Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I had a wonderful night of sleep! I got 6 hours of it! I don't sleep much--ever so this is exciting for me.

Andy, who is the son of my Mom's friend, William, who I saw briefly on Saturday called me and told me he got the number from my Mom asked me if I wanted to come over and watch DVD's with him. THATS A BIG NO! First off, he's the biggest dork ever who had a chance to go to Brown but passed it up for William & Mary, He married Melissa Gray==DOUBLE EWWW! They divorced and their offspring, which I rarely say anything bad about, is uhm....to put it mildly she's ugly. Andy has blond hair with blue eyes and everyone knows I don't do blondes!!! Besides, I liked him when I was 14 (what was I thinking) he should have offered then!!! So, I told him I'm just so busy these days and then he asked how busy can you possibly be with 1 leg!!! MOTHERFUCKER!!!

Funny story: Isaiah was doing his homework and he asked me how do you spell 'nothing', and 'something' it took me a second to figure out what he was asking, I told him N O T H I N G & S O M E T H I N G, I was too wrapped up in the news to pay any attention to him...So as we were going over his Math sheet, which he excels in, it was flawless and then I came across a sheet a paper that had "WHAT DOES COLUMBUS DAY MEAN TO YOU" on the top, Isaiah had written NOTHING! I thought this was funny, but I explained to him that writing nothing was about him being lazy and it was unacceptable. He then said Mrs. WHATSHERFACE said that he had to write something, but something was too long so he wrote nothing!!! I had a moment...the kid is hilarious. Eventually he managed to spit up a paragraph.
