Friday, July 16, 2004

Honey Got Me Hooked On You!

"I can't be elusive with you Honey
Cause It's blatant that I'm feeling you
And it's too hard for me to leave abruptly
Cause you're the only thing I wanna do
And it's just like Honey
When your love comes over me
Oh baby, I've got a dependancy
Always strung out for anotherTaste of your honey"
I can't stop singing that!  I know it's so 1999 but I heard it yesterday and I still luv it just the same. 
I got my tan on yesterday...Luv that. A new addiction that I've found. As if I need another.  I'm going into the office today to get some work done, who knows where the weekend will lead me.  Ian-Bradley and I are going to find him his SUV.  He wants something that he can go Trail Blazing in....I suggested a Range Rover, we'll see.
I'm going out to dinner with Mom & Dad tonight, Daddy wants to go to his favorite Japanese Steakhouse, as long as I get my sushi, it's all good! Then I'm meeting up with Brandi, Haven, Payton, Courtney and Jules---We're going over to Dream, Ozio and Club Daedalus. Should be fun.  Issaac's going to call tonight from Fallejuah Iraq...I may miss his call :( 
Poor Jas is still a bit upset.  I hate that he's so hurt but I don't know what he was expecting...All I can think about is him saying "Gonna drink some beers, try to catch a buzz, turn my radio up and forget about us." I've always been upfront with him...I told him I wasn't going to regress. I know he'll be alright...We've tried dating. It wasn't for us. I won't dwell on that.
So, I took Emma to the Circus that came to town lastnight...The workers really do give new meaning to Freaks!  It costs 75 cents per person to see a white Tiger and a Panther, I gave the guy a $10 bill, and I told him I was paying for all six of us, (Ian, Isaiah, Becca, Courtney, Emma & Me) he couldn't figure out the math! He had to get someone else to give me back my change and he couldn't do it either!!! So, I basically told them it was $4.50 I owed them, they owed me $5.50,  Then he didn't believe me and broke out pen & paper---TOTAL FREAKS! They all looked like freaks too, very deformed. Scary even.
The Babboon had a diaper Rash that was very disgusting...The Bengel Tiger was stir crazy and was pacing back and forth, The llamas Reeked, the Goats were gay, and the place was filthy! Isaiah who loves animals, even noticed how ridiculas it was.  You could even get your picture taken while holding a baby lion...Isaiah said No Thanx to that! Again, this is all strange for him.
I'm still undecided about the weekend....Lisa wants to go down to Hotlanta. Not sure if I'm up for it. Faith is coming into town, I should atleast hang with her for a bit.
I am definetly going to Church on Sunday. I feel like I haven't been in a while because of going to Myrtle Beach this past weekend, not getting back until late Monday which means I missed Bible Study too :(   BAD BAD MAYA.
Scott is going out of town for the weekend with his BROTHER! Sketchy? A lil, possibly because I don't know him that well and everyone knows I trust nobody!  I have to work on that though...
I thought I was right about Micheal too.  It's still hard to deal with that. I miss him so much sometimes.  It drives me nuts.  I always question myself why did I allow myself to get hung up on him?  Mostly because he fed me tons of lines all the time too. UGHHHHHHHHHHH
I need to just let it freaking go! 
Anyway, I am going to get to the office get some work done so I don't have to go in on Monday and then I'm going to have myself a fabulous weekend.  NO WORRIES :)