Me: "Kennedy, I love your moochie!"
Kennedy: "You can't love my moochie while I paint!"
Two year old Kennedy letting me know how it is while she's helping me paint. Too cute.
T: "Would you marry him if he proposes?"
Me: "Uhmmmm"
T: "Yes, You would! You would do it just for the pagentry of it!"
Me: "T! Okay. Yes!"
Conversation with T while trying to pretend no one else heard it!
T: "I'm going to invite Crystal to Costa Rica with me"
Me: "We'll go with you."
T: "I don't think she'll go."
Me:"We'll go with you!!!"
T: "Well you have to bring Miss B Haven with you, I'm not going to be a third wheel, I need someone to sleep with."
Me inviting myself to join T on his sexcapade.
Marisa: "I hate my school pictures. My lame school makes us buy them before we can preview them."
Me: "I'm sure they're not that bad."
Marisa: "No! They're horrible. They made me tilt my head to look at the light and asked me to smile. I can't smile like that...I looked like a dog with my tilted head!!!"
Me: Laughing hysterically: "I'm sorry, thats too funny."
Marisa explaining to me why her school pictures suck.
Me: "My thighs hurt"
Becca: "What were you doing?"
Me: "NOTHING! Just Painting"
Becca: "Only you could hurt your thigh muscles while painting with a two year much for asking you to work out with me."
Me on how a woman's work is never done!
Michelle: "I got offered cocaine this weekend."
Me: "Oh no!" Michelle you didn't do it!"
Michelle: "No. I did decline, but went home thinking that what little moral authority I have left is being compromised by vanity. They must think I look like a junkie."
Me: "HAHAHAHAAHAHA" White trash!
Michelle on her uneventful weekend
Golfer: "You're so pleasant and sweet"
Me: "do what i can to be the best at what I do"
Golfer: "To be so young looking you're not snobby.
Me: "It's just fine wine."
Golfer: "I'd like to taste that fine wine."
Me: "This is where I turn into that snob!"
A golfer trying to hit on me.
My grandmother: "Aww, doll baby, how I've missed you"
Me: "I've missed you too."
Grandma: "Are you eating?"
Me: "No, I've gone on a hunger strike until you come back"
Grandma: "Nooo. I know better than that by the way you're filling out your jeans!"
Me: "Could you have waited until the dr's left the room?"
Grandma: "They can see too, honey."
Me and how much I really missed grandma!!!