while leaving a sports bar in October. Every time I think about what happend to him I think of Eric and Zhoumas and it makes me wonder what kind of bastard could have hurt Adil the way they did. So he's coming in mid January. We're going to go skiing, do some hiking and probably just chill. He asked if he could come stay with me because he needs to clear his mind. He's still frightned by what happend to him. It's fucked him up. He's a wonderful guy I still don't know why this had to happen to him.
Everyone should have recieved their Christmas cards from me already...if not...then don't blame me!!! The post office was chaos! I thought I was smart by going during lunch...I was wrong!
Gigi is doing wonderful guys, keep praying!
My bonus was awesome!!! It was more than I was expecting :) Did I tell you that I work for the best company, not to mention the best people ever ;)
Merry Christmas!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I've been soooooooooo busy that I haven't had time to update my blog! What a shame, right? I rarely have any free time lately between work, shopping, and Christmas I don't have much time for anything!!
I know just about everything I got for Christmas this year already! My family just isn't smart. They should know by now that I know that all gifts wrapped in PINK are mine :) It's one of my favorite colors :) Tiffanys, Cristal, & Cavalli....looks like it's going to be a great Christmas!!
Nothing else to report. All is well. I'm doing well. My family is well. 2005 was a good year. A lot better than 2004. So much drama!!!
Christmas luncheon tommorrow, Party in McLean on Wed night, then it's time to get with the Warner fam then it's on to My fam and then home to the Graves'!!! So much family. You all know I love my family :)
I'm so in love with prego Gwen Stefani's new song "Luxurious"--it's my song!
More later..........
I know just about everything I got for Christmas this year already! My family just isn't smart. They should know by now that I know that all gifts wrapped in PINK are mine :) It's one of my favorite colors :) Tiffanys, Cristal, & Cavalli....looks like it's going to be a great Christmas!!
Nothing else to report. All is well. I'm doing well. My family is well. 2005 was a good year. A lot better than 2004. So much drama!!!
Christmas luncheon tommorrow, Party in McLean on Wed night, then it's time to get with the Warner fam then it's on to My fam and then home to the Graves'!!! So much family. You all know I love my family :)
I'm so in love with prego Gwen Stefani's new song "Luxurious"--it's my song!
More later..........
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Don't Act Like You're Not Impressed!!!
This time of year gets me so excited! Not to mention that Deb, Gi's mama called me this a.m to tell me that she is infact doing well and Erica, the rock that she is, is doing just fine too. Gigi did develop body acne and is basically a walking blister. The acne is just a reaction to the massive amounts of chemo and radiation. It's clear that this is the worst form of cancer there is. And my girl is soldiering on! She can't eat, no tongue...or it's no longer a real tongue, she has liquids only which is fed through a feeding tube. So it is the toughest, mentally as well as physcially. You do everything through your mouth, talk, eat, breath....She is going to make it. She told me she was. I have faith!
On friday I went to Pier 1 and I found my new tableware and flatware. I got this gourgeous Bamboo charger with Oak sides for a steal @ $25. It's so nice. I chose a mocha plate set with an expresso colored mug. I also got the bread plates, soup bowls and napkins to match. The flatware I got with a "W" on them. It's very nice. My grandmother was pleased when she saw everything yesterday. I decided to go with a snow white table runner as my grandmother suggested because my dining room table is so pretty that I don't want to cover it up. I went with a lovely shade of oatmeal placemats that are velvet. It's beautiful. I'm redoing my kitchen floor. Isaiah cracked it and I demanded that everything be replaced. It's brown and white mixture of colors. My mom's kitchen was just finished. She turned her kitchen into the kitchen at the Little Inn at Washington. Her kitchen is so nice. Every freaking detail right down to the cobalt blue tile! It's afixed with her huge flat screen apple computer to search for recipes and watch CNN while she cooks. It's absolutely amazing. I'll have to take pictures. She has an island sink with a double oven. She really went far out even with the Refrigerator that looks like it's a big pantry door. She's very proud of it. Exspensive but worth it. I don't intend to makeover anything to the extent that she has! My new favorite color is pomegrante red for a dining room. I won't go that far though. It's a lot of red.
So I found this years Christmas card. It's so peaceful and humbling and it just captures so much of how you percieve Christmas and winter. I'm calling it "OLD MAN WINTER". The envelopes are silver lining and they're gorgeous. I must admit I do have great taste!
As far as Christmas decorating goes, I think I'm going to decorate on Saturday the 26th, I took the day off for shopping but I think it's time to start decorating too. I'm still trying to figure out my theme. I bought the tree topper already. It's an Angel praying on one knee with a tiara that lights up. As soon as I saw it I had to buy it. It's lovely and sweet. Reminds me a lot of myself!
I have a huge Christmas list again this year but I love buying for others and it's time to start. We're going shopping after work on black friday. I have to shop for my adopted family from the Salvation Army. I have a family of 5 this year. I agreed to take it on so I can't complain!!! Christian is 6 and wants a bike, Abigail is 7 and loves baby dolls (which little girl doesn't?), Joseph is 12 and wants a 'boombox'!!! I thought that was funny when I saw that. The parents just want food to eat on Christmas. Can you imagine? No. I clearly can't. I can't even imagine that people in our prospourus country go hungry and is worried about food. I'm worried about how the food will be presented on my table. Some people don't even have the food! Wow. Humbling when you think about that. I'm going to encourage everyone to adopt a family this year. Or a child. Don't just put money into the red kettle. Go the the Salvation Army and take on a family. My family has been doing this for years. My grandparents even invite their adopted family over to there house right before the holidays. A lot of times people have refused to come because they're ashamed but the past few years they have came. I'm not saying you should invite strangers into your home but we all are able to say that we do well. We all waste money. We all do contribute a lot to charities but it's Christmas and could you imagine waking up and not having presents on Christmas??? It wouldn't be Christmas. And yes Christmas isn't about gift giving but to the kids it is. And somewhere we'll know on Christmas morning that a kid and his brother and sister all have a present and they have food to eat. To me thats the best gift we can give to ourselves!!! So call the Salvation Army and adopt your child/family today!!!!
I will check up on my friends and I better hear that you all are doing your part! Faith you're excused from this. Brandy and Davy have already bought a lot for their kids.
At work on December 10th. Yes, that means no NYC afterall. I'm having a Christmas party for our employees children. We're going shopping on Dec 2nd to get all the toys. So far, a lot of employees are bringing their kids. This is the first time ever doing this but I think it will be a hit. I've even decided that we need to be in the Christmas Parade. We just have to come up with an idea for a float. The parade is Dec 3rd which is the same day as my cousin Danny's winter wedding, but it's an evening wedding so I can do it all!!! If we can come up with a float idea related to the Caverns. I was brainstorming but perhaps we could have the Holy Night scene taking place in a cave background on a float?! It's going to be hard but it's a start. I'm open to suggestions! I'm almost desperate.
I just popped in my Mariah Carey Christmas CD and I'll be singing O Holy Night all day!
So all is well here in VA. Can you guys believe that I'm cooking for the holidays? Crazy huh?! I've just discovered that cooking is an art and like any art you have to perfect it. I'm cooking a lot more these days. You'd all be impressed!
I'm on my way to the gym now. Muah!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
I love this time of year!
Thanksgiving is here! I have a lot to be thankful for. I count my blessings everyday. My family is all doing relatively well. Isaiah will be 9 yrs on Sunday. How can that be?! My coworker Crystal is having a baby shower on Sunday and I'm the hostess! I don't have a gift just yet. I just printed out her registry and everything is pink! I'm not sure I like it...
I'm listening to Gigi's song Free Bird. She and I would sing this all the time. We only knew it because of the Eagles remake. And now I'm listening to the freaking lyrics and it's weirding me out! I'm just now realizing this. I can't wait to get back to LA. It was awesome. Flying sucks but I'm going to get used to it. Thats my girl so I have to go back!
Kenny offered to completely pay for her Black Tie Casino Night that we're hosting at the ballroom @ the Cave for her. He needs the tax write off! I won't let him. He can come and donate though! I'm actually going to his sisters wedding. Thats going to be fun. He's quite a character. I love Kenny.
My boy T Man got into some drama last weekend. My boy had to spend the night in the slammer! He got a DUI. Katie, if you're reading this--It was a breath mint that fucked it up! He actually blew 0.09! And thats just so gay. And speaking of gay, I'm attracted to my friend Bill @ work. He is flaming! He's stunning! Fucking hot. MMMMMmmm! If only he was straight....damn.
He went to my grandmother's Dame's afternoon tea party at Limair with me! I was completely ambushed by my Grandma, She treated me as if I was a trophy! Made me stand up and turn around so everyone can see that I'm as 'pretty as a picture'. It was lame but Bill made it so much fun :) It's weird. I find myself staring at him and ain't it just like me to want something I could never have!!!
I've been slacking with the workouts lately but I insist on hitting it hard in the a.m. back to the treadmill! Oh and My stylist Adil did Angelina's hair at the Hay Adams last week. He said that Brad was not hot and that Angelina is breathtaking. No surprise there. Connor Fux, Actor, starring with Brad in All the King's Men said that he (Brad) had bad BO. Probably something kinky Angelina is into!
Speaking of celebs I don't know if I mentioned that Dave Mathews was at my salon a few weeks ago. He's pretty fat. Too chunky for my taste.
Faith is getting accustomed to living on her own! She hasn't heard from her husband!!! Isn't that awesome?! She's vulrenable and if he just approached her and asked her to reconcile she's as good as gone!!! I know her. She's weak. I intend on keeping her from him. I'm not letting her get back into that messed up thing she called a marriage. Next time she may not make it out alive. She's already seeing this Greek Guy--which is all wrong for her. It's too soon but anything to keep her mind of Danny (husband)
Dr Drew is in Texas for the Holiday. I'm going to Grandma's like every year. It's weird. I still have a text message from Erock on my cell from last Thanksgiving. He was at his Aunt & Uncle's. I need to let it goooooooooo. Anywho....
So shopping on friday will be lots of fun! Whose down? A repeat of last year Mike??? Thats Mike 24, my boy toy that I went to David's wedding with! I need to specify. I actually forget sometimes how many people read this!!!
Desperate housewives are on and I'm getting ready for my favorite show ever!!! Keep in touch people!!! Miss me!
I'm listening to Gigi's song Free Bird. She and I would sing this all the time. We only knew it because of the Eagles remake. And now I'm listening to the freaking lyrics and it's weirding me out! I'm just now realizing this. I can't wait to get back to LA. It was awesome. Flying sucks but I'm going to get used to it. Thats my girl so I have to go back!
Kenny offered to completely pay for her Black Tie Casino Night that we're hosting at the ballroom @ the Cave for her. He needs the tax write off! I won't let him. He can come and donate though! I'm actually going to his sisters wedding. Thats going to be fun. He's quite a character. I love Kenny.
My boy T Man got into some drama last weekend. My boy had to spend the night in the slammer! He got a DUI. Katie, if you're reading this--It was a breath mint that fucked it up! He actually blew 0.09! And thats just so gay. And speaking of gay, I'm attracted to my friend Bill @ work. He is flaming! He's stunning! Fucking hot. MMMMMmmm! If only he was straight....damn.
He went to my grandmother's Dame's afternoon tea party at Limair with me! I was completely ambushed by my Grandma, She treated me as if I was a trophy! Made me stand up and turn around so everyone can see that I'm as 'pretty as a picture'. It was lame but Bill made it so much fun :) It's weird. I find myself staring at him and ain't it just like me to want something I could never have!!!
I've been slacking with the workouts lately but I insist on hitting it hard in the a.m. back to the treadmill! Oh and My stylist Adil did Angelina's hair at the Hay Adams last week. He said that Brad was not hot and that Angelina is breathtaking. No surprise there. Connor Fux, Actor, starring with Brad in All the King's Men said that he (Brad) had bad BO. Probably something kinky Angelina is into!
Speaking of celebs I don't know if I mentioned that Dave Mathews was at my salon a few weeks ago. He's pretty fat. Too chunky for my taste.
Faith is getting accustomed to living on her own! She hasn't heard from her husband!!! Isn't that awesome?! She's vulrenable and if he just approached her and asked her to reconcile she's as good as gone!!! I know her. She's weak. I intend on keeping her from him. I'm not letting her get back into that messed up thing she called a marriage. Next time she may not make it out alive. She's already seeing this Greek Guy--which is all wrong for her. It's too soon but anything to keep her mind of Danny (husband)
Dr Drew is in Texas for the Holiday. I'm going to Grandma's like every year. It's weird. I still have a text message from Erock on my cell from last Thanksgiving. He was at his Aunt & Uncle's. I need to let it goooooooooo. Anywho....
So shopping on friday will be lots of fun! Whose down? A repeat of last year Mike??? Thats Mike 24, my boy toy that I went to David's wedding with! I need to specify. I actually forget sometimes how many people read this!!!
Desperate housewives are on and I'm getting ready for my favorite show ever!!! Keep in touch people!!! Miss me!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sweeeet November
November has been good to me thus far! I just managed to finish unpacking from my globe trotting. Our trip was amazing. It was great to see my girlfriend Gigi. She promised me that she will be fine. I also promised her that I would be back to LA before Christmas. I did quite a bit of shopping. It was a very good time overall.
Not much to update you on. I've never been more busier. I've met some interesting guys and dating keeps me busy.
I'm still in love with Grey's Anatomy. It's awesome. Ever watch it? It's on Sunday nights on ABC.
I'm back at work, filling in for my uncle on a needed basis. Everyone knows that he's in the reserves and he was called up. It's my duty to help out when I'm needed.
I am completely redoing my bedroom. And my kitchen. I get bored easy. It's time to make a change.
All is well. Isaiah made the honor roll. His birthday is on the 28th. Can you guys believe that he's 9 friggin years old???? Me neither!
Dad is good. Emma & Kennedy & Chan & Matty are all doing well.
I'm tired and I need to get to bed. I'm a high roller!!!
God Bless & God Keep
Not much to update you on. I've never been more busier. I've met some interesting guys and dating keeps me busy.
I'm still in love with Grey's Anatomy. It's awesome. Ever watch it? It's on Sunday nights on ABC.
I'm back at work, filling in for my uncle on a needed basis. Everyone knows that he's in the reserves and he was called up. It's my duty to help out when I'm needed.
I am completely redoing my bedroom. And my kitchen. I get bored easy. It's time to make a change.
All is well. Isaiah made the honor roll. His birthday is on the 28th. Can you guys believe that he's 9 friggin years old???? Me neither!
Dad is good. Emma & Kennedy & Chan & Matty are all doing well.
I'm tired and I need to get to bed. I'm a high roller!!!
God Bless & God Keep
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
My Gigi
On Sunday after having too much fun with friends and family on the anniversary of my friend Roderick's death, I got some horrible news about my girl Gigi.
It turns out that she's no longer responding to the Chemo and the cancer has spread from her lymphnodes to everywhere. And she's not doing well. What I actually heard was she probably won't make it. How the hell do you deal with this?
She's too young and I'm mad. And I'm not losing my girl. Mom, Haven Becca and I are flying out to LA within a few weeks. I want to see her. I didn't initially because I deny things to myself at times and I basically didnt want to face it. Now I have to. Thats if I want to see her alive. And Mom told me that she may need to see some of her friends to start getting better.
Gigi & I were great friends and Haven & Erika were friends too. We just all got along so well. We had the best fun in highschool and I refuse to just accept that she's not going to make it. We can send men to the moon and yet we have no cure for cancer. Some things will never make sense to me.
I spent my Sunday night crying myself to sleep because I can't watch another friend just pass.
In other news:
Everyone knows that my uncle John got called up. He's in the Reserves and he has to be at the Pentagon for 6 months to "FIGHT THE WAR ON BIOTERRORISM" and then he's on to Irag for 1-2 years. He recentley proposed that I stay on board during our winter months to help keep operations running smoothly and efficiently since he won't be there. I told him that I couldn't commit 40 hours a week, but I'm more than willing to be available atleast when someone needs me and something comes up. I think that is good for now. I'll probably do more as I'm needed. Her understood. He also told me how I'm now a great asset to the company :) Yay! I think I need a raise :) Whats another 20 G's among a family with an empire ;) We are Virginia Royalty, right John ??!!
My brother has successfully retired the crutches and the cane. He's walking well and he's doing better. Mom has been ill a lot lately. I worry about her. Dad sees his dr on the 28th to prepare for the surgery. Thats going to be all kinds of fun.
This picture was taken on Sunday of the Diaper Posse at my Great Grandmas :)
From left to right:
Chan da man, Seth, Kennedy, Nate, Emma with the corkscrew curls

Did I mention that it's been raining all month here?! I think I need to get back to bed :)
It turns out that she's no longer responding to the Chemo and the cancer has spread from her lymphnodes to everywhere. And she's not doing well. What I actually heard was she probably won't make it. How the hell do you deal with this?
She's too young and I'm mad. And I'm not losing my girl. Mom, Haven Becca and I are flying out to LA within a few weeks. I want to see her. I didn't initially because I deny things to myself at times and I basically didnt want to face it. Now I have to. Thats if I want to see her alive. And Mom told me that she may need to see some of her friends to start getting better.
Gigi & I were great friends and Haven & Erika were friends too. We just all got along so well. We had the best fun in highschool and I refuse to just accept that she's not going to make it. We can send men to the moon and yet we have no cure for cancer. Some things will never make sense to me.
I spent my Sunday night crying myself to sleep because I can't watch another friend just pass.
In other news:
Everyone knows that my uncle John got called up. He's in the Reserves and he has to be at the Pentagon for 6 months to "FIGHT THE WAR ON BIOTERRORISM" and then he's on to Irag for 1-2 years. He recentley proposed that I stay on board during our winter months to help keep operations running smoothly and efficiently since he won't be there. I told him that I couldn't commit 40 hours a week, but I'm more than willing to be available atleast when someone needs me and something comes up. I think that is good for now. I'll probably do more as I'm needed. Her understood. He also told me how I'm now a great asset to the company :) Yay! I think I need a raise :) Whats another 20 G's among a family with an empire ;) We are Virginia Royalty, right John ??!!
My brother has successfully retired the crutches and the cane. He's walking well and he's doing better. Mom has been ill a lot lately. I worry about her. Dad sees his dr on the 28th to prepare for the surgery. Thats going to be all kinds of fun.
This picture was taken on Sunday of the Diaper Posse at my Great Grandmas :)
From left to right:
Chan da man, Seth, Kennedy, Nate, Emma with the corkscrew curls

Did I mention that it's been raining all month here?! I think I need to get back to bed :)
You Know You're From Virginia When...
you know you are from virginia....
You have at least two friends who have no idea what their relatives do...because its "top secret" government work
Most of your senior class went to Longwood, Mason, JMU, Tech, VCU or UVA
When people ask where you're from, you tell them DC because its easier to explain
You've never told someone you're from Virginia without putting "northern," "central," or "southern" in front of it (See above.)
It's not actually tailgating unless your bumper is touching the car in front of you.You know yellow light means at least 5 more cars can get through. (Yeah, man...at least. Probably also happens everywhere else.) A red light means 2 more can.
You actually know what the black boxes at stoplights are for.
Despite the fact that Virginia fought for the south in the Civil War, you are not, under any circumstances, a "southerner"
You are amused by visiting relatives who are actually excited to see Washington, DC
You took a field trip to Williamsburg as a kid
You are amazed when you go out of town and the people at McDonalds speak English
You or someone in your family has a Smart Tag
An inch of snow and you miss 3 days of school
All the potholes just add a little excitement to your driving experience
Crown Victoria = undercover cop
Subway is a fast food place. The transportation system is known as Metro, and only Metro.
They just tore down the old farm house across the street and put 12 new McMansions in its place
For the cost of your house, you could own a small town in Iowa
If you stay on the same road long enough, it will eventually have three new names.
You have to dial the area code to call your neighbor
"Vacation" means spending a day at King's Dominion or Busch Gardens.
"Going to the River" means any stream with water.
You have never been served tea without the waitress asking "sweet or unsweetened?
"Your favorite past time is telling West Virginia jokes.
"Going to the beach" means anywhere from Ocean City to Virginia Beach to Myrtle Beach.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Virginia.
You have at least two friends who have no idea what their relatives do...because its "top secret" government work
Most of your senior class went to Longwood, Mason, JMU, Tech, VCU or UVA
When people ask where you're from, you tell them DC because its easier to explain
You've never told someone you're from Virginia without putting "northern," "central," or "southern" in front of it (See above.)
It's not actually tailgating unless your bumper is touching the car in front of you.You know yellow light means at least 5 more cars can get through. (Yeah, man...at least. Probably also happens everywhere else.) A red light means 2 more can.
You actually know what the black boxes at stoplights are for.
Despite the fact that Virginia fought for the south in the Civil War, you are not, under any circumstances, a "southerner"
You are amused by visiting relatives who are actually excited to see Washington, DC
You took a field trip to Williamsburg as a kid
You are amazed when you go out of town and the people at McDonalds speak English
You or someone in your family has a Smart Tag
An inch of snow and you miss 3 days of school
All the potholes just add a little excitement to your driving experience
Crown Victoria = undercover cop
Subway is a fast food place. The transportation system is known as Metro, and only Metro.
They just tore down the old farm house across the street and put 12 new McMansions in its place
For the cost of your house, you could own a small town in Iowa
If you stay on the same road long enough, it will eventually have three new names.
You have to dial the area code to call your neighbor
"Vacation" means spending a day at King's Dominion or Busch Gardens.
"Going to the River" means any stream with water.
You have never been served tea without the waitress asking "sweet or unsweetened?
"Your favorite past time is telling West Virginia jokes.
"Going to the beach" means anywhere from Ocean City to Virginia Beach to Myrtle Beach.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Virginia.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Seems Like Just Yesterday
Here it is upon us 1 year since Roderick's been gone. I miss him so much. I miss his smile that just melted me. I miss him in his pajamas playing with Reece. I remember how shy I was and I wanted Reece to sleep in his room instead of in his cradle in Renee & Roderick's room! I remember our last conversation. I remember the day I said goodbye. I remember how hard that was. Rod & I always had the most fun. We always loved making fun of crazy Renee. Rod was the guy that you went to with all of your dilemmas. He was the pyschologist of our circle and he taught us a lot about ourselves. He even told us when we screwed up!!! Now our circle has been broken and it can't be fixed.
Renee and I don't talk like we once did. I was there for her during Reece's birth, during his Baptism, during Roderick's accident, death and now its as if we're nothing. I miss Rod. I miss Reece. I miss Renee.
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughin' in the rain
Still can't believe you're gone
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I been through
Just knowin' no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder
Who you'd be today
I miss my Rod.

Renee and I don't talk like we once did. I was there for her during Reece's birth, during his Baptism, during Roderick's accident, death and now its as if we're nothing. I miss Rod. I miss Reece. I miss Renee.
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughin' in the rain
Still can't believe you're gone
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I been through
Just knowin' no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder
Who you'd be today
I miss my Rod.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
And then this one time...
Can you believe that I was so bored today that I cooked??? Nobody can! I made Eggplant Parmesan and daddy even stayed to eat! I'm well on my way to becoming the next Martha Stewart. I was pleased. It turned out well.
Yesterday was horrible. Becca & I were shopping when Ian-Bradley called her cell to tell her that the school nurse @ Chandler's school said that Chandler was not 'acting like himself' and that he was complaining of a sore throat. Becca & I left Linens N Things where we were going nuts of the new Nate Berkus line which is now on my new Christmas wish list :) We finally got to my brothers and Chandler was throwing up and we drove him to the ER where he was examined and the dr's feared the worst as did we. Miningitis. There was a note sent home to Becca from his teacher alerting us of the break out in a nearby school. So we were scared. And because of all of the nuero problems he's had in the past we always feared this fatal crap. After an MRI & a Brain Scan and sitting in the hospital not knowing anything for a total of 12 hours the doctor told us that he just has a stomach bug and there was no trace of the Fatal shit. We were relieved!!! He came home and was hungry. He was even talking and demanding to sleep in his new VOTE FOR PEDRO tee shirt that he's obsessing over these days. I secretly allowed him to watch Napolean Dynamite with me and now he's loving it. I bribed him lastnight. If he could eat an entire bowl of chocolate icecream (2 scoops) I would buy him the Napolean Dynamite dvd for Christmas. It's on! Chan-da-man ate the entire bowl! No throwing up! No fever today and we've been lounging in our jammies and I've had to dance for him even on the coffee table to MTV!!! The kid is a rock star and we're going to be famous :)
Andrew broke his foot playing kickball!!! Who still plays kickball?! Thats Andrew with the glasses not Dr. Drew.
Grant, Trish, Becca, Ian-Bradley, Courtney and I are going to the 49er's & Skins game on the 23rd. Which will be 1 year that my boy Roderick's been gone. Fuck. I miss him. I wish it got easier, but it doesn't. The same with my brother Brent. I just wished one morning, one day I would just wake up and not cry over them. I wish. I love them so much. I get scared when I have to think about the 23rd. I start to cry because that awful day is still fresh and I still remember everything. I just wish I didn't. I'm good @ blocking bad things out of my mind but this is so much I just can't fucking deal with it. I keep telling myself that life goes on...time rolls on, but I miss them. What about Reece? I got to quit this shit. My therapist tells me that it will all become more bareable....I'm just waiting... If they only knew how much I missed them.
Daddy is doing good. Missy isn't. My girl Missy was diagnosed with Lupus yesterday. And the dr called her this am to tell her she's diabetic too. Poor girl. I feel so bad for her. We need to help her. I just wish I knew how. Any ideas?
My parents are back from Alaska. They loved it.
Faith is now seeing a doctor who is going to help her get out of the marriage. He is also her husbands doctor and he told her that he was 'a strange one'. Hopefully she will listen to the voice of reason this time. Strangely enough, I do have a bit of hope.
My girl Brandy is pregnant. I'm the Godmother!!! Yay!
As for my dating life...I've been on 2 dates this past week and they were good. I'm just not looking for that right now. Don't ask. I'm just bored. Could I just meet one that interests me for longer than 1 dinner and 3 drinks? Is that too much to ask? You guys have to spice it up a bit. Give me some mystery. Don't dazzle me with the good looks, baffle me with the bullshit! Leave me wanting more! And dont blow up my phone either. Thats boring.
Going to the gym before the moon turns to rust.
Yesterday was horrible. Becca & I were shopping when Ian-Bradley called her cell to tell her that the school nurse @ Chandler's school said that Chandler was not 'acting like himself' and that he was complaining of a sore throat. Becca & I left Linens N Things where we were going nuts of the new Nate Berkus line which is now on my new Christmas wish list :) We finally got to my brothers and Chandler was throwing up and we drove him to the ER where he was examined and the dr's feared the worst as did we. Miningitis. There was a note sent home to Becca from his teacher alerting us of the break out in a nearby school. So we were scared. And because of all of the nuero problems he's had in the past we always feared this fatal crap. After an MRI & a Brain Scan and sitting in the hospital not knowing anything for a total of 12 hours the doctor told us that he just has a stomach bug and there was no trace of the Fatal shit. We were relieved!!! He came home and was hungry. He was even talking and demanding to sleep in his new VOTE FOR PEDRO tee shirt that he's obsessing over these days. I secretly allowed him to watch Napolean Dynamite with me and now he's loving it. I bribed him lastnight. If he could eat an entire bowl of chocolate icecream (2 scoops) I would buy him the Napolean Dynamite dvd for Christmas. It's on! Chan-da-man ate the entire bowl! No throwing up! No fever today and we've been lounging in our jammies and I've had to dance for him even on the coffee table to MTV!!! The kid is a rock star and we're going to be famous :)
Andrew broke his foot playing kickball!!! Who still plays kickball?! Thats Andrew with the glasses not Dr. Drew.
Grant, Trish, Becca, Ian-Bradley, Courtney and I are going to the 49er's & Skins game on the 23rd. Which will be 1 year that my boy Roderick's been gone. Fuck. I miss him. I wish it got easier, but it doesn't. The same with my brother Brent. I just wished one morning, one day I would just wake up and not cry over them. I wish. I love them so much. I get scared when I have to think about the 23rd. I start to cry because that awful day is still fresh and I still remember everything. I just wish I didn't. I'm good @ blocking bad things out of my mind but this is so much I just can't fucking deal with it. I keep telling myself that life goes on...time rolls on, but I miss them. What about Reece? I got to quit this shit. My therapist tells me that it will all become more bareable....I'm just waiting... If they only knew how much I missed them.
Daddy is doing good. Missy isn't. My girl Missy was diagnosed with Lupus yesterday. And the dr called her this am to tell her she's diabetic too. Poor girl. I feel so bad for her. We need to help her. I just wish I knew how. Any ideas?
My parents are back from Alaska. They loved it.
Faith is now seeing a doctor who is going to help her get out of the marriage. He is also her husbands doctor and he told her that he was 'a strange one'. Hopefully she will listen to the voice of reason this time. Strangely enough, I do have a bit of hope.
My girl Brandy is pregnant. I'm the Godmother!!! Yay!
As for my dating life...I've been on 2 dates this past week and they were good. I'm just not looking for that right now. Don't ask. I'm just bored. Could I just meet one that interests me for longer than 1 dinner and 3 drinks? Is that too much to ask? You guys have to spice it up a bit. Give me some mystery. Don't dazzle me with the good looks, baffle me with the bullshit! Leave me wanting more! And dont blow up my phone either. Thats boring.
Going to the gym before the moon turns to rust.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
It's Raining Men!
Not really but it's a good gay song! It is raining a lot here, two days non-stop. We closed the course yesterday because @ 2 pm three holes were underwater. I'm sure today they drowned!
Nick is so hot. Thats all I'm going to say about that. I like. A lot.
Faith had to cancel plans yet again. Her husband is so pyschotic. He asked her yesterday how it would feel if she never woke up!!! How the hell is she supposed to know? Clearly the guy is phucking nuts.
I stayed home lastnight. I didn't do jack. We ordered Chinese and cheesecake and stayed in & watched dvds. I ended up falling asleep early. Becca woke me up @ 7 this morning to go with her to her friend Shelly's house to get ready for an open house there. She's selling her home for $500,000. It's nice but I'm not interested.
We looked @ her pictures and talked shit about everyone from our old high school! The lesbian Cheney girl, the whores, etc... We broke out the cheap White Zinfindel and started drinking and talking drama. Then we got into the Bourbon and I had to quit! That she is too much for me. We started to get tipsy so we decided Shelly needed pumpkins! We went to this Orchard and got pumpkins and mums. She decided that she wanted to buy flowers and pumpkins for her friend Andy. I had to stop her. Purple mums = a fag. Yellow mums is okay!!! We had a lot of fun in the apple orchard picking Apples too :) Then we went to the Apple Valley Bakery which made the Washingtonian magazine and had the best Coffee cake and Sumatra coffee. It was a lot of fun. We finally managed to get back home and then I fell asleep!
My parents came out and wanted us to go to dinner. I sent everyone on their merry way and slept my buzz off. I'm so bored right now. It's 8:30 and I'm bored out of my mind. I just may call and invite Nick or Andrew or Zac or Dash or whoever the fuck I want over!!! Nah, I'm not. That would be too much work & maintence and i'm lounging in my pajama jammy jams with a severe case of cabin fever.
Ya know...The sound of the rain is great background music to lots of lovemaking!!!!
I just realized, I'm lonely. Damn.
I'm sad.
Nick is so hot. Thats all I'm going to say about that. I like. A lot.
Faith had to cancel plans yet again. Her husband is so pyschotic. He asked her yesterday how it would feel if she never woke up!!! How the hell is she supposed to know? Clearly the guy is phucking nuts.
I stayed home lastnight. I didn't do jack. We ordered Chinese and cheesecake and stayed in & watched dvds. I ended up falling asleep early. Becca woke me up @ 7 this morning to go with her to her friend Shelly's house to get ready for an open house there. She's selling her home for $500,000. It's nice but I'm not interested.
We looked @ her pictures and talked shit about everyone from our old high school! The lesbian Cheney girl, the whores, etc... We broke out the cheap White Zinfindel and started drinking and talking drama. Then we got into the Bourbon and I had to quit! That she is too much for me. We started to get tipsy so we decided Shelly needed pumpkins! We went to this Orchard and got pumpkins and mums. She decided that she wanted to buy flowers and pumpkins for her friend Andy. I had to stop her. Purple mums = a fag. Yellow mums is okay!!! We had a lot of fun in the apple orchard picking Apples too :) Then we went to the Apple Valley Bakery which made the Washingtonian magazine and had the best Coffee cake and Sumatra coffee. It was a lot of fun. We finally managed to get back home and then I fell asleep!
My parents came out and wanted us to go to dinner. I sent everyone on their merry way and slept my buzz off. I'm so bored right now. It's 8:30 and I'm bored out of my mind. I just may call and invite Nick or Andrew or Zac or Dash or whoever the fuck I want over!!! Nah, I'm not. That would be too much work & maintence and i'm lounging in my pajama jammy jams with a severe case of cabin fever.
Ya know...The sound of the rain is great background music to lots of lovemaking!!!!
I just realized, I'm lonely. Damn.
I'm sad.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
My own pity party
I'm still sick. I don't feel well @ all. I should see the dr. Dr Drew thinks I have the avaian flu...just kidding. Yikes! I shouldn't say that. It's far from funny. I'm scared of that shit.
Taylor Behl's body was found in Mathews County near the Cheasepeake behind a barn in a shallow grave. Turns out they found the farm through a photograph that the satanic fucking bastard took of the place. The odor was overwhelming and the FBI knew that her body was there as soon as they arrived--All of that from FOX news. I can't even wrap my mind around a punishment that would probably be harsh enough for this pyschopath.
Speaking of which Becca may be dealing with one. Mr. Baker. She's met him twice @ work. He told her that shes the only woman besides his wife that he has ever looked @ in a loving way. He told her that she was too beautiful and it kills him to look @ her. She is scared. Her boss told her that Mr. Baker was a strange man and he assured her that it would never happen again. I've always said we were loser magnets.
Holy shit! PYSCHO MAN AGAIN! Tuesday evening Becca, Emma & I were having dinner @ this restaraunt 30 mins from my house. This weirdo was sitting 4 tables behind Becca and 4 tables in front of me....The restaurant wasn't overfilled. About 5-10 other people in the dining room along with us. WEIRDO started talking aloud to the waitress wanting to know what was the ingrediants in his meal!! DUMB. He was telling her how great it was and he loved it, blah blah blah. Because he was talking so loud Emma turned around and was staring @ him because he was stupid! And out of nowhere, really loud--PEEK A BOO! PEEK A BOO!! PEEK A BOO!!! So loud and retarded. Emma looked at us as if asking WTF is that?! PEEK A BOO! PEEK A BOO PEEK A BOO!! Becca & I just started laughing because we have never seen someone do that to strangers in a restaurant in front other guests!!! We found it funny. At first. Then he wouldn't stop. It was annoying the other guests too. After about 20 mins of PEEK A BOO Emma started ignoring him and she probably sensed he was a weirdo. The hostess seated a couple in front of me, behind Becca to break up the one man game of PEEK A BOO. He said to the couple-ver betam-"I may have to ask you to find another table because me and the lady (he was referring to Emma) are having a game of Peek A Boo. And I heard on the radio that if you play you will stay young and I'm playing Peek A Boo". We couldn't believe our ears!!! So we got the check and the Manager came over and told us that he was going to pay for our check because he knew that the guest was bothering us and we really didn't have a nice dinner as nobody finished their meals or drinks! Nice gesture. Then WEIRDO asked for his check and the manager followed us to the door and waited outside as we left the parking lot. WEIRDO followed us to Barnes & Noble!!! We told the mall security and they said they'll keep an eye out on him. We wanted to leave so the B & N loss prevention guy said that he was in the Children's section sitting on the train and they were going to watch the weird bastard. I'm wondering why is it us that always come in contact with the weird mohuckers? Why are we magnets?
Becca & I agreed that he was definetly a child molester. He was so sick. His teeth were yellow. He never brushed them and he was wearing thick black glasses from the 60's. Horrible looking fat guy. Spooky. I couldn't sleep much after that.
Emma shopping with us :)

She's thinking "I make these look good"
Showing me what she thinks of the destressed jeans @ Express:


She's so smart :) She's such a girly girl. She bought a black leather handbag with faux fur on it, she's becoming her own woman!!!
Taylor Behl's body was found in Mathews County near the Cheasepeake behind a barn in a shallow grave. Turns out they found the farm through a photograph that the satanic fucking bastard took of the place. The odor was overwhelming and the FBI knew that her body was there as soon as they arrived--All of that from FOX news. I can't even wrap my mind around a punishment that would probably be harsh enough for this pyschopath.
Speaking of which Becca may be dealing with one. Mr. Baker. She's met him twice @ work. He told her that shes the only woman besides his wife that he has ever looked @ in a loving way. He told her that she was too beautiful and it kills him to look @ her. She is scared. Her boss told her that Mr. Baker was a strange man and he assured her that it would never happen again. I've always said we were loser magnets.
Holy shit! PYSCHO MAN AGAIN! Tuesday evening Becca, Emma & I were having dinner @ this restaraunt 30 mins from my house. This weirdo was sitting 4 tables behind Becca and 4 tables in front of me....The restaurant wasn't overfilled. About 5-10 other people in the dining room along with us. WEIRDO started talking aloud to the waitress wanting to know what was the ingrediants in his meal!! DUMB. He was telling her how great it was and he loved it, blah blah blah. Because he was talking so loud Emma turned around and was staring @ him because he was stupid! And out of nowhere, really loud--PEEK A BOO! PEEK A BOO!! PEEK A BOO!!! So loud and retarded. Emma looked at us as if asking WTF is that?! PEEK A BOO! PEEK A BOO PEEK A BOO!! Becca & I just started laughing because we have never seen someone do that to strangers in a restaurant in front other guests!!! We found it funny. At first. Then he wouldn't stop. It was annoying the other guests too. After about 20 mins of PEEK A BOO Emma started ignoring him and she probably sensed he was a weirdo. The hostess seated a couple in front of me, behind Becca to break up the one man game of PEEK A BOO. He said to the couple-ver betam-"I may have to ask you to find another table because me and the lady (he was referring to Emma) are having a game of Peek A Boo. And I heard on the radio that if you play you will stay young and I'm playing Peek A Boo". We couldn't believe our ears!!! So we got the check and the Manager came over and told us that he was going to pay for our check because he knew that the guest was bothering us and we really didn't have a nice dinner as nobody finished their meals or drinks! Nice gesture. Then WEIRDO asked for his check and the manager followed us to the door and waited outside as we left the parking lot. WEIRDO followed us to Barnes & Noble!!! We told the mall security and they said they'll keep an eye out on him. We wanted to leave so the B & N loss prevention guy said that he was in the Children's section sitting on the train and they were going to watch the weird bastard. I'm wondering why is it us that always come in contact with the weird mohuckers? Why are we magnets?
Becca & I agreed that he was definetly a child molester. He was so sick. His teeth were yellow. He never brushed them and he was wearing thick black glasses from the 60's. Horrible looking fat guy. Spooky. I couldn't sleep much after that.
Emma shopping with us :)

She's thinking "I make these look good"
Showing me what she thinks of the destressed jeans @ Express:


She's so smart :) She's such a girly girl. She bought a black leather handbag with faux fur on it, she's becoming her own woman!!!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
From Dash: So special.....I feel like you are a unique person Amaya...is that true? I mean I've never seen anyone so self-possessed and strong...and sensually attractive.
I think he's hitting on me ;)
Honestly, he sees me. He's hot. He just may get it :)
I think he's hitting on me ;)
Honestly, he sees me. He's hot. He just may get it :)
I'm sick. I have a cold that will not go away. I haven't felt well in days. I'm still working though. Such a trooper :)
Dad has to have surgery. I just learned that this a.m. Thats a big shocker.
I have lots of work to do but don't feel like doing it.
Dad has to have surgery. I just learned that this a.m. Thats a big shocker.
I have lots of work to do but don't feel like doing it.
Monday, October 03, 2005
It's Monday night and I'm sick with a cold. So much has happened within the past 72 hours I figured I should share it...
1. Adam called me on Sunday just to tell me that he misses me & can't help but think of me when he should be concentrating on "Heather"! Thats his fiancee. They're supposed to get married July 3, 2006. He wants to see me soon. I havent seen him since Roderick died nearly a year ago. He's still the best of the best.
2. Brokeass Mike got married & moved to Seattle! How retarded is that? He always wanted us to do that. I could never. He's such a party boy it's disgusting. She isn't ugly either. Her name is Marci. I'm sure they're having fun, but will it last. He's a committment phobe! I can't believe he got rid of Pyscho Britney. Whatever the case may be, I know he reads this so I wish him all the best. Oh p.s. He's unemployed!!!
3. Married Mike found out that his wife is cheating on him with an older man who probably has more money than he has. Shame. Karma is a bitch.
4. Kenny got a job promotion and moved into a hot place on the beach!!! He's doing so well. I'm probably most proudest of him. He is my baby. <3 my Kenny. Can't wait to see him in NYC.
5. Dr. Chang is currently dating other girls. Ashley a fashion student, 21 & Alissa a dentist, 25 He's doing well too.
6. Grant is so sweet too. He's no longer the master of his domain!!!
7. Charles just broke up with the girlfriend. He failed to mention he had one.
8. Andrew the eyeglass wearing hottie will be here on the 7th. MMmmm.
9. Faith is having problems in her marriage still. She won't leave the fucking bastard. He's making her crazy.
10. Trish had surgery and is doing well.
11. Haven & Becca is doing well.
12. I'm sick. Because of the weather change I have a sore throat & earache!
13. Dash is producing a commercial in Baltimore and wants to hang out. He just wants sex.
14. Can't wait to see Mark & Pierre this weekend. Soooooooooooo hot!
15. Work is good. I'm becoming shy. I get embarrassed easily. Long story.
Take care everybody & email me :)
I won't be updating my journal much during the month of October it's a busy work month for me!
Road trip Nov. 2nd :) Can't hardly wait!!!
Muah Muah Muah!!!
PS--T, I hope you don't mind that I lied to Eric about you & me doing the nasty. I had to hurt him some way!!!
1. Adam called me on Sunday just to tell me that he misses me & can't help but think of me when he should be concentrating on "Heather"! Thats his fiancee. They're supposed to get married July 3, 2006. He wants to see me soon. I havent seen him since Roderick died nearly a year ago. He's still the best of the best.
2. Brokeass Mike got married & moved to Seattle! How retarded is that? He always wanted us to do that. I could never. He's such a party boy it's disgusting. She isn't ugly either. Her name is Marci. I'm sure they're having fun, but will it last. He's a committment phobe! I can't believe he got rid of Pyscho Britney. Whatever the case may be, I know he reads this so I wish him all the best. Oh p.s. He's unemployed!!!
3. Married Mike found out that his wife is cheating on him with an older man who probably has more money than he has. Shame. Karma is a bitch.
4. Kenny got a job promotion and moved into a hot place on the beach!!! He's doing so well. I'm probably most proudest of him. He is my baby. <3 my Kenny. Can't wait to see him in NYC.
5. Dr. Chang is currently dating other girls. Ashley a fashion student, 21 & Alissa a dentist, 25 He's doing well too.
6. Grant is so sweet too. He's no longer the master of his domain!!!
7. Charles just broke up with the girlfriend. He failed to mention he had one.
8. Andrew the eyeglass wearing hottie will be here on the 7th. MMmmm.
9. Faith is having problems in her marriage still. She won't leave the fucking bastard. He's making her crazy.
10. Trish had surgery and is doing well.
11. Haven & Becca is doing well.
12. I'm sick. Because of the weather change I have a sore throat & earache!
13. Dash is producing a commercial in Baltimore and wants to hang out. He just wants sex.
14. Can't wait to see Mark & Pierre this weekend. Soooooooooooo hot!
15. Work is good. I'm becoming shy. I get embarrassed easily. Long story.
Take care everybody & email me :)
I won't be updating my journal much during the month of October it's a busy work month for me!
Road trip Nov. 2nd :) Can't hardly wait!!!
Muah Muah Muah!!!
PS--T, I hope you don't mind that I lied to Eric about you & me doing the nasty. I had to hurt him some way!!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Weirdest thing!
So I met Zac yesterday... Zac is 28, brown hair, blue eyes, great looking guy. We didn't talk that much because of the circumstances--I'll explain that another time. Seems like he would be a lot of fun. I didn't give him my phone number though.
Nick is 25. Nick is Italian. Nick is goregous. Nick has a lot of girls! He got my phone number about 2 weeks ago, he's from Bethesda. We haven't been able to hang out because our schedules conflict. He's leaving town tommorrow for a bachelor party.
I recieved an email from Nick yesterday! He wanted to let me know that ZAC was his boy!!! How freaking crazy is that?!
Just Amaya's luck! And I know the golden rule--BROS BEFORE HOS & Chicks before dicks!!!
Nick is really anxious to hang out now though...I have to admit, this is all pretty petty but I can't wait to see how this all turns out :)
I have a date tommorrow night--can't wait!
Nick is 25. Nick is Italian. Nick is goregous. Nick has a lot of girls! He got my phone number about 2 weeks ago, he's from Bethesda. We haven't been able to hang out because our schedules conflict. He's leaving town tommorrow for a bachelor party.
I recieved an email from Nick yesterday! He wanted to let me know that ZAC was his boy!!! How freaking crazy is that?!
Just Amaya's luck! And I know the golden rule--BROS BEFORE HOS & Chicks before dicks!!!
Nick is really anxious to hang out now though...I have to admit, this is all pretty petty but I can't wait to see how this all turns out :)
I have a date tommorrow night--can't wait!
Monday, September 26, 2005
What a weekend!
My week started off very boring, the typical weekday shit--catching up on all the weeks shit, dinners @ home, watching dvds....drinking a glass of wine before bed, painting my toes, the norm. Friday evening I was back in Chicago to spend the weekend with Eric. I love this guy! He picked me up @ O'hare and we went back to his place. We both agreed that our painting was beautiful. He wants to keep it over his bed because 'his goddess of lovemaking' painted it with him.
So he made me a cosmo and we sat on the rooftop just catching up and it felt like forever since I had seen him. Being with him and smelling his skin and feeling his embrace felt like home to me. He couldn't keep his hands off of me. He couldn't get enough of me!!! He took my martini and poured some on my tit and teasingly licked it off. Our clothes were off in seconds after that and we were fucking the only way we know how--fast, rough, and hard on his rooftop. All the noise from the windy city made it even that much better.
Saturday was awesome. we went to brunch then on to Michigan Avenue for shopping. He & picked out the perfect "fuck me" shoes. I'm stoked about them. Strappy, black and 4 inch heels!
So Nick called and his ass wanted to party. And thats exactly what we did! We went downtown to the Goldcoast. Along the way we stopped by Moda & Level for drinks. Chicago guys love a southern girl! I guess thats why I always stick with the Windy City boys. After several cocktails, Eric and I hailed a cab and we were practically fucking in the cab. We got to his front door sans my thongs and I think he ruined the zipper on my new dress trying to rip it off of me. The man practically broke me in two! He's an animal in bed and pulling his hair only made him fuck me harder!!!
It was a great weekend and after having sex @ Ohare 2 times before my flight we vowed that next time wouldn't be so far away.
Eric, thanks for a fun weekend. Thanks for the shopping, the hospitality and most of all, thanks for the Orgasms!
See you soon!
So he made me a cosmo and we sat on the rooftop just catching up and it felt like forever since I had seen him. Being with him and smelling his skin and feeling his embrace felt like home to me. He couldn't keep his hands off of me. He couldn't get enough of me!!! He took my martini and poured some on my tit and teasingly licked it off. Our clothes were off in seconds after that and we were fucking the only way we know how--fast, rough, and hard on his rooftop. All the noise from the windy city made it even that much better.
Saturday was awesome. we went to brunch then on to Michigan Avenue for shopping. He & picked out the perfect "fuck me" shoes. I'm stoked about them. Strappy, black and 4 inch heels!
So Nick called and his ass wanted to party. And thats exactly what we did! We went downtown to the Goldcoast. Along the way we stopped by Moda & Level for drinks. Chicago guys love a southern girl! I guess thats why I always stick with the Windy City boys. After several cocktails, Eric and I hailed a cab and we were practically fucking in the cab. We got to his front door sans my thongs and I think he ruined the zipper on my new dress trying to rip it off of me. The man practically broke me in two! He's an animal in bed and pulling his hair only made him fuck me harder!!!
It was a great weekend and after having sex @ Ohare 2 times before my flight we vowed that next time wouldn't be so far away.
Eric, thanks for a fun weekend. Thanks for the shopping, the hospitality and most of all, thanks for the Orgasms!
See you soon!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Me? A Bitch?
I haven't really been myself in over 3 weeks. I've been feeling really shitty lately about myself and my karma hasn't really been good to me. It all came to a head on Wednesday. And part of me is glad that now I have closure. "It's" over and done. I must say I did finally attempt to be a friend. I put effort forth, can you believe that?! As crazy as that is, it's true!!!
He made me feel like shit. And a lot of what he said made sense to me and that is why I have been feeling so down. A lot of my friends have noticed and have even told me that I need to just get laid to release all of the pent up anger. It's not like the oppourtunities aren't there, it's just I know that being a whore is not the way to make oneself feel better. I don't need more to regret in the morning, ya know.
My friends have been so good to me. Brandy & Davy sent me flowers just to make me smile. Becca gave me a massage. T, who is always there for me lended an ear and allowed me to just bitch and cry uncontrollably while he was working!!! Trish picked up my dry cleaning, Haven spent the night with me and slept with me in my bed and comforted me, Grandma made a peanut butter pie and drizzled "Amaya" on top the whip cream in chocolate syrup, it got so bad that Kenny even said "If this is the new Amaya--It's unattractive and I don't like it!" I called him sensetive since he couldn't deal with my hard side. It's just not me. I'm the sweetest of the sweet, right?!
So Wednesday after I said what I had to say and so did he, I told him to fuck himself. I felt so much better. Its what I needed. I didn't want to go home so I kept driving. I drove to the so beautiful Shenandoah National Park, Skyland drive and I sat at the Stony Man Overlook and just kept crying and crying and breathing and reminding myself of what my Mother has always told me, everything happens for a reason. As the sun was setting I told myself that the day is over and it has been a horrible one, but tommorrow is a new day and I have a chance to make it a better one. As the sun went down so did all of the memories and dreams and things that went undone. I deleted all the numbers that I had for him, his mothers numbers, his office...It all went down with the sun on Wednesday. I knew it was what was best for us. This was killing the both of us. The atmosphere was so beautiful. The leaves are turning colors from a dull green to a bright red, orange and gold and it gave me hope because now the leaves will change and so will I. I won't be dwelling on what could have been anymore. And just like the leaves my future is looking brighter and colorful. As I took my time driving from the Park, I saw a bear crossing the road with a doe and her fawn and I thought if a bear can live in the same mtn with two of the most innocent of creatures than I can too. (Don't try to read into that too much) After blasting Jeff Buckley's "Hallejuah" and crying to "I've been here before, I've seen this room and I've walked this floor. I used to live alone before I knew ya and I've seen your flag on the marble arch and love is not a victory march, It's a cold and it's a broken Hallejuah". I cried until I came to the nearest department store where I bought a purse for next to nothing and and bought Britney Spears Fantasy purfume...it made me feel better. The song has always helped me get over a lot of shit in my past even moving from school into the real world....
Wednesday was good for me.
He made me feel like shit. And a lot of what he said made sense to me and that is why I have been feeling so down. A lot of my friends have noticed and have even told me that I need to just get laid to release all of the pent up anger. It's not like the oppourtunities aren't there, it's just I know that being a whore is not the way to make oneself feel better. I don't need more to regret in the morning, ya know.
My friends have been so good to me. Brandy & Davy sent me flowers just to make me smile. Becca gave me a massage. T, who is always there for me lended an ear and allowed me to just bitch and cry uncontrollably while he was working!!! Trish picked up my dry cleaning, Haven spent the night with me and slept with me in my bed and comforted me, Grandma made a peanut butter pie and drizzled "Amaya" on top the whip cream in chocolate syrup, it got so bad that Kenny even said "If this is the new Amaya--It's unattractive and I don't like it!" I called him sensetive since he couldn't deal with my hard side. It's just not me. I'm the sweetest of the sweet, right?!
So Wednesday after I said what I had to say and so did he, I told him to fuck himself. I felt so much better. Its what I needed. I didn't want to go home so I kept driving. I drove to the so beautiful Shenandoah National Park, Skyland drive and I sat at the Stony Man Overlook and just kept crying and crying and breathing and reminding myself of what my Mother has always told me, everything happens for a reason. As the sun was setting I told myself that the day is over and it has been a horrible one, but tommorrow is a new day and I have a chance to make it a better one. As the sun went down so did all of the memories and dreams and things that went undone. I deleted all the numbers that I had for him, his mothers numbers, his office...It all went down with the sun on Wednesday. I knew it was what was best for us. This was killing the both of us. The atmosphere was so beautiful. The leaves are turning colors from a dull green to a bright red, orange and gold and it gave me hope because now the leaves will change and so will I. I won't be dwelling on what could have been anymore. And just like the leaves my future is looking brighter and colorful. As I took my time driving from the Park, I saw a bear crossing the road with a doe and her fawn and I thought if a bear can live in the same mtn with two of the most innocent of creatures than I can too. (Don't try to read into that too much) After blasting Jeff Buckley's "Hallejuah" and crying to "I've been here before, I've seen this room and I've walked this floor. I used to live alone before I knew ya and I've seen your flag on the marble arch and love is not a victory march, It's a cold and it's a broken Hallejuah". I cried until I came to the nearest department store where I bought a purse for next to nothing and and bought Britney Spears Fantasy purfume...it made me feel better. The song has always helped me get over a lot of shit in my past even moving from school into the real world....
Wednesday was good for me.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Off the record
1. How old are you/male or female? 26 Female
2. How many people have you slept with? I can't count that high!
3. Lost virginity at what age? 15
4. How many blow jobs/oral sex have you given? Two
6. How many one nightstands? Three is the magic number!
7. Ever banged your friend’s significant other? no -- I do have some morals
8. Ever cheated? yep
9. How often do you masturbate? 5-7 times a week
10. What do you masturbate to? Improving on the great sex I have had or imagined
11. Most forbidden person you wanted to bang? An ex
12. Ever had a gay/lesbian experience? I'm pleading the fifth.
13. Like the taste of pussy? On my fingers?!
14. Like the taste of cum? A lot.
15. Use toys? Do veggies count?
16. Ever masturbated at work? Yes
17. Craziest place you've had sex? Golf course by the 18th
18. Like anal? Only on boring Mondays
19. Foot fetish? Negative, ghostrider!
20. Weirdest thing you have masturbated with? my tray table on a plane
21. Met anyone off Craig’s List and had sex the first night? Yes and No
22. How many porn’s do you have? Zippy
23. Faked an orgasm? unfortunately, yes
24. Favorite position? Me on top makes me scream the most!
25. Ever paid for sex? Not with money, but someway, somehow I had to pay.
26. Ever had sex in a club? Entre Nous with Jason A.
27. How many is too many? It's never enough.
28. Ever had group sex? not yet
30. Ever had cyber sex? Not my forte.
31. Phone sex? Once during a long distance relationship, and again on a weird fling.
32. Dirtiest fantasy? As a teacher, fucking a 17 year old male virgin and liking it! ONLY a FANTASY!
33. Ever taped yourself? Uh huh
34. Taken dirty pictures? Yes.
35. Ever had sex with someone and didn’t know his or her name? I do have standards.
36. Ever had sex with anyone famous? Yes and infamous.
37. Feel like masturbating now? yes -- I'm awake aren't I??
38. Fucked a co-worker? Client, does that ciunt?
39. Used someone? No more than they used me...I'm a pleaser NOT a user
40. Consider fucking someone who writes you as a result of this poll? Depends on how good a sense of humor he has...afterall there is MORE to hanging out than just sex...hehe
*Morning Runs
*Hour long showers
*Paris Hilton Purfume
*Cute Shoes
*Chai Tea with Whipped cream and shaved ice
*Poison's Life Goes On playing on and on
*Running late for work....
All make for a great day!
See ya on the Course!!!
*Hour long showers
*Paris Hilton Purfume
*Cute Shoes
*Chai Tea with Whipped cream and shaved ice
*Poison's Life Goes On playing on and on
*Running late for work....
All make for a great day!
See ya on the Course!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Blocftober Fest!! in Arlington This Saturday.. whos going????????????? lets do it up!! :)
Saturday, September 17, 2005
A Wonderful Event!
I was cordially invited to my friend David's outdoor, afternoon wedding. It was better than I expected. The fall color scheme against the white resin folding chairs turned out well. The wedding party's attire was very nice. The bridesmaids each wore an entire different color. It all worked out well together. I wasn't expecting it to, but it did!
The emotional, yet classic ceremony was short, but it was nice. I did buy the Purple Bebe dress this morning afterall. I was absolutely sure of it. The white number was a bit Las Vegas showgirl'ish and I felt that white would be too much for me to wear. Afterall I wouldn't want to show up the bride!
My stylist put my hair in Chignon after seeing my dress. He thought that the neckline and the classic cut of the deep purple dress needed to be exposed. I didn't feel that my Tiffany earrings were good enough for the wedding. They were probably too much! So my stylist went with me to a boutique and he helped dress me. I've decided that I love having someone who knows fashion and is setting trends everyday helping me get dressed for such big events. I told him that he's going to be my own bitch and he's going to come work for me! It would never happen, but a girl can dream, can't she!!!
My handsome date, Michael looked very sharp in his H. Boss. He's got the arms of an Olympic God. The guy is not only handsome, he's super nice. He was complimenting me the entire night. You know me, I love that shit!!
As we were dancing he kept giving me soft butterfly kisses on my neck and I loved the feeling of him breathing on him. 'JUST BREATH'! After the Champagne toast, which I had 2 glasses before because I was meeting his family in a not so formal way...It isn't like we're dating, but I was still nervous. His father was just as charming and has the same dazzling blue eyes. He asked for a dance and of course I accepted. How could I possibly turn down his father?! He was a real gentlemen, didn't try to touch me in akward places....and knew how to lead! He dipped really well for a man his age!
Later as I was sitting on Michaels lap because I caught the stupid bouquet that I didn't even want to participate in, Michael caught the ever so trashy garter! The photographer insisted on a picture and just as he took the picture, Michael tickled me and my natural reaction was to bend over and the lousy photographer got a shot of me bending over exsposing my tomboyish boobs!!! Suprisingly the picture turned out nice, his brother Jason took the digital shot at the same time...I asked for a copy. I must admit, I don't think I have ever smiled so much in a long time.
The evening was great. I had a wonderful time. The dinner, the music, the wine, the entire wedding was great. I had fun.
And...I was shocked to learn that the bride never gave up the POOTIE! She was still a virgin! How nice, right?! What a real gift!
I had to call it a night earlier than expected because I have to judge a beauty pageant tommorrow.
Cinderella must sleep!
The emotional, yet classic ceremony was short, but it was nice. I did buy the Purple Bebe dress this morning afterall. I was absolutely sure of it. The white number was a bit Las Vegas showgirl'ish and I felt that white would be too much for me to wear. Afterall I wouldn't want to show up the bride!
My stylist put my hair in Chignon after seeing my dress. He thought that the neckline and the classic cut of the deep purple dress needed to be exposed. I didn't feel that my Tiffany earrings were good enough for the wedding. They were probably too much! So my stylist went with me to a boutique and he helped dress me. I've decided that I love having someone who knows fashion and is setting trends everyday helping me get dressed for such big events. I told him that he's going to be my own bitch and he's going to come work for me! It would never happen, but a girl can dream, can't she!!!
My handsome date, Michael looked very sharp in his H. Boss. He's got the arms of an Olympic God. The guy is not only handsome, he's super nice. He was complimenting me the entire night. You know me, I love that shit!!
As we were dancing he kept giving me soft butterfly kisses on my neck and I loved the feeling of him breathing on him. 'JUST BREATH'! After the Champagne toast, which I had 2 glasses before because I was meeting his family in a not so formal way...It isn't like we're dating, but I was still nervous. His father was just as charming and has the same dazzling blue eyes. He asked for a dance and of course I accepted. How could I possibly turn down his father?! He was a real gentlemen, didn't try to touch me in akward places....and knew how to lead! He dipped really well for a man his age!
Later as I was sitting on Michaels lap because I caught the stupid bouquet that I didn't even want to participate in, Michael caught the ever so trashy garter! The photographer insisted on a picture and just as he took the picture, Michael tickled me and my natural reaction was to bend over and the lousy photographer got a shot of me bending over exsposing my tomboyish boobs!!! Suprisingly the picture turned out nice, his brother Jason took the digital shot at the same time...I asked for a copy. I must admit, I don't think I have ever smiled so much in a long time.
The evening was great. I had a wonderful time. The dinner, the music, the wine, the entire wedding was great. I had fun.
And...I was shocked to learn that the bride never gave up the POOTIE! She was still a virgin! How nice, right?! What a real gift!
I had to call it a night earlier than expected because I have to judge a beauty pageant tommorrow.
Cinderella must sleep!
Being a fashionista...
Is a lot of damn trouble! I woke up not 100% sure of my dress....This is what I was wearing...with diamond strapped mile-high stillettos that even wrap the calve.
But then...I wasn't sure I wanted to wear that....It's super cute and I got a great deal on it....So I've been looking @ Bebe and I saw this cute purple number. It's more conservative, but I think I like it! My hair would be completely different...I would wear it all down with my Tiffany earrings.....It's so hard being in love with fashion!
Here it is: http://www.bebe.com/Main/detailImage.jsp?src=http://a116.g.akamai.net/7/116/9613/infinite/www.bebe.com/media/Images/Products/92450-syr-l_7c8b1.jpg
It's too late to vote!
I woke up early for my morning run and there is something alluringly sexy about sweat & morning dew between your tits at 7:30 a.m!
I have a mani/pedi appt @ 9....I got to jet.
My date is Michael...young, 24 yr oldf friend...he's actually in the wedding, it's his brothers wedding!
Have a great day my Fashion whores and Metrosexuals!!!

But then...I wasn't sure I wanted to wear that....It's super cute and I got a great deal on it....So I've been looking @ Bebe and I saw this cute purple number. It's more conservative, but I think I like it! My hair would be completely different...I would wear it all down with my Tiffany earrings.....It's so hard being in love with fashion!
Here it is: http://www.bebe.com/Main/detailImage.jsp?src=http://a116.g.akamai.net/7/116/9613/infinite/www.bebe.com/media/Images/Products/92450-syr-l_7c8b1.jpg
It's too late to vote!
I woke up early for my morning run and there is something alluringly sexy about sweat & morning dew between your tits at 7:30 a.m!
I have a mani/pedi appt @ 9....I got to jet.
My date is Michael...young, 24 yr oldf friend...he's actually in the wedding, it's his brothers wedding!
Have a great day my Fashion whores and Metrosexuals!!!
Monday, September 12, 2005
News: My girl Katie is out in Louisana helping out with the relief efforts. Isn't that sweet?
I tried to get the good dr. to head down there...he doesn't want to. Pampered bitch!
Calendar for September:
Wedding on the 17th
Baby shower on the 18th, Judging a beauty pageant on the 18th
A visit to Martha's Vineyard 23rd
A weekend in Vegas with T :)
Baby Shower
Work, WORK, W O R K
Road trip with Becca, Haven, Trish, & Faith!
If you want us to make a stop in your area email either one of us and let us know--It's ON!!!
I fell in love with an Aussie today :) His accent made me wet.
I can't get what my friend Catherine said to me on Saturday night at Sean's party
We were discussing her having sex with the new flavor of the month. She said "I was too much for him. He told me that I was killing him. And Maya I was on my period a bit". Me to Cat--"That only makes the sex better". And how true is that?!!! OHHHHHHHHHHH VERY!
Speaking of which, I'm so horny! Time to rub one out ;)
I start running tonight...wish me luck!!!! It's been an entire season since I last excercised. No worries I'll be back to good in no time at all.
I tried to get the good dr. to head down there...he doesn't want to. Pampered bitch!
Calendar for September:
Wedding on the 17th
Baby shower on the 18th, Judging a beauty pageant on the 18th
A visit to Martha's Vineyard 23rd
A weekend in Vegas with T :)
Baby Shower
Work, WORK, W O R K
Road trip with Becca, Haven, Trish, & Faith!
If you want us to make a stop in your area email either one of us and let us know--It's ON!!!
I fell in love with an Aussie today :) His accent made me wet.
I can't get what my friend Catherine said to me on Saturday night at Sean's party
We were discussing her having sex with the new flavor of the month. She said "I was too much for him. He told me that I was killing him. And Maya I was on my period a bit". Me to Cat--"That only makes the sex better". And how true is that?!!! OHHHHHHHHHHH VERY!
Speaking of which, I'm so horny! Time to rub one out ;)
I start running tonight...wish me luck!!!! It's been an entire season since I last excercised. No worries I'll be back to good in no time at all.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
This is for you
"I Don't Know You Anymore"
I would like to visit you for a while
Get away and out of this city
Maybe I shouldn't have called but someone had to be the first to break
We can go sit on your back porch
Relax Talk about anything
It don't matterI'll be courageous if you can pretend that you've forgiven me
Because I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from the pain
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
Spring time in the city
Always such relief from the winter freeze
The snow was more lonely than cold
If you know what I mean
Everyone's got an agenda, don't stop
Keep that chin up, you'll be all right
Can you believe what a year it's been
Are you still the same?
Has your opinion changed?'
Cause I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from these sentences
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
I know I let you down
Again and again
I know I never really treated you right
I've paid the price
I'm still paying for it every day
So maybe I shouldn't have called
Was it too soon to tell?
Oh what the hell
It doesn't really matter
How do you redefine something that never really had a name?
Has your opinion changed?
Because I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from the pain
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
I see your face.
I would like to visit you for a while
Get away and out of this city
Maybe I shouldn't have called but someone had to be the first to break
We can go sit on your back porch
Relax Talk about anything
It don't matterI'll be courageous if you can pretend that you've forgiven me
Because I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from the pain
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
Spring time in the city
Always such relief from the winter freeze
The snow was more lonely than cold
If you know what I mean
Everyone's got an agenda, don't stop
Keep that chin up, you'll be all right
Can you believe what a year it's been
Are you still the same?
Has your opinion changed?'
Cause I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from these sentences
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
I know I let you down
Again and again
I know I never really treated you right
I've paid the price
I'm still paying for it every day
So maybe I shouldn't have called
Was it too soon to tell?
Oh what the hell
It doesn't really matter
How do you redefine something that never really had a name?
Has your opinion changed?
Because I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from the pain
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
I see your face.
The Meaning Behind Your Name
I found this to be accurate:
Very intelligent, broadminded and a good listener. You are an ideas person, with a wonderful creative imagination who is always seeking practical applications to apply this to. Your intelligence means that you have great potential for business success if you can apply some discipline and caution. You enjoy sensual pleasures and with a natural restless nature and liking for adventure life is rarely dull with you around.
Very intelligent, broadminded and a good listener. You are an ideas person, with a wonderful creative imagination who is always seeking practical applications to apply this to. Your intelligence means that you have great potential for business success if you can apply some discipline and caution. You enjoy sensual pleasures and with a natural restless nature and liking for adventure life is rarely dull with you around.
The Make-out Bandit Strikes Again!
We started drinking and BBQ for Shawn's birthday @ 5pm. I was playing bartender and I can make a mean Pina Coloda...spelling is off but who gives a shit.
I'm tired and I'm sleepy and I am going to bed. But first I have to tell ya that Mikc, my boy, my friend who goes shopping with me all the tiime...he kept hanging out with me all evening so I had to lay it on him....I'm so bad.
The doctor wants to take me to Martha's Vineyard in 2 weeks...it's on baby!!! He's cool.
I pushed Michelle down tonight...she was being stupid and everyone knows I don't tolerate stupidity...I know my behaviour was sophomoric, but I can only take so much her trying to tell me to not drink.
Noah told me that he wants to have babies...I told him that surgery is going to cost him lots and I could recommend a good Dr!!!
Kenny--I didn't get back to you the other night because I was busy shopping with my girls and you know how we do! Trish told the Manager in Victoria's Secret that I was shopping for Angelina Jolie & I was her stylist and she told her that we wanted to shop without anyone in the store...would you believe those idiots believed that slut?!!! That has to be the funniest shit that she's pulled in a long time. We did some damage...I tried to explained to Trish that Angelina Jolie is not one to wear much lingerie...I could be wrong!!!
I'm feeling like I'm going upchuck again...I shouldn't mix Coconut rum with Beer...
It's midnight...I'm going to bed!!!
I'm tired and I'm sleepy and I am going to bed. But first I have to tell ya that Mikc, my boy, my friend who goes shopping with me all the tiime...he kept hanging out with me all evening so I had to lay it on him....I'm so bad.
The doctor wants to take me to Martha's Vineyard in 2 weeks...it's on baby!!! He's cool.
I pushed Michelle down tonight...she was being stupid and everyone knows I don't tolerate stupidity...I know my behaviour was sophomoric, but I can only take so much her trying to tell me to not drink.
Noah told me that he wants to have babies...I told him that surgery is going to cost him lots and I could recommend a good Dr!!!
Kenny--I didn't get back to you the other night because I was busy shopping with my girls and you know how we do! Trish told the Manager in Victoria's Secret that I was shopping for Angelina Jolie & I was her stylist and she told her that we wanted to shop without anyone in the store...would you believe those idiots believed that slut?!!! That has to be the funniest shit that she's pulled in a long time. We did some damage...I tried to explained to Trish that Angelina Jolie is not one to wear much lingerie...I could be wrong!!!
I'm feeling like I'm going upchuck again...I shouldn't mix Coconut rum with Beer...
It's midnight...I'm going to bed!!!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Catching Up
My new computer is awesome...love the laptop. Sooooooooo nice.
Me & My girls are headed out to my alumni meeting for cocktails and dinner. It will be lots of fun. Sorority sistas! Hey Sista, go lista, let me see ya flow sista! Always a cheerleader, I am
Grant is helping me plan my party....Yep thats right...I'm having a Luau! I'm getting everything together as you read this. If you're reading this, this means that you're probably invited.
Oh and T---Eric called my cell, we talked for 56 mins!!!
Me & My girls are headed out to my alumni meeting for cocktails and dinner. It will be lots of fun. Sorority sistas! Hey Sista, go lista, let me see ya flow sista! Always a cheerleader, I am
Grant is helping me plan my party....Yep thats right...I'm having a Luau! I'm getting everything together as you read this. If you're reading this, this means that you're probably invited.
Oh and T---Eric called my cell, we talked for 56 mins!!!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Mom & I
I have to admit my mother and I haven't always been the best of friends...we have issues. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. We discussed a lot of my problems lastnight, my incident in May, the many obstacles that I've overcame and before we ended our nearly 2 hour conversation she told me that I inspire her because I'm so strong. For her to tell me that meant a lot. I feel like the weakest link at times. I feel like I've dealt with a lot that most people my age never see. I think it opened a window for my mother and I. This morning I checked my email and she had already sent me the following:
Amaya baby I very much enjoyed the heart to heart that you and I had. I know that you are not perfect and you have some imperfections which makes you my Amaya. I love your strength, your wisdom and your inner and outer beauty radiate in everything that you do. It shows in your dedication to the family with your job! I'm humbled at times because you are to me, just perfect like the rest of my babies. You are all flawless. Your father and I will always be a part of your support group. We are always just a phone call or drive away. Make sure you eat your carbs baby. You can not function with out them. Here is the piece that I was telling you about last night. Read it and obey it. My orders!
Everything Happens for a Reason...
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there...
to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know that very momentthat they will affect your life in some profound way.
And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible,painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never realize your potential, strength, will poweror heart.
Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of your soul.
Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight,flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create whom you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from.
In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones.
If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open your heartand eyes to little things.
Make every day count.
Appreciate everything thatyou possibly can, for you may never experience it again.
Talk to people whom you have never talked to before, and actually listen.
Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high.
Hold yourhead up because you have every right to.
Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you.
Create your own life and then go out and live it.
Amaya baby I very much enjoyed the heart to heart that you and I had. I know that you are not perfect and you have some imperfections which makes you my Amaya. I love your strength, your wisdom and your inner and outer beauty radiate in everything that you do. It shows in your dedication to the family with your job! I'm humbled at times because you are to me, just perfect like the rest of my babies. You are all flawless. Your father and I will always be a part of your support group. We are always just a phone call or drive away. Make sure you eat your carbs baby. You can not function with out them. Here is the piece that I was telling you about last night. Read it and obey it. My orders!
Everything Happens for a Reason...
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there...
to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know that very momentthat they will affect your life in some profound way.
And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible,painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never realize your potential, strength, will poweror heart.
Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of your soul.
Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight,flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create whom you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from.
In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones.
If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open your heartand eyes to little things.
Make every day count.
Appreciate everything thatyou possibly can, for you may never experience it again.
Talk to people whom you have never talked to before, and actually listen.
Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high.
Hold yourhead up because you have every right to.
Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you.
Create your own life and then go out and live it.
Friday, August 26, 2005
So fresh & So Clean
I just realized by looking at the clock that it takes me a while in the a.m. to get dressed and ready to go. No surprise really. I typically awake in the early morning hours with the roosters just to get a start on the day. I normally wake up @ 5 a.m, brush my teeth, shower, apply moisturizer (Lancome Idealist or Kiehls) and spf to my face, I always grab the warmest towel from the towel warmer for my body and you must have one for the hair as well! I throw lastnites panties & tee shirt down the laundry chute and I try to iron my clothes...I haven't really succeeded at this skill, yet. It's time consuming and I hate it when I come home and I have another huge iron shape to the ironing board. I hate hearing Olga's mouth afterwards..."YOU PAY NO ATTENTION, YOU SING TOO MUCH THIS A.M AND YOU BURNT THE HOUSE DOWN" Funny thing is...the house is still standing!!! And usually I let her know that thats the reason I have her here!
I've been cooking sometimes in the mornings too. I'm perfecting my omelette. It's going to be on menus everywhere one day! I drink Crystal light. And i'm obsessing about the Crystal Light on the go packets--I have them stashed everywhere, in my bag, in my desk, at the restuarant, at Mom's--I love it. I think I should probably buy stock in Kraft....It helps when I have to drink 101 oz's of h20 a day, it gives water flava!
I'm always at work early and I love the smell of coffee brewing although I refuse to drink my own coffee or anything that 50 random people that you catch picking their nose, rearranging their 'boys' or pulling a wedgie out of their ass touch...I know thats gross but I have to be real here. You wouldn't drink it either.
So the point of this is that I awoke at 5 am to pack because I kept putting it off and when T called lastnight I couldn't stay focused so I had to quit..in other words, I got lazy!
I'm supposed to meet everyone @ 10 am @ my favorite coffeeshop on Main, I'm still sitting here wrapped in a towel hopeing that my hair will just air dry....I wanted to wear my "GEEK UNDERCOVER" shirt, KENNY!!! COUGH COUGH, but I'm wearing some distressed jeans and a teeshirt with my oversized sunglasses (Think MaryKate Olsen) and a hair wrap with my hair in a ponytail, and some gold sequins flip flops, Super casual..just the way I like it!
We're spending the last weekend of summer 05 in NC.....And I NEED this!!!! I can't wait to see everyone and go nuts!
I'll have to recap my weekend for everyone when I return on Monday! Have a good weekend people!!!
Muah, Muah, Muah!!!
I've been cooking sometimes in the mornings too. I'm perfecting my omelette. It's going to be on menus everywhere one day! I drink Crystal light. And i'm obsessing about the Crystal Light on the go packets--I have them stashed everywhere, in my bag, in my desk, at the restuarant, at Mom's--I love it. I think I should probably buy stock in Kraft....It helps when I have to drink 101 oz's of h20 a day, it gives water flava!
I'm always at work early and I love the smell of coffee brewing although I refuse to drink my own coffee or anything that 50 random people that you catch picking their nose, rearranging their 'boys' or pulling a wedgie out of their ass touch...I know thats gross but I have to be real here. You wouldn't drink it either.
So the point of this is that I awoke at 5 am to pack because I kept putting it off and when T called lastnight I couldn't stay focused so I had to quit..in other words, I got lazy!
I'm supposed to meet everyone @ 10 am @ my favorite coffeeshop on Main, I'm still sitting here wrapped in a towel hopeing that my hair will just air dry....I wanted to wear my "GEEK UNDERCOVER" shirt, KENNY!!! COUGH COUGH, but I'm wearing some distressed jeans and a teeshirt with my oversized sunglasses (Think MaryKate Olsen) and a hair wrap with my hair in a ponytail, and some gold sequins flip flops, Super casual..just the way I like it!
We're spending the last weekend of summer 05 in NC.....And I NEED this!!!! I can't wait to see everyone and go nuts!
I'll have to recap my weekend for everyone when I return on Monday! Have a good weekend people!!!
Muah, Muah, Muah!!!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Whats new in Amaya's world....
-So I'm a little dramatic, but...I've been out of commission for too long!
-Kudos to Valium, Flexoral, & Darvocets! Yeah!!!
-It got postponed because I bent over at my waist without bending with my knees to strap my heel.
-Kudos because Grant says that I bent over in the sexiest way possible!!!
-Razor was haute but if I can't use it in my house I don't need it.
-Kudos because I was asked out by the Preppy Alex.
I recently got some horrible news about my girl, my fellow cheerleader, my shorty girl--{Miss Georgianna if you're nasty!!! We lovedJanet's NASTY BOYS} She is living in LA with her father now and was recently diagnosed with Mouth Cancer! Gigi is only 25! Her mother and I talk on a weekly basis now.....And the sad part of all of this horrible ordeal is that Gigi will be disfigured. Dr's are taking out her right jawbone and half of her tongue will be removed. It's a lot to deal with. And she's doing great. I just want everyone to think of her in your thoughts as you go through your day and come across a problem....Just remember Gigi. And remember that it can always be worse. We're all guilty of taking our health for granted. Just remember her and lets keep her in your prayers. She's my girl and I can't lose another!!!
-So I'm a little dramatic, but...I've been out of commission for too long!
-Kudos to Valium, Flexoral, & Darvocets! Yeah!!!
-It got postponed because I bent over at my waist without bending with my knees to strap my heel.
-Kudos because Grant says that I bent over in the sexiest way possible!!!
-Razor was haute but if I can't use it in my house I don't need it.
-Kudos because I was asked out by the Preppy Alex.
I recently got some horrible news about my girl, my fellow cheerleader, my shorty girl--{Miss Georgianna if you're nasty!!! We lovedJanet's NASTY BOYS} She is living in LA with her father now and was recently diagnosed with Mouth Cancer! Gigi is only 25! Her mother and I talk on a weekly basis now.....And the sad part of all of this horrible ordeal is that Gigi will be disfigured. Dr's are taking out her right jawbone and half of her tongue will be removed. It's a lot to deal with. And she's doing great. I just want everyone to think of her in your thoughts as you go through your day and come across a problem....Just remember Gigi. And remember that it can always be worse. We're all guilty of taking our health for granted. Just remember her and lets keep her in your prayers. She's my girl and I can't lose another!!!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
My little Reecee turned One!
Reece turned 1 on Sunday! His birthday was celebrated on Saturday. He got his first haircut too! He had the Albert Einstein look going on and it was bad!
Kurt was in town and it was so nice to see him and hang out with him again. He's probably one of the sweetest guys I know. Except the part where he practically broke my arm and on Sunday I looked like a battered wife! I bruise easily anyway. We get along well. He's nothing like Renee--THANK GOD! As Mike called her--Ghetto bitch!
Take a look at Mike's kid...He's improved tremendously! He's a sweetheart.
Kurt was in town and it was so nice to see him and hang out with him again. He's probably one of the sweetest guys I know. Except the part where he practically broke my arm and on Sunday I looked like a battered wife! I bruise easily anyway. We get along well. He's nothing like Renee--THANK GOD! As Mike called her--Ghetto bitch!
Take a look at Mike's kid...He's improved tremendously! He's a sweetheart.
We Belong Together
I've always been in love with Mariah and sometimes her lyrics really hit home.
I was stupid. I was foolish. I was lying to myself.
I didn't know you, I didn't know me and I thought I knew everything!
Who else am I going to lean on when times get rough?
Whose going to talk to me on the phone til the sun comes up?
Whose going to take your place? There ain't nobody better!
I was stupid. I was foolish. I was lying to myself.
I didn't know you, I didn't know me and I thought I knew everything!
Who else am I going to lean on when times get rough?
Whose going to talk to me on the phone til the sun comes up?
Whose going to take your place? There ain't nobody better!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
It's Been a While!
I've just found the time to update this. The fan club was harassing me!
So T & my girl Katie are going to hook up! Yay!
Dr Drew may be going to Arizona for his fellowship.
Kenny is making big bank!
I've just found the time to update this. The fan club was harassing me!
So T & my girl Katie are going to hook up! Yay!
Dr Drew may be going to Arizona for his fellowship.
Kenny is making big bank!
Dear 4 way stop between Beech street and Summit Avenue:
Fool Me Once ......Shame on You
Fool me 47 times......Shame on the Commonwealth of VA for licensing me.
I can't drive well,
Fool Me Once ......Shame on You
Fool me 47 times......Shame on the Commonwealth of VA for licensing me.
I can't drive well,
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Taking back my Life
Too much has been going on lately which is why I haven't had the time to update nor have I really had any desire to. The trial is soon and I can't wait to just get it over with!!! I'm going to Vegas soon and one of my 'friends' has proposed...I guess thats what that was!!! We've been friends for a looong time and we're going to do something crazy and see where it takes us!!!
"Through you (you know who you are) I've learned to smile again. You've opened the path to happiness! Your love's amazing. Lying beside me you see into the soul of me and your spirit sets me free!"
And to everyone who got a drunk dial on Friday...I'm sorry :)
Oh and "BrokeAss" (he reads this, he knows what I call him!) and I have been cordial to each other. He called out of nowhere and we've been talking since. Turns out Dirty Diesel B is a maniputive Polynesian little cunt. Mike set the record straight for me. How could I be so retarded as to trust her?! He says that she's still crazy jealous. Big Shocker.
Isaiah is the best ball player ever! He scored the winning hit for the Padres last night. He is the man. Derek, take notice!!! And did I mention that he's also the brightest child I know?! He bought a gerbil from the pet store and I was trying to get info from Isaiah about the nasty thing and when I asked what exactly it was he broke it down for me "It's a Gerbil, I named him Tanner because he's tan and white. He's about 8 weeks old and he belongs to the rodent family, they have a negative reputation in the heterosexality community". I was shocked. The kid is only 8 years old! When I asked how he knew that he said "Research Mini" He's beyond brilliant!
Upcoming events:
NEW YORK CITY :) Can't wait to see ya :)
VEGAS :) We're doing this in June
CHICAGO :) Mike is going nuts!!!
Memorial Day weekend plans are still up in the air. Any ideas? Email 'em.
I have to get back to work!
OH and Issaac--Don't REINLIST :( :(
"Through you (you know who you are) I've learned to smile again. You've opened the path to happiness! Your love's amazing. Lying beside me you see into the soul of me and your spirit sets me free!"
And to everyone who got a drunk dial on Friday...I'm sorry :)
Oh and "BrokeAss" (he reads this, he knows what I call him!) and I have been cordial to each other. He called out of nowhere and we've been talking since. Turns out Dirty Diesel B is a maniputive Polynesian little cunt. Mike set the record straight for me. How could I be so retarded as to trust her?! He says that she's still crazy jealous. Big Shocker.
Isaiah is the best ball player ever! He scored the winning hit for the Padres last night. He is the man. Derek, take notice!!! And did I mention that he's also the brightest child I know?! He bought a gerbil from the pet store and I was trying to get info from Isaiah about the nasty thing and when I asked what exactly it was he broke it down for me "It's a Gerbil, I named him Tanner because he's tan and white. He's about 8 weeks old and he belongs to the rodent family, they have a negative reputation in the heterosexality community". I was shocked. The kid is only 8 years old! When I asked how he knew that he said "Research Mini" He's beyond brilliant!
Upcoming events:
NEW YORK CITY :) Can't wait to see ya :)
VEGAS :) We're doing this in June
CHICAGO :) Mike is going nuts!!!
Memorial Day weekend plans are still up in the air. Any ideas? Email 'em.
I have to get back to work!
OH and Issaac--Don't REINLIST :( :(
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I slept so well lastnight. It was a much needed night of sleep. I haven't slept well in weeks and this was great for me. I awoke to a call from 'Married Mike'--the ex. He wants to do lunch in G'town today but I declined. I took the day to spend it in my pajamas and enjoy my house all to myself and pay bills, and plant flowers...yes, I do that!!!
Brit and talked lastnight. Why? I don't know! The only thing we have in common is Michael aka 'Brokeass' she seems to be doing well. Unfortunately, he isn't. I was thinking of calling him just to check in on him. She said that he's gone "GOTH PUNK" and wears eyeliner these days!!! Not the guy that I knew a year ago!!! Honestly I don't think I really knew him though...It's weird how Brit and I talk. We're okay with each other. Never in a million years would have thought that I'd be cordial to her. Who knew?!
My birthday is quickly approaching and I've had demands from everywhere to spend it with me. I promised dinner with Charles--aka Mr. Millionaire, his birthday is tommorrow. Dr. Drew Chang wants to hang out too. He's so different from anything ordinary. He's a nice change. My friend Jeff (law school) is coming up soon from FL and we're going to hang out for a few....My boy Kenny in Long Island and I are going to hang out when I get to NYC on May 12th. But I think I'm taking my girls to the beach house with me. We all need that. No men, just lots of good drinks and some sun and we'll be happy!!!
Did I mention that I love my new job? I'm so happy! Did I tell you how much I miss my Reece? Did I mention how much I'm not liking Renee these days?!
I'm missing E a lot.
Then theres T! He's going through a funk with the girls...The wedding pics were great!!! He's so increadibly goodlooking and I think we should just give up on love and just move in with each other :) On a more serious note I think of an old Otis Redding song when I think of T and Ellen
"Try a little tenderness, thats all you have to do. It's not just sentimental, NO NO NO. You won't regret it, no no no...Them young girls they don't forget it, no no....It's all so easy, all you have to do is try try a lil tenderness...all you have to do is dance...hold her where you want her, squeeze her, don't tease her, never leave her, you've got to hold her....try a little tenderness...you have to love her, please her...don't bruise her...NO NO NO!!! Try a lil tenderness! "
I've got work to do now....
Enjoy the lovely weather!!!
Brit and talked lastnight. Why? I don't know! The only thing we have in common is Michael aka 'Brokeass' she seems to be doing well. Unfortunately, he isn't. I was thinking of calling him just to check in on him. She said that he's gone "GOTH PUNK" and wears eyeliner these days!!! Not the guy that I knew a year ago!!! Honestly I don't think I really knew him though...It's weird how Brit and I talk. We're okay with each other. Never in a million years would have thought that I'd be cordial to her. Who knew?!
My birthday is quickly approaching and I've had demands from everywhere to spend it with me. I promised dinner with Charles--aka Mr. Millionaire, his birthday is tommorrow. Dr. Drew Chang wants to hang out too. He's so different from anything ordinary. He's a nice change. My friend Jeff (law school) is coming up soon from FL and we're going to hang out for a few....My boy Kenny in Long Island and I are going to hang out when I get to NYC on May 12th. But I think I'm taking my girls to the beach house with me. We all need that. No men, just lots of good drinks and some sun and we'll be happy!!!
Did I mention that I love my new job? I'm so happy! Did I tell you how much I miss my Reece? Did I mention how much I'm not liking Renee these days?!
I'm missing E a lot.
Then theres T! He's going through a funk with the girls...The wedding pics were great!!! He's so increadibly goodlooking and I think we should just give up on love and just move in with each other :) On a more serious note I think of an old Otis Redding song when I think of T and Ellen
"Try a little tenderness, thats all you have to do. It's not just sentimental, NO NO NO. You won't regret it, no no no...Them young girls they don't forget it, no no....It's all so easy, all you have to do is try try a lil tenderness...all you have to do is dance...hold her where you want her, squeeze her, don't tease her, never leave her, you've got to hold her....try a little tenderness...you have to love her, please her...don't bruise her...NO NO NO!!! Try a lil tenderness! "
I've got work to do now....
Enjoy the lovely weather!!!
Monday, April 11, 2005
Bad Habit
My friends insist that I give up on the 'internet guy' that disrespects me so much, but it's hard to just forget about him. He wasn't just some random guy...he was much more, but I can't change that. Have you ever loved somebody so much that you went againist the right thing that you should do? Ugh...what am I doing....enough, enough!
Faith came to my office this morning...As soon as she walked in I just looked at her and asked what was wrong and she said just started crying. As I got closer to her to comfort her, there was blood all over her clothes and I freaked! I thought she was in a car accident or something horrible like that....Her psuedo husband beat the shit out of her! She had marks all over her face where she said that he punched her right between the eyes, the marks on her upper arm was from his nails digging into her skin. I listened to her and all I heard was how everything was her fault....I don't agree with the way that Faith lives her life, but there is never a reason for a man to hit you, ever!!!! After talking about it most of the day with her she wasn't seeing things as they were...Needless to say she went back to him after I begged her to stay with me and I would help her as much as possible to make it on her own....It was all for nothing. I've tried calling her house two times tonight without an answer. I'm worried about her but I'm going to keep the faith!!
Work is great. I love it. I am so happy. And against my mother's wishes I'm not going back to school to get a degree in travel and tourism. How often would you find me working 40 plus hours a week? NEVER!!!
My 'ex' friend Jeff from FL whose ex is miss Patty Dunn who was shunned and lost her pageant title because she posed partially nude wants to spend my birthday with me and tells me all the time how I'm better than most and 'he' didn't appreciate me. Jeff doesn't know everything though....
Daddy is doing well. Im so happy. He actually told me that he feels as if he can breath again!!! Love my daddy!
Tonight Michael, Mark, Jason, Trish, Stacy, Courtney, Ian and I hung out at the bar and got a lil buzzed. It was nice....
I met a guy a work who is actually cute, Breck. He's so sweet. I'm sure he's devious beyond all of that.
In other news, ghetto fabulous Renee is punishing me by not allowing me to see Reece. I cry everytime I have enough time to think about him. I love him so much and she's keeping him away from me even after I put my life on hold for her for too long. I've been there for her more than her entire family has and because I decided that I couldn't keep doing that, I had to get back to the real world and get a real job she got pissed. Reece knows that I love him. He won't forget that. Ever. He knows that I took care of him. He knows that I was the one that was there for him thru everything...fevers, sickness, his daddy's death....his first word, his first step...everything! And she is now punishing me. So Renee if you ever stumble upon this...FUCK YOU :)
Back to the Merlot I go!
Faith came to my office this morning...As soon as she walked in I just looked at her and asked what was wrong and she said just started crying. As I got closer to her to comfort her, there was blood all over her clothes and I freaked! I thought she was in a car accident or something horrible like that....Her psuedo husband beat the shit out of her! She had marks all over her face where she said that he punched her right between the eyes, the marks on her upper arm was from his nails digging into her skin. I listened to her and all I heard was how everything was her fault....I don't agree with the way that Faith lives her life, but there is never a reason for a man to hit you, ever!!!! After talking about it most of the day with her she wasn't seeing things as they were...Needless to say she went back to him after I begged her to stay with me and I would help her as much as possible to make it on her own....It was all for nothing. I've tried calling her house two times tonight without an answer. I'm worried about her but I'm going to keep the faith!!
Work is great. I love it. I am so happy. And against my mother's wishes I'm not going back to school to get a degree in travel and tourism. How often would you find me working 40 plus hours a week? NEVER!!!
My 'ex' friend Jeff from FL whose ex is miss Patty Dunn who was shunned and lost her pageant title because she posed partially nude wants to spend my birthday with me and tells me all the time how I'm better than most and 'he' didn't appreciate me. Jeff doesn't know everything though....
Daddy is doing well. Im so happy. He actually told me that he feels as if he can breath again!!! Love my daddy!
Tonight Michael, Mark, Jason, Trish, Stacy, Courtney, Ian and I hung out at the bar and got a lil buzzed. It was nice....
I met a guy a work who is actually cute, Breck. He's so sweet. I'm sure he's devious beyond all of that.
In other news, ghetto fabulous Renee is punishing me by not allowing me to see Reece. I cry everytime I have enough time to think about him. I love him so much and she's keeping him away from me even after I put my life on hold for her for too long. I've been there for her more than her entire family has and because I decided that I couldn't keep doing that, I had to get back to the real world and get a real job she got pissed. Reece knows that I love him. He won't forget that. Ever. He knows that I took care of him. He knows that I was the one that was there for him thru everything...fevers, sickness, his daddy's death....his first word, his first step...everything! And she is now punishing me. So Renee if you ever stumble upon this...FUCK YOU :)
Back to the Merlot I go!
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Tonight was just all wrong!
So the girls and had the evening planned out...we were getting a suite, meeting up with some friends and partying. The evening started out fabulously. We were ahead of our arrival time, (always good for high maintaince girls). We checked into our room and it was very luxurious and nice. We all started the evening off with some Bacardi and then we headed over to dinner @ The Piccolo. My new favorite Italian rest. All the boys ordered prime rib while I was normal and had Ziti. It was very pleasing...the service, food and the environment was cozy, quaint and we were all pleased (thats rare).
We went out to Ozio, then to 1223, then to Home. I'm 25 years old and the bar scene is just not for me anymore. Thats not news though. I met a fighfighter named Bryce who was super sweet but he was from IL. Like I need another one of those....Too much work!!!! He insisted on buying me drinks...who am I to say no?! After two Candy Apple 'Tini's I was becoming disgusted with the 'game' that men tend to run in order to 'get some'! I'm not that easy asshole is what I was silently screaming while flashing my 2000 watt Miss Congenality smile.
We all went back to our hotel room and then I had an ephiphany. This entire scene with the boy girl ratio at 2-1 just wasn't good. I flet uncomfortable and then when the guys broke out the 'snow' I got uneasy and I freaked...I demanded that everyone get it out of my site. That drug caused soooooooooo much pain in my life. I'm not sure I'll ever get over it. So after realizing that I was better than that....I decided that I was going home...Okay...really....McLean!!! I don't trust myself around it and I don't want it around me. So I left. Yep....drove home alone.
I needed to.
More later :)
We went out to Ozio, then to 1223, then to Home. I'm 25 years old and the bar scene is just not for me anymore. Thats not news though. I met a fighfighter named Bryce who was super sweet but he was from IL. Like I need another one of those....Too much work!!!! He insisted on buying me drinks...who am I to say no?! After two Candy Apple 'Tini's I was becoming disgusted with the 'game' that men tend to run in order to 'get some'! I'm not that easy asshole is what I was silently screaming while flashing my 2000 watt Miss Congenality smile.
We all went back to our hotel room and then I had an ephiphany. This entire scene with the boy girl ratio at 2-1 just wasn't good. I flet uncomfortable and then when the guys broke out the 'snow' I got uneasy and I freaked...I demanded that everyone get it out of my site. That drug caused soooooooooo much pain in my life. I'm not sure I'll ever get over it. So after realizing that I was better than that....I decided that I was going home...Okay...really....McLean!!! I don't trust myself around it and I don't want it around me. So I left. Yep....drove home alone.
I needed to.
More later :)
Monday, April 04, 2005
My Rock
Thats what he is....
I've said it before but I don't know what I'd do if I lost him...he's the glue that keeps me together. He's the only man that has ever loved me unconditionally and he's not doing well and I live in constant fear of losing that and God forbid if I ever did....
I want my husband to be like my daddy
There is noone else like my daddy
I still remember the expression on your face when you found out that I'd been on a date and had a boyfriend...
I still remember I called you crying about my tattoo you could have said I told you so instead you said you'd get one too!
Words can't express my boundless gratitude for you
I appreciate what you do...
You've given me such security, no matter what mistakes I make I know you're there for me
You cure my disapointments and heal my pain, you understand my fears and you protect me
I treasure every extraordinary memory...
I thank you for loving me
Even if my man broke my heart today,
No matter how much pain I'm in,
I'll be okay because I got a man in my life that can't be replaced
Because this love is unconditional and it doesn't go away...
Lord why did you pick me? I can't stop the tears from falling...
I love you soooooooooooo much daddy! You've done so much for me. I love you daddy
I get so emotional daddy...I get so emotional daddy everytime I think of you, I get so emotional
There is noone else like my daddy...No One else...
He's been thru hell and he needs all the prayers he can get...
It's been shitty around here but I'll live...
Andrew aka Dr. Chang and I are going to chill tonight...I need some distractions. I don't know it may be too soon...we'll see.
Work today was great. Loved every minute of it...I'm excited. Although Golf is down 8% this year...but with me on board, that will change....
It's time for a new car...yay!!! Shopping always makes me happy. I'm going downtown for some drinks...whose coming with?
I've said it before but I don't know what I'd do if I lost him...he's the glue that keeps me together. He's the only man that has ever loved me unconditionally and he's not doing well and I live in constant fear of losing that and God forbid if I ever did....
I want my husband to be like my daddy
There is noone else like my daddy
I still remember the expression on your face when you found out that I'd been on a date and had a boyfriend...
I still remember I called you crying about my tattoo you could have said I told you so instead you said you'd get one too!
Words can't express my boundless gratitude for you
I appreciate what you do...
You've given me such security, no matter what mistakes I make I know you're there for me
You cure my disapointments and heal my pain, you understand my fears and you protect me
I treasure every extraordinary memory...
I thank you for loving me
Even if my man broke my heart today,
No matter how much pain I'm in,
I'll be okay because I got a man in my life that can't be replaced
Because this love is unconditional and it doesn't go away...
Lord why did you pick me? I can't stop the tears from falling...
I love you soooooooooooo much daddy! You've done so much for me. I love you daddy
I get so emotional daddy...I get so emotional daddy everytime I think of you, I get so emotional
There is noone else like my daddy...No One else...
He's been thru hell and he needs all the prayers he can get...
It's been shitty around here but I'll live...
Andrew aka Dr. Chang and I are going to chill tonight...I need some distractions. I don't know it may be too soon...we'll see.
Work today was great. Loved every minute of it...I'm excited. Although Golf is down 8% this year...but with me on board, that will change....
It's time for a new car...yay!!! Shopping always makes me happy. I'm going downtown for some drinks...whose coming with?
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
So much in so little time...
Has happened! My dad is still not in the best of health since the heartattack, but I have full faith that he'll make a full recovery if Dr. Chang has anything to do with it!
My aunt died a week ago today...so unexpected. I think this is number 8. I haven't spoken with her since Chandler's birthday in January... Her husband left her for another woman last year and her sons said that she never fully got over that...She died with a broken heart! And can you believe her husband didn't even show at the service??? I guess he feels guilty.
Not much going on except some guy, "GARY" called Eric and mentioned my name. Eric finds this very odd and has questioned me about it several times. I called the number, I don't know that guy's voice thats on the voicemail. I don't even know the number. And yet he finds it too odd. Naturally it pisses me off that he keeps bringing it up. I'm going to call the number today and talk with 'GARY'. I do know a GARY, and he was crazy...He moved to NJ though and got a life. So who this person is, I don't know....And Eric can go fuck himself.
I've been going to the tanning bed getting my tan on...I can't wait for summer!
Im battling a cold....NOT GOOD.
Oh and there is a new member of the family, diaper posse...Little Elijah Christian :)
My aunt died a week ago today...so unexpected. I think this is number 8. I haven't spoken with her since Chandler's birthday in January... Her husband left her for another woman last year and her sons said that she never fully got over that...She died with a broken heart! And can you believe her husband didn't even show at the service??? I guess he feels guilty.
Not much going on except some guy, "GARY" called Eric and mentioned my name. Eric finds this very odd and has questioned me about it several times. I called the number, I don't know that guy's voice thats on the voicemail. I don't even know the number. And yet he finds it too odd. Naturally it pisses me off that he keeps bringing it up. I'm going to call the number today and talk with 'GARY'. I do know a GARY, and he was crazy...He moved to NJ though and got a life. So who this person is, I don't know....And Eric can go fuck himself.
I've been going to the tanning bed getting my tan on...I can't wait for summer!
Im battling a cold....NOT GOOD.
Oh and there is a new member of the family, diaper posse...Little Elijah Christian :)
Thursday, March 03, 2005
You always hope that the people who were cruel to you/cocky/perfect/higher than thou in high school will ultimately fail at life because it really wouldn't be fair any other way, right? So, I'm thinking I'm doing pretty good. Got away to college, only gained about 10 lbs. Joined a sorority, got involved. Double majored. Working hard, sometimes....Well on Saturday I ran into an old friend from High School Brennon Wilson! The conversation went like this.
Brennon: "Yeah, I ran into (insert name of perfect bitch you hated in highschool here) today."
Amaya: "Yeah, really? Is she fat yet?"
Brennon: Uh, actually no. She's in amazing shape. She's training to run the NYC Marathon. She runs like, 8 miles a day."
Amaya: (Silence)"..... oh."
Brennon: And she's president of her company."
Amaya: (Silence) "....I see."
Brennon: "Oh yeah, and she's got an interview with Northwestern to study nuclear medicine."
Amaya: "ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME? Who studies 'nuclear medicine?' That chick is as dumb as a box of rocks."
Brennon: "Well I guess not. Oh yeah, and remember her friend (insert name of perfect bitch you hated's slightly chunky sidekick you once referred to in jest as 'tank ass')? Well she's lost 35 lbs and looks GREAT!"
Amaya: UGhhhhhh"
TOTALLY NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR!!!! I was really hoping they'd all be trailer trash by now.
Okay, I know, I know it's petty. I really wish her no ill will. (Okay, a lil ill will) but the dumb bitchy girls in high school aren't supposed to become marathon-running nuclear physisists. They're supposed to be fat and getting smacked around by some guy named Duke in a trailer in your hometown. And everyone she kicked around is supposed to be rejoicing!
All of this brought to mind the movie Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. My 5 year is only 1 year away. Fawk! I'd better start training for the Olympics if I want to compete!
Okay. I'm done.
Brennon: "Yeah, I ran into (insert name of perfect bitch you hated in highschool here) today."
Amaya: "Yeah, really? Is she fat yet?"
Brennon: Uh, actually no. She's in amazing shape. She's training to run the NYC Marathon. She runs like, 8 miles a day."
Amaya: (Silence)"..... oh."
Brennon: And she's president of her company."
Amaya: (Silence) "....I see."
Brennon: "Oh yeah, and she's got an interview with Northwestern to study nuclear medicine."
Amaya: "ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME? Who studies 'nuclear medicine?' That chick is as dumb as a box of rocks."
Brennon: "Well I guess not. Oh yeah, and remember her friend (insert name of perfect bitch you hated's slightly chunky sidekick you once referred to in jest as 'tank ass')? Well she's lost 35 lbs and looks GREAT!"
Amaya: UGhhhhhh"
TOTALLY NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR!!!! I was really hoping they'd all be trailer trash by now.
Okay, I know, I know it's petty. I really wish her no ill will. (Okay, a lil ill will) but the dumb bitchy girls in high school aren't supposed to become marathon-running nuclear physisists. They're supposed to be fat and getting smacked around by some guy named Duke in a trailer in your hometown. And everyone she kicked around is supposed to be rejoicing!
All of this brought to mind the movie Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. My 5 year is only 1 year away. Fawk! I'd better start training for the Olympics if I want to compete!
Okay. I'm done.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
How do I get him to stop?
Because I'm such a nice chic and sometimes I talk to Married Mike I allowed him to email me pictures of his kid. ONCE. He won't stop. Not only is it taking up valuable space in my hotmail account but the kid is no Reece. BY ANY MEANS!!! To put it nicely, the kid is not cute! Most people would think that I was jealous and I was being mean, but judge for yourself! Check out the funky nose on that kid! Those lips are pretty crazy too! I'm sure he's sweet, but cute...he's got nothing. Poor kid.
This is the email I wrote to Michael:
Dear Married Asian Man with the funky lipped baby with Cha-Cha,
I'm sure you find your offspring adoreable, however most of us with the latest Anne Klein eyewear don't! Stop torturing me with the pictures. One was too many.
Best Wishes to you and your munchkins,
The Always Beautiful,
Amaya W.
Okay--so I didn't send it, I wanted to! I just said thats enough of the pics. I have 17 now of this thing. What to do with them....Delete... Disk Cleanup....Reboot. Done!
I'm eating a ton of icecream and loving it. It makes me feel better.
Does anyone love me? Why don't you ever email me then????
This is the email I wrote to Michael:
Dear Married Asian Man with the funky lipped baby with Cha-Cha,
I'm sure you find your offspring adoreable, however most of us with the latest Anne Klein eyewear don't! Stop torturing me with the pictures. One was too many.
Best Wishes to you and your munchkins,
The Always Beautiful,
Amaya W.
Okay--so I didn't send it, I wanted to! I just said thats enough of the pics. I have 17 now of this thing. What to do with them....Delete... Disk Cleanup....Reboot. Done!
I'm eating a ton of icecream and loving it. It makes me feel better.
Does anyone love me? Why don't you ever email me then????
Monday, February 28, 2005
Oh No! Snow!
A pretty blanket of snow has just fallen. Making the roadways horrible. I don't mind though, I like a little excitement once in a while :)
As you're all aware of by now, the Oscars were on last night and as usual there were no surprises of who the winners were. Jamie Foxx took home best actor and ugly Hilary Skank won best Actress. I have to admit she is a good actress, but she's FUGLY! Her dress was haute.. I liked it. Although her hair could have been better. The entire night was black tie & sass. I thought everyone looked nice. Except Renee Zellwegger. Eric says that she always looks like she's drunk--too funny! I, on the other hand, I like her. Ugly or not! We all can't be Halle Berry's!
Saki, Sushi, Saki to me! Saturday night was quite an experience. Faith, Trish, Becca and I all went out for sushi and then headed over to get our gambling on. FUN TIMES FOLLOWED.
More details later!
As you're all aware of by now, the Oscars were on last night and as usual there were no surprises of who the winners were. Jamie Foxx took home best actor and ugly Hilary Skank won best Actress. I have to admit she is a good actress, but she's FUGLY! Her dress was haute.. I liked it. Although her hair could have been better. The entire night was black tie & sass. I thought everyone looked nice. Except Renee Zellwegger. Eric says that she always looks like she's drunk--too funny! I, on the other hand, I like her. Ugly or not! We all can't be Halle Berry's!
Saki, Sushi, Saki to me! Saturday night was quite an experience. Faith, Trish, Becca and I all went out for sushi and then headed over to get our gambling on. FUN TIMES FOLLOWED.
More details later!
Saturday, February 19, 2005
A Dead End
Sometimes I feel as if I have no control over my life. As you all know I seem to have a lot of bad karma. I attribute that to sleeping with a married man, knowingly. And enjoying it at that time, I might add.
Today, I'm 25, I consider myself attractive. I'm intelligent, and I try to see the best in everyone to a fault. I was taught from a young age to respect everyone! Yes, even married misleading lying cheating scummy men. My grandfather Teddy always told me that there isn't such a thing as different races. There's only race and thats the human race. We are to treat everyone the same because if we don't it would come back and smack us on the ass even harder! And being the wise old man that he is thats the one lesson that I've learned hard this week.
Having a lot of free time on my hands this past week I began to dwelve deep inside of myself and it brought a lot of things to my attention. I'm lost. I have no direction in my life. I've held on to the past for far too many years. I don't feel like I've accomplished much. I graduated from a well respected school only to become a teacher. Today I work for an art gallery doing sales! How wrong is that? I do well financially. It's the same story though--it's not fullfilling and I'm longing to be fullfilled. Thats what I've always wanted. I just want the feeling of accomplishment. Thats why I have no dirty dishes in my kitchen. Thats why you see me scrubbing every glass after someone uses it. Thats why I never have laundry to do. Because the feeling of accomplishment is so damn sweet. Thats all I want. I want to be proud of myself and I'm not.
I feel as if I've stopped growing. I don't feel as if I'm living. I shop. I spend time with my family. I'm single. I don't have sex like I should. I believe it's time for me to fix myself.
I can't live like this. I've decided that I won't. He's been doing him, now it's time I do me.
When you've done all you could but was misunderstood theres no feeling like being free. It's best I do whats best for me. I've been there I've done that and there is no looking back. My mind is made up and my heart is in the right place.
Finally I'm looking out for me.
Can I get some loving? Can I get some time?
Back to frying my brain with hollywood-style fairytales. You know the kind where everyone lives happily ever after. Such bullshit. But it fullfills me for the time being.
Today, I'm 25, I consider myself attractive. I'm intelligent, and I try to see the best in everyone to a fault. I was taught from a young age to respect everyone! Yes, even married misleading lying cheating scummy men. My grandfather Teddy always told me that there isn't such a thing as different races. There's only race and thats the human race. We are to treat everyone the same because if we don't it would come back and smack us on the ass even harder! And being the wise old man that he is thats the one lesson that I've learned hard this week.
Having a lot of free time on my hands this past week I began to dwelve deep inside of myself and it brought a lot of things to my attention. I'm lost. I have no direction in my life. I've held on to the past for far too many years. I don't feel like I've accomplished much. I graduated from a well respected school only to become a teacher. Today I work for an art gallery doing sales! How wrong is that? I do well financially. It's the same story though--it's not fullfilling and I'm longing to be fullfilled. Thats what I've always wanted. I just want the feeling of accomplishment. Thats why I have no dirty dishes in my kitchen. Thats why you see me scrubbing every glass after someone uses it. Thats why I never have laundry to do. Because the feeling of accomplishment is so damn sweet. Thats all I want. I want to be proud of myself and I'm not.
I feel as if I've stopped growing. I don't feel as if I'm living. I shop. I spend time with my family. I'm single. I don't have sex like I should. I believe it's time for me to fix myself.
I can't live like this. I've decided that I won't. He's been doing him, now it's time I do me.
When you've done all you could but was misunderstood theres no feeling like being free. It's best I do whats best for me. I've been there I've done that and there is no looking back. My mind is made up and my heart is in the right place.
Finally I'm looking out for me.
Can I get some loving? Can I get some time?
Back to frying my brain with hollywood-style fairytales. You know the kind where everyone lives happily ever after. Such bullshit. But it fullfills me for the time being.
Friday, February 18, 2005
At the Fan club's request
I am updating my journal. I apologize for not returning calls when I say I will. I apologize for being anti-social. I'm doing as much as I can considering the circumstances.
My friends basically held a gun to my head and made me get DSL, what a waste. My dial-up was just as good. I'm paying a lot more money every month for this and I don't see a huge difference! Call me crazy.
I really don't feel like sitting here and typing....blah! I'll update later.
My friends basically held a gun to my head and made me get DSL, what a waste. My dial-up was just as good. I'm paying a lot more money every month for this and I don't see a huge difference! Call me crazy.
I really don't feel like sitting here and typing....blah! I'll update later.
At the Fan club's request
I am updating my journal. I apologize for not returning calls when I say I will. I apologize for being anti-social. I'm doing as much as I can considering the circumstances.
My friends basically held a gun to my head and made me get DSL, what a waste. My dial-up was just as good. I'm paying a lot more money every month for this and I don't see a huge difference! Call me crazy.
I really don't feel like sitting here and typing....blah! I'll update later.
My friends basically held a gun to my head and made me get DSL, what a waste. My dial-up was just as good. I'm paying a lot more money every month for this and I don't see a huge difference! Call me crazy.
I really don't feel like sitting here and typing....blah! I'll update later.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Its Clearly Time to Move On
Enough said. I won't be mentioning his name anymore and their won't be anymore reference to that womanizing pig. I can't believe he's meeting up with GIRLS while here. Am I stupid? Not a phone call from him yet. A text message that says that he didn't get my message until late lastnight. He was busy. GOOD ONE. FUCKER. No matter where he is, who he's with, he's always too busy for me. I'm so done. PUKE!
Dear God
Please tell me why I even bother. Please give me the strength to realize that this guy truly is a freaking jerk! Please help me stay away from him. I don't need him in my life so please help me to stop trying to contact him!!! Please. I was once this girl with pride that would never call a guy. Where the hell is she??? He makes me weak, but you can make me strong and I'm putting all of this in YOUR hands.
So Eric is in town with his boys and I've tried contacting him now not once, twice, four, but 6 or more times! He doesn't answer his phone and he doesn't call me back. I got the hint but everytime I think about it, it pisses me off. I want to just go to his hotel room and slap his face. FUCK. Does he know who the fuck I am? And why I bother, I don't know. I think I need a wake up call. He's not accpeting my calls nor is he responding to text messages. Am I really this desperate? For God's sake, he fucked me over. Why am I stressing and why am I begging for an invite from him to just hang out and say hi? I'm making myself upset by trying too hard. I know that he's a jerk and God forbid I should ever talk to him again. I'm going back to the hospital. Perhaps I'll make myself available tonight. NO. FUCK NO I WON"T. This guy has been a complete waste of my time and look at me, I don't think i've batted my eyelashes this much in forever!!!!! Stress! I'm giving up on men. Back to see my brother.
So Eric is in town with his boys and I've tried contacting him now not once, twice, four, but 6 or more times! He doesn't answer his phone and he doesn't call me back. I got the hint but everytime I think about it, it pisses me off. I want to just go to his hotel room and slap his face. FUCK. Does he know who the fuck I am? And why I bother, I don't know. I think I need a wake up call. He's not accpeting my calls nor is he responding to text messages. Am I really this desperate? For God's sake, he fucked me over. Why am I stressing and why am I begging for an invite from him to just hang out and say hi? I'm making myself upset by trying too hard. I know that he's a jerk and God forbid I should ever talk to him again. I'm going back to the hospital. Perhaps I'll make myself available tonight. NO. FUCK NO I WON"T. This guy has been a complete waste of my time and look at me, I don't think i've batted my eyelashes this much in forever!!!!! Stress! I'm giving up on men. Back to see my brother.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
::**MEN**:: is there anything else?
Eric and I have been done for nearly two weeks now. Being the too kind person that I am, I contacted him via email and phone to see if he basically needed any help getting around in unfamiliar territory. Afterall he's bringing all of his boys now and yes, we know the woman loving man is bringing girls too! I swallowed my pride and called him. What the fuck is wrong with me. I've left two messages. I must be crazy. Or just a glutton for punishment. I guess it's time I just move on. With that said...
I do have more important things to vent about...starting with my brother. He went to physical therapy on Tuesday and they sent him to get a sonagram right away because of a swollen, red, warm to the touch knot on his knee. They confirmed what his therapist feared, he had a blood clot! He was admitted and by Wednesday evening the clot had moved from his knee to his thigh and this morning it was still in his abdomen which is DANGEROUS. Dr's are worried. He's on blood thinners and he can't even move. He can't shower, my mother has to give him a sponge bath and he can't get angry or excited at anything. He's in good spirits and says that everything is fine....And IT BETTER BE! This morning my dad went into surgery. My brother isn't aware though because it could make him upset....Worried even. So I have to go and stay with my brother while Mom and Becca and Haven and Jordan all rotate hospitals. This is too much shit to deal with. I think I'm taking the next shuttle to the nearest planet!!!
I've decided that it's time for a change. I'm never happy in one setting for long anyway. I'm thinking of purchasing a new house in the Great Falls area of NOVA. I'm looking at a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom on a golf course. It's absolutely breathtaking. I've been thinking about chopping off the hair again...what do you think? Just shoulder length. Nothing TOO drastic. It would be a great length by the time summer gets here and it's time for a change. You'd think I was running for an office. I'll quit.
So Eric and the boys are in town tonight. Should be fun for them. In my email I told him some places he should go. Hopefully he'll trust me. I wouldn't lead astray.
Married Mike keeps calling my cell. He's must sense that I'm fucking vulrenable as all hell. He knows me too well. He's always had a sick six sense when it came to me. He always knew. I think it's about time I change my phone numbers. I have to sever ties and if I cut out communication it would be a good start!!!
Look at me. This entire post has been about the men! Most have betrayed me. I guess I'll just continue loving my brothers and my father. I know they'll never hurt me, only protect me.
Eric, if you read this....I have tried calling you 4 times now, even leaving messages and emails. I guess you're too busy!!! Ha ha. Point taken. So I'm writing you off right now. I don't want anymore emails about how much you love me and we could make things work....I've tried too many times. Best of luck.
I do have more important things to vent about...starting with my brother. He went to physical therapy on Tuesday and they sent him to get a sonagram right away because of a swollen, red, warm to the touch knot on his knee. They confirmed what his therapist feared, he had a blood clot! He was admitted and by Wednesday evening the clot had moved from his knee to his thigh and this morning it was still in his abdomen which is DANGEROUS. Dr's are worried. He's on blood thinners and he can't even move. He can't shower, my mother has to give him a sponge bath and he can't get angry or excited at anything. He's in good spirits and says that everything is fine....And IT BETTER BE! This morning my dad went into surgery. My brother isn't aware though because it could make him upset....Worried even. So I have to go and stay with my brother while Mom and Becca and Haven and Jordan all rotate hospitals. This is too much shit to deal with. I think I'm taking the next shuttle to the nearest planet!!!
I've decided that it's time for a change. I'm never happy in one setting for long anyway. I'm thinking of purchasing a new house in the Great Falls area of NOVA. I'm looking at a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom on a golf course. It's absolutely breathtaking. I've been thinking about chopping off the hair again...what do you think? Just shoulder length. Nothing TOO drastic. It would be a great length by the time summer gets here and it's time for a change. You'd think I was running for an office. I'll quit.
So Eric and the boys are in town tonight. Should be fun for them. In my email I told him some places he should go. Hopefully he'll trust me. I wouldn't lead astray.
Married Mike keeps calling my cell. He's must sense that I'm fucking vulrenable as all hell. He knows me too well. He's always had a sick six sense when it came to me. He always knew. I think it's about time I change my phone numbers. I have to sever ties and if I cut out communication it would be a good start!!!
Look at me. This entire post has been about the men! Most have betrayed me. I guess I'll just continue loving my brothers and my father. I know they'll never hurt me, only protect me.
Eric, if you read this....I have tried calling you 4 times now, even leaving messages and emails. I guess you're too busy!!! Ha ha. Point taken. So I'm writing you off right now. I don't want anymore emails about how much you love me and we could make things work....I've tried too many times. Best of luck.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
La La
Has anyone heard Ciara & Missy's '1,2 step'? I'm predicting that it's going to be all over the club scene. It's hot. "Goodies" was hot too. Ciara has staying power.
Songs I'm loving at the moment:
1.True by Ryan Cabera--Reminds me of SOMEONE SPECIAL :)
2.Only U by Ashanti
3.Soldier by Destiny's CHild--Issaac of course
4.My Perogative by Britney--My friends tell me it's my song after our road trip! Funny!
5.Fuck It (I don't want you back) by Eamon--Reminds me of a certain loser
6.Let Me Love You by Mario--T loves it too!
Of course Madonna is my muse, inspiration and my favorite chic of all time. In high school I was running for Vice President of my junior class and my cheerleading squad performed with me and we did a skit with 'Vogue' and re wrote the song and changed it to 'Vote! I'm going to find the lyrics that we used. Needless to say I won :) During week long try-outs and camps @ UVA during our last audition in order and it was down to cutting time, I chose to do Madonna's version of 'American Pie' at that time the movie American Pie was popular and so was Madonna's song and I thought that I symbolized American Pie!!! And yet again, I made the cut! So Madonna has always been good to me! Love her. Not to mention that American Pie is the only song I know all the lyrics to!
In other news, I didn't go into work today, however I do have a lunch meeting at noon that I will be going to, {COUGH BIG CLIENT COUGH!} All is well, Daddy should be coming home today. I spoke to him this morning and he's tired and wants to get out!! I want him home STAT!!!
I'm in the mood to paint so I'm doing some art work for Reece :)
Later :)
P.S. You should all go and listen to my music suggestions--they're awesome!!!
Songs I'm loving at the moment:
1.True by Ryan Cabera--Reminds me of SOMEONE SPECIAL :)
2.Only U by Ashanti
3.Soldier by Destiny's CHild--Issaac of course
4.My Perogative by Britney--My friends tell me it's my song after our road trip! Funny!
5.Fuck It (I don't want you back) by Eamon--Reminds me of a certain loser
6.Let Me Love You by Mario--T loves it too!
Of course Madonna is my muse, inspiration and my favorite chic of all time. In high school I was running for Vice President of my junior class and my cheerleading squad performed with me and we did a skit with 'Vogue' and re wrote the song and changed it to 'Vote! I'm going to find the lyrics that we used. Needless to say I won :) During week long try-outs and camps @ UVA during our last audition in order and it was down to cutting time, I chose to do Madonna's version of 'American Pie' at that time the movie American Pie was popular and so was Madonna's song and I thought that I symbolized American Pie!!! And yet again, I made the cut! So Madonna has always been good to me! Love her. Not to mention that American Pie is the only song I know all the lyrics to!
In other news, I didn't go into work today, however I do have a lunch meeting at noon that I will be going to, {COUGH BIG CLIENT COUGH!} All is well, Daddy should be coming home today. I spoke to him this morning and he's tired and wants to get out!! I want him home STAT!!!
I'm in the mood to paint so I'm doing some art work for Reece :)
Later :)
P.S. You should all go and listen to my music suggestions--they're awesome!!!
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