Friday, December 28, 2007

Single in the Valley

Single-dom isn’t always bad. In so many ways, having only myself to depend on and come home to has helped me figure out just what is really important to me. It helped me focus on school that I love in a place (while not ideal) where I can be happy.

I really want that to be enough for me, but sometimes I feel like I’m failing because I’m 28 years old and I’m single.

It looks so silly when I write it, but it’s true. And when you’re faced with that feeling of failure, you start to question what it is you’re lacking. You start filling the relationship void with things like hand bags, shoes and hair-clips and perfumes and you proclaim that you love being single because single is FREE to do whatever you’d like to do!

But inside? That void still exists sometimes.

I’m tired of feeling like something is wrong, so instead of indulging that aspect, I vote we embrace what is right about us.

So, here are a few things that make me completely lovable:

  • I’m a friendly person. I don’t believe in walking around with my nose in the air. so I am quick to offer a hello or a smile.

  • I’m always a shoulder for people to lean on. If ever you should need a moment to vent, or even to just sit quietly I am there immediately and without question.

  • I am fiercely loyal and will protect those I love with everything I have in me.

  • I am one smart cookie when it comes down to it.

Now I want to hear from you - what makes you completely and wholly lovable? Even if you are already in a relationship (lucky!), what makes your partner love you?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This sucks.

(A moment to set the scene:)
Finals week. 36.5 papers finished out of 37.
Take home essays to finish: 1 set of 2 questions.
Finals taken: 1.
Finals left to take: 3.
Two of those finals are tomorrow.
I really, really need to get an "A" on one of them.
(Feel free to send me all kinds of warm and fuzzy thoughts around 10:00 a.m Eastern Standard Tme)
(and then again around 1:00pm EST.) (Thanks.)
21 of the papers are due on Thursday at 1:00 pm EST.
They count as a total of 55% of my grade for the semester.
(No pressure.)
Saturday, Virginia was hit with another ice/snow storm.
School was not canceled on Monday for the mountain people!
I lost three hours of precious study time to go take a final on an undergrad stats class that has nothing to do with my GPA.
I was annoyed as all hell.
Lastnight I finished a research paper while sending dirty texts to my entire address book, and I needed to refresh my eyes. So, time to wash the face and brush the teeth, take out the contacts, put on the glasses and start the next round of typing. The take home essays, to be exact.

Take out the contact container from my medicine cabinet.
Grab the container of multi-vitamins, put one in the right contact holder, one in the left contact holder. Stand and stare at the contact container.
Try and figure out what I did wrong.
Why doesn't that look right?
Tilt head ala Marisa's 8th grade school picture.
...and let the laughter commence
and the dark circles under my eyes brighter for a moment.
Pretty sure the contacts would be healthier in the morning, but they would not be cleaner.
Brush teeth.
Feel (slightly) refreshed.
Think of some bullshit to write for the essay test.
20% of my grade, so it needs to be good bullshit.
Wonder Twins, activate!
In the form of: giving a shit!
Almost there....almost there.....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Quotes from Madonna

I got married for all the wrong reasons, when my husband didn't turn out to be everything I imagined he would be, I just wanted to end everything.

There's no such thing as a perfect soulmate. If you meet someone and you think they're perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction. Because your soulmate is the one who pushes all your buttons, pisses you off on a regular basis and makes you face your shit. It's not easy having a good marriage, but I don't want easy, easy doesn't make you grow, easy doesn't make you think. I thank God everyday that I'm married to a man that makes me think, that's my definition of true love.

In Kabbalah we learned that if we want something in life we have to give something. If we want compassion, we have to give compassion, if we want tolerance, we have to give tolerance, if we don't want to be judged, then me must not judge.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Power of One

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Because as he stood on home plate they called him everything but his name.
Because as he ran the bases they cheered his name.
Because even though they yelled and cheered his name with each home run he hit they still didn't respect him.
Because with all of that he still came out of the dugout to be cheered and jeered during each game.

Jackie Robinson

Thursday, December 06, 2007