Tuesday, July 20, 2004

My lovely Brandi has gone nuts!!! Here is the email she sent...Loco Chic!
WANTED: Slick, savvy and charismatic tycoon-to-be with the fortitude to make a fortune with anything from land investment to lemonade production
The Apprentice's Donald Trump  is doing a nationwide search for the next Apprentice! You must apply or I will apply for you.  You're  Slick, Savvy and Charismatic, Total Tycoon to be to!!  You have the look, the brains and the attitude to at the very least make it to the semi-finals  so do it already or I will tai chi your ass, girl! Matt said that he is going to make you apply to! Here is the application it's a PDF so open it now! I'll be getting ideas together for your VHS debut.
Now, I'm convinced that she's gone totally nuts or she's smoking crack!!! Perhaps both.  The questions are super gay too, An Embarrassing moment? God knows I have plenty...A major event in my life?  Uhm, losing my virginity? Why am I successful in Business?  Cuz I'm cute dammit!!!  KIDDING :)  She's a dork. It's keeps getting worse..Needless to say, I won't be applying.
So I went to my meeting with Santos yesterday.  Nobody told me he was a Greek God!  Single too.  Gotta luv that.  So witty.  Attractive.  Contract signed :)
Anyway--I went to Bible Study after I lusted all evening.  A lot of people find it strange that I'm so passionate about learning about something that can be so trivial.  I like the idea of having faith in a Higher Being.  Jesus is that to me.  It's not 'cool' or 'acceptable' to be religious at my age.  But I don't care what society thinks.  I'm comfortable with it, I love it and it's a passion.  I try to read scriptures daily and apply them.  There is nothing better than the power of Prayer.  I always find myself praying.  Waking up, Throughout the day, before eating, before bed.  Sometimes my prayers are soo long that I find myself falling asleep!  I always give Thanks and note what I'm thankful for each and everyday.   I'm far from perfect.  I'm a sinner.  It's human nature to sin.  It's asking for forgiveness, it's trying to not commit the sin anymore--which is soooooooo hard, that will help me overcome temptation.   Like this weekend, the way we partied, SO WRONG.  I knew better.  I regretted it.  I didn't even go to Church on Sunday.  Thats when I definetly should have went.  Communioun is another must.  I missed out on it again.  Everytime I miss it, I feel like I'm rejecting Christ....so wrong.  I will get better.
After Bible Study, I worked out--Hard too!!!  2 hours of Cardio.  I worked on some proposals and then fell asleep atop my bed, no blankets on me at all, thats how exhausted I was.  I woke up mid morning to the phone ringing.  TMike was out drunk wanting to come over...I hung up on him.  He just got back from the Hamptons.  It rained all week there :)  His tan isn't that good!!! 
I am going to have lunch with Dad today, play some tennis, pick Isaiah up from swimming lessons for Becca, then Emma, Isaiah & I are going to the library for story hour and maybe, depending on the time, go to Grandma's and swim.  I haven't worked on the tan in a while...  The sun is my addiction.
I still have to find a Cingular store around me!  The website is gay. 

More later :)