Okay, okay..he text messaged me first then I called him! He's not doing well. Seems like he has a pyscho on his hands.
Went to the office, left early, came home & made dinner...Becca made a Pina Colada cake...the bitch. How am I supposed to stay away from that? What was she smoking? She knows I devour that shtuff.
T & I talked a lot lastnight. I was being petty and aggravating at the same time. Poor T! The shit he puts up with from me! Gotta luv him for that.
Scott & I had a heart to heart lastnight. I told him what was up. He's always neglecting me so I had to set him straight. He acted oblivious, but thats just what guys do. No sweat off my back.
So I'm working on a project for Eric. I've come to realize how much fun Mr Eric can be. He totally gets my sense of humor now. Whereas before I always had to break it down for him. Everything I say & do...he loves. For example we talked today while I was grocery shopping and I told him I didn't remember where I parked my car and that I would have to set off the panic alarm in order to hunt down my car--the guy almost busted a nut. I like that he gets my sense of humor, however I don't want him thinking I'm a complete idiot. I just have the beginging stages of Altzheimers! Okay, so thats not funny.
As for Daddy's party everything is taken care of so far. Sunday is the illumination ceremonies at the Cave, I have to be on hand to read some unimportant and useless info to a crowd of Chinese/Japanese people who don't even know what I'm saying. Basically it's just good PR.
I'm going to take Emma outside and play for a bit.