Saturday, July 31, 2004


Today has been a real challenge for me. I woke up to the news that My cousin's husband had died almost immeadiately after I was there at the hospital lastnight. I knew he wouldn't live much longer, but he was taken too damn quick. He's out of his misery now. He's no longer suffering. He was such a nice man. Always smiling, always friendly. I wasn't that close to him, but it hurts to see my family hurting. I'm extremely sensitive. I cry at the drop of a hat.

It's still so freaking hard to believe. He was so young. Mom always says that God takes his angels first....

Becca, Missy, Eric, Emma & I went to dinner tonight and totally pigged out. tons of dessert, pastas, wines, and a lot of Calamari later we ran into another cousin, Allen, who was in town because of the death in our family...we all just vented to each other and hugged and it felt so good to express all of these feelings that I'm having...the shock, the sadness, the pain..He left to go visit my cousin, the 30 year old, who is now a freaking widow....Then I asked for our check and our server says that we have none! Shocked of course, we asked what she meant, so she said that Allen paid for everyone's dinner at our table! K...So nice of him, however, we had a really exspensive dinner. It was probably nearly somewhere around $200, including gratuity. So that made me smile. It was such a surprise and a totally sweet gesture. It made my evening better.

On a much better note, I got a call from Adam today...He has a bar now, is doing well. Talking to him though, it makes me miss him--for real. We probably won't be talking again for a while, but we'll see.

Scott is doing well. Eric is good too. Issaac is fantastic....

I've had lots of random conversations with "T", he's doing well. He wants Nicole back. He truly loves this woman. I think he's scared to let go of his pride and just tell her that he wants her and she wants him too, dammit!!! He emailed me an article about relationships and such, I can't bring myself to read it. He knows I can relate because of all the drama with M.M. He got wasted lastnight...I'm sure he's hungover now...sick too perhaps. He's so adoreable sometimes.....

It's nearly 2 am. I'm going to go to bed....

update more, later!