Saturday, December 30, 2006


I cried all day...all-day... on Friday. Ah, cathartic. Then I went to see the" Persuit of Happyness". I recommened it. (Popcorn was dee-lish.) Then I hit the workout, and fell asleep. I awoke to a 3 am phone call. The T Man was home from a date and it's crazy...he knows when I'm not well. He hears it in my voice. He's dating and having fun with all of his girls and is truly a good listener and always offers good advice. I <3 T. Thanks for the chat.

Today I'm going shopping, again and then dinner with the entire family in DC. Should be awesome. I cleaned my house from top to bottom and my car. I'm a freak!

Sunday night, preparty @ my house and then downtown. Call me for more info! Bring on the Pomegranite Martini's! Yum Yum!

Friday, December 29, 2006

.....And A Merry Christmas it was!

I finally finished my shopping and was able to be with my family in Mclean & Middleburg. It was a lot of fun. I realized that I need to visit more, it's been too long. My mother returns back to work in January and I couldn't be more elated!!! I've put together a list of things that I got for Christmas...if I'm forgetting something...forgive me!

A handmade Jewelry Box
THE Chloe Bag
Nordstrom Gift Cards
Elton John Candles in Fireside
Memoirs of a Geisha DVD
Burberry Toggle Coat
Jeans and sweaters I'll never wear
Red Lobster (my fave)
Coach sunglasses
Estee Lauder Makeup
Tiffany's from Dad
"He's Just Not That Into You" from Becca
Sephora Gift Card
Clinque Happy
Via Repubblica Distressed Leather Bag
US weekly Subscription
And of course the $100 savings bond from Grandma & Grandpa

Any suggestions for New Year's Eve? I'm thinking a party@ my Casa!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And the award goes to...

Jennifer Lopez for best dressed celebrity of 2006 according to Glamour magazine. She is lovely. I, myself, prefer the always stylish, always beautiful Jennifer Anistan. She's a classic. But congrats to Jen Lopez, I ja`dore her!

My friends have arrived! Gigi & Erica are in from California. Deanna is in from VaBeach, Amber also made it as well. I have only talked to these chics...I've come down with a cold and Gigi is super sensitive to germs now, we're not hanging out until thursday night. We're doing cocktails and dinner, then battle of the bands, and then perhaps afterhours at my house. We're having a sleepover and the girls have decided that they want to join my family & I on our annual weekend in NYC to shop! We're sooooo excited. I can't wait for the beautiful windows of Saks, Macy's, Bergdorf's & Bloomingdales!

My brother's fiancee, prematurely gave birth to beautiful babies on Black Friday. She was out shopping and with all the stress of everyone, she went into labor. Had twin girls two hours later. Ava & Abi's lungs were not fully developed when they were born so they are still in ICU until they're healthy enough to come home...we're looking at mid January. They're tiny little blondes with blue eyes....Adorable. Auntie Maya is proud ;)

I've been so busy lately...I found a house and I've fallen in love. I'm nearly 85% sure I'm going to invest. It's so nice! I love it. I'll keep you posted. Besides trying to find ways to spend money, I've decided I'm not working anymore this year! I worked very hard last year and throughout this year. I even worked when I wasn't even supposed to. So, I'm taking some me time.

It's also that time of year again...we have to start adopting our families for Christmas. Last year 90% of all of my friends went out and bought gifts for a family or some kids who won't otherwise have a Christmas. This has been one of my family's many traditions started by my very sweet and very benevolant grandparents. My grandma finds a family through the Salvation Army or Social Services, pays their heating/rent for the month of December, buys them all presents and buys food for the family to have on Christmas and throughout the holidays. Typically she loves getting to know her family and has them over for Christmas at her house and cooks for them. I don't go to that extent. In the years of doing this I have found that the people are sometimes embarrassed and prefer to remain anononymous. So don't feel as if you must invite these strangers over to your house. My grandmother has never met a stranger, so this isn't "odd" for her. I want to encourage all of my friends to join in. Most of us do well and have a nice income. Some of us aren't so lucky. Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up on Christmas morning and not have presents to open? Lets try to eliminate that from happening to anyone! If you have questions I can help you. Just ask. So start adopting, stat!!!

Merry Christmas!