...But for the third time today a man has felt comfortable enough to "adjust" infront of me. It makes me really uneasy and I just don't understand how they can see this as appropiate social behavior. If i ruled the world this would be punishable by stoning! It's just NOT right! I have never seen women rubbing their nipples or scratching their pootie. I feel this should be touched upon in the senatorial debates, I'd like to know where each candidate stands on the issue. I mean women just DON'T do it...you don't see women outlining the cups of their bras with their fingers if they are seeping out, I mean the thought of it is crazy not just because it's pornstar but because it's inappropriate... why do certain men have the bravado to just play around with their member in full-fledged public knowing the affect it has on others???
Just to recap...I lost my cell, I got it back. It felt like an eternity. I'm still trying to remember what we did before cell phones. I realized why my cell was away how much of my life that phone holds. WOW!!! Calendar dates, phone numbers, etc
This was {verbebatum} the phone call I recieved at 5 am on Saturday morning
Ring, Ring, Ring
ME: "T, I'm asleep."
Lady on phone: "Amaya, your number was the first found in this guy's phone. I wanted to call you to tell you that he's enroute to the hospital. We don't know his name. He's passed out drunk, shallow breathing, bleeding from the mouth, just thought you should know."
ME: OHMYGOD! "It's T's phone. Is he okay?" {Stupid question}
LADY OF THE NIGHT: "Don't know. Just wanted you to know."
ME: "His family lives in Northern California, I'm in VA. Is there a number for Mom or Dad in there?"
LADY ON THE PHONE: "We'll check. Goodnight"
ME: "Keep me posted."
After about two lifetimes I finally got T. He's fine. The bitch was lying supposedly, he was just drunk. So isn't that just about the worst prank you could ever play on anyone? EVER??? Sadistic.
Although I gave away too much of my peanut M&M's, Halloween was fun. No haunted cornfields or houses this year, like the rest of the year was low key. I used to live on the edge...I don't know where I went to...
What are some of your favorite drunken memories??? If we've had some together send them to me and I'll post them here on my blog....unedited :) ::::PROMISE::::
The weather is great, I'm horny...I'm going to go masturbate and then shower. Then go for a walk with Kennedy in God's Country!!! Yep...life is good :)
OHHH didja hear that Bob Barker is hanging up the mic? He's retiring. So sad. I used to watch that show religiously. I'll miss him. I'm wondering...over the years how many of those hot bitches has he banged? I'm sure a lot. Theres nothing better than a showcase showdown ;)