Not really but it's a good gay song! It is raining a lot here, two days non-stop. We closed the course yesterday because @ 2 pm three holes were underwater. I'm sure today they drowned!
Nick is so hot. Thats all I'm going to say about that. I like. A lot.
Faith had to cancel plans yet again. Her husband is so pyschotic. He asked her yesterday how it would feel if she never woke up!!! How the hell is she supposed to know? Clearly the guy is phucking nuts.
I stayed home lastnight. I didn't do jack. We ordered Chinese and cheesecake and stayed in & watched dvds. I ended up falling asleep early. Becca woke me up @ 7 this morning to go with her to her friend Shelly's house to get ready for an open house there. She's selling her home for $500,000. It's nice but I'm not interested.
We looked @ her pictures and talked shit about everyone from our old high school! The lesbian Cheney girl, the whores, etc... We broke out the cheap White Zinfindel and started drinking and talking drama. Then we got into the Bourbon and I had to quit! That she is too much for me. We started to get tipsy so we decided Shelly needed pumpkins! We went to this Orchard and got pumpkins and mums. She decided that she wanted to buy flowers and pumpkins for her friend Andy. I had to stop her. Purple mums = a fag. Yellow mums is okay!!! We had a lot of fun in the apple orchard picking Apples too :) Then we went to the Apple Valley Bakery which made the Washingtonian magazine and had the best Coffee cake and Sumatra coffee. It was a lot of fun. We finally managed to get back home and then I fell asleep!
My parents came out and wanted us to go to dinner. I sent everyone on their merry way and slept my buzz off. I'm so bored right now. It's 8:30 and I'm bored out of my mind. I just may call and invite Nick or Andrew or Zac or Dash or whoever the fuck I want over!!! Nah, I'm not. That would be too much work & maintence and i'm lounging in my pajama jammy jams with a severe case of cabin fever.
Ya know...The sound of the rain is great background music to lots of lovemaking!!!!
I just realized, I'm lonely. Damn.
I'm sad.