Monday, February 28, 2005

Oh No! Snow!

A pretty blanket of snow has just fallen. Making the roadways horrible. I don't mind though, I like a little excitement once in a while :)

As you're all aware of by now, the Oscars were on last night and as usual there were no surprises of who the winners were. Jamie Foxx took home best actor and ugly Hilary Skank won best Actress. I have to admit she is a good actress, but she's FUGLY! Her dress was haute.. I liked it. Although her hair could have been better. The entire night was black tie & sass. I thought everyone looked nice. Except Renee Zellwegger. Eric says that she always looks like she's drunk--too funny! I, on the other hand, I like her. Ugly or not! We all can't be Halle Berry's!

Saki, Sushi, Saki to me! Saturday night was quite an experience. Faith, Trish, Becca and I all went out for sushi and then headed over to get our gambling on. FUN TIMES FOLLOWED.

More details later!