I was up too late with Scott lastnight, I'm super tired. Lisa called at 6:00 am and asked if I could watch Kennedy for few hours, I said sure. I didn't realize I had to climb my happy ass out of bed to actually drive 10 mins in my jammies to pick her up! That was nothing compared to having to pump gas in Pajamas and paying for it inside because the machine wouldn't read my debit card!!! So Kennedy & I came home and we climbed into my bed and fell asleep. I woke up around 9 ish and she was awake just laying there trying to talk to me!!! SOOOOOOOO CUTE. She didn't even cry, she just laid there. I'm in love with this child already. I think she's going to be mine too :)
I worked out lastnight from 8-9. Ate healthy all day too. My butt is a rock!!! So firm. Definetly a runner's butt :) Things are getting back to the way they once were. I realized that the only cd I ever listen to while working out is Britney's CD. I love it. It's upbeat, it slows down, it's awesome. Love her cd even :)
I just checked my email and Pyscho Kenny emailed me from another email address, thats blocked now too. He's really a twisted human being. What part of STOP doesn't he get? I'll paste the email.
This may be a product of my newfound conscience, but I don't like having people
carrying around animosity toward me {Since when?}. We've been through this a few times {WE have?}, so no, I don't expect us to be close or anything like that {Smart man}, I just want to apologize for anything that I said that may have offended you {SICK, HE MAKES ME SICK}. No, I'm not "psycho" {He's never proven me wrong} or a "stalker" {He's attempted all means to contact me even nonstop via phone, what would you call it? Denial perchance?}I was just tryin to make things work with us{There was never an US}. Anyway, as the song
says, "Don't go away mad, just go away." So, that's what I think we should do{This is about the 5th email about just going away, it's never been done yet}. I
feel like I went out on a rather classless note {Classless note --->classless person, does 2+2=4?}, and I felt badly about that{Tear!}
Good luck with everything, again{Right}, I apologize for what I said{Haha, uh huh}. Apparently I have a tendancy to lose it here and there {You think? I never noticed!}(although I'm sure you knew that).
So thats the email. Everything in brackets are my thoughts. He's a weirdo for sure.
So lastnight was interesting...Aaron called, we talked for a while. I'm going to hang out with my cutie pants for a few days at the end of the month. I haven't seen him in so long. He's so adoreable. He's the one guy friend that I've had forever that has never changed or has ever said or treated me unfairly or improperly. He's my definetion of gentlemen. Great guy.
He likes peanut butter too :) We ate peanut butter together on the phone lastnight!!! Talk about weird conversations--we have those! DORKS!
Scott told me that he's interested in me :) (like I didn't know) We're going to hang out in a few days and actually go on a real date. He had a rough day at work yesterday. The family business thing is hard to do. I'm glad Mom doesn't work with me! We'd be at each other's throats al the time! Anyway, the bad thing about Scott is that work is his life--he's going to be leaving town for Houston on Friday won't be back until Thursday of next week. I'm not sure if I like that :/
Issaac is in his transition phase. He's going to be back home sometime this week I think :) I can't wait. It's Top Secret, the actual date. But if my sources are correct, he'll be back home on Thursday :) We shall see!
Kennedy is napping now so I'm going to get my shower while she's asleep. I'm going to be at the office til 6 tonight, then I'm working out, I told Mike that we could have dinner while the bitch is out of town. We shall see.