Taylor Behl's body was found in Mathews County near the Cheasepeake behind a barn in a shallow grave. Turns out they found the farm through a photograph that the satanic fucking bastard took of the place. The odor was overwhelming and the FBI knew that her body was there as soon as they arrived--All of that from FOX news. I can't even wrap my mind around a punishment that would probably be harsh enough for this pyschopath.
Speaking of which Becca may be dealing with one. Mr. Baker. She's met him twice @ work. He told her that shes the only woman besides his wife that he has ever looked @ in a loving way. He told her that she was too beautiful and it kills him to look @ her. She is scared. Her boss told her that Mr. Baker was a strange man and he assured her that it would never happen again. I've always said we were loser magnets.
Holy shit! PYSCHO MAN AGAIN! Tuesday evening Becca, Emma & I were having dinner @ this restaraunt 30 mins from my house. This weirdo was sitting 4 tables behind Becca and 4 tables in front of me....The restaurant wasn't overfilled. About 5-10 other people in the dining room along with us. WEIRDO started talking aloud to the waitress wanting to know what was the ingrediants in his meal!! DUMB. He was telling her how great it was and he loved it, blah blah blah. Because he was talking so loud Emma turned around and was staring @ him because he was stupid! And out of nowhere, really loud--PEEK A BOO! PEEK A BOO!! PEEK A BOO!!! So loud and retarded. Emma looked at us as if asking WTF is that?! PEEK A BOO! PEEK A BOO PEEK A BOO!! Becca & I just started laughing because we have never seen someone do that to strangers in a restaurant in front other guests!!! We found it funny. At first. Then he wouldn't stop. It was annoying the other guests too. After about 20 mins of PEEK A BOO Emma started ignoring him and she probably sensed he was a weirdo. The hostess seated a couple in front of me, behind Becca to break up the one man game of PEEK A BOO. He said to the couple-ver betam-"I may have to ask you to find another table because me and the lady (he was referring to Emma) are having a game of Peek A Boo. And I heard on the radio that if you play you will stay young and I'm playing Peek A Boo". We couldn't believe our ears!!! So we got the check and the Manager came over and told us that he was going to pay for our check because he knew that the guest was bothering us and we really didn't have a nice dinner as nobody finished their meals or drinks! Nice gesture. Then WEIRDO asked for his check and the manager followed us to the door and waited outside as we left the parking lot. WEIRDO followed us to Barnes & Noble!!! We told the mall security and they said they'll keep an eye out on him. We wanted to leave so the B & N loss prevention guy said that he was in the Children's section sitting on the train and they were going to watch the weird bastard. I'm wondering why is it us that always come in contact with the weird mohuckers? Why are we magnets?
Becca & I agreed that he was definetly a child molester. He was so sick. His teeth were yellow. He never brushed them and he was wearing thick black glasses from the 60's. Horrible looking fat guy. Spooky. I couldn't sleep much after that.
Emma shopping with us :)

She's thinking "I make these look good"
Showing me what she thinks of the destressed jeans @ Express:


She's so smart :) She's such a girly girl. She bought a black leather handbag with faux fur on it, she's becoming her own woman!!!