Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My Gigi

On Sunday after having too much fun with friends and family on the anniversary of my friend Roderick's death, I got some horrible news about my girl Gigi.

It turns out that she's no longer responding to the Chemo and the cancer has spread from her lymphnodes to everywhere. And she's not doing well. What I actually heard was she probably won't make it. How the hell do you deal with this?

She's too young and I'm mad. And I'm not losing my girl. Mom, Haven Becca and I are flying out to LA within a few weeks. I want to see her. I didn't initially because I deny things to myself at times and I basically didnt want to face it. Now I have to. Thats if I want to see her alive. And Mom told me that she may need to see some of her friends to start getting better.

Gigi & I were great friends and Haven & Erika were friends too. We just all got along so well. We had the best fun in highschool and I refuse to just accept that she's not going to make it. We can send men to the moon and yet we have no cure for cancer. Some things will never make sense to me.

I spent my Sunday night crying myself to sleep because I can't watch another friend just pass.

In other news:

Everyone knows that my uncle John got called up. He's in the Reserves and he has to be at the Pentagon for 6 months to "FIGHT THE WAR ON BIOTERRORISM" and then he's on to Irag for 1-2 years. He recentley proposed that I stay on board during our winter months to help keep operations running smoothly and efficiently since he won't be there. I told him that I couldn't commit 40 hours a week, but I'm more than willing to be available atleast when someone needs me and something comes up. I think that is good for now. I'll probably do more as I'm needed. Her understood. He also told me how I'm now a great asset to the company :) Yay! I think I need a raise :) Whats another 20 G's among a family with an empire ;) We are Virginia Royalty, right John ??!!

My brother has successfully retired the crutches and the cane. He's walking well and he's doing better. Mom has been ill a lot lately. I worry about her. Dad sees his dr on the 28th to prepare for the surgery. Thats going to be all kinds of fun.

This picture was taken on Sunday of the Diaper Posse at my Great Grandmas :)
From left to right:
Chan da man, Seth, Kennedy, Nate, Emma with the corkscrew curls
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Did I mention that it's been raining all month here?! I think I need to get back to bed :)