Saturday, July 31, 2004


Today has been a real challenge for me. I woke up to the news that My cousin's husband had died almost immeadiately after I was there at the hospital lastnight. I knew he wouldn't live much longer, but he was taken too damn quick. He's out of his misery now. He's no longer suffering. He was such a nice man. Always smiling, always friendly. I wasn't that close to him, but it hurts to see my family hurting. I'm extremely sensitive. I cry at the drop of a hat.

It's still so freaking hard to believe. He was so young. Mckground pic-->

Name: Soo Ling

Age: 18 (legal age liao!!)

DOB: 08 June 1986

School: Temasek Polytechnic

Course: Business IT

Nickname: rabbit