Monday, August 23, 2004

Aunt Flow is in town

And I hate when she visits. I feel like she always has to be mentioned in my journal. She's a pretty mean bitch. I'm not cool with Aunt Flow. She causes me to double over in pain and sleep all evening with a heated pad on my protruding tummy. She forces me eat tons of fattening foods that I can't get enough of. She makes me scream at my sister for waking me up to tell me that she's going to go excercise while I sleep my entire evening away in the softest pajamas I own. Aunt flow takes away all of my energy. 4 days left til she's out of here for another 28 days. Ya know, there has been times where I've prayed to see Aunt flow, but when I'm taking 4 Advil and 2 Midol to relieve some of the bloatedness and the sore boobs and the cramps from hell that don't quit, I have to wonder why such a Just and Loving God would do this to a woman. Because to me, this is medievel torture! I think I'm going to have to fast to figure this one out with God. I deserve an explanation. Which has me thinking, I wonder if Noah & Sarah got it on during Biblical times. The Bible says that the woman will shed blood and she must not be touched for period of time after this since she's 'unclean', I'm wondering since the Sinful Noah & Sarah had many kids, did they get it on? Did they not follow the Law of God? Day 6-11 after the period is when you ovulate, thats when you get preganant...I'm thinking Noah is dirty. anyway...I had a rather good weekend. Went to a bar lastnight, girls nite out became everyone's night out. Mike, Danny, Ross, Ian-Bradley, Faith, Courtney, Brandi, Davy and I all had a few rounds of beer. The more I drank, the worse it tasted. Beer is nasty. Makes me pee too much too.

Tonight, I was supposed to go excercise, I didn't. Came home fell asleep and woke up to eat peanut butter and Pecan Pie that Grandma brought over bad for me. I just got out of the shower and now I smell like my new fave scent from Victoria's Secret...Forbidden Fantasy. If you haven't smelled it yet--you need to. Definetly a staple for a while atleast!!!

Going to bed now...I think.