While I respect the office of the presidency, I don't respect the commander in chief so much. We don't disagree on every issue, just most! But basically his economics suck, his psuedo-education reform "No Child Left Behind" sucks just as much. Everyone knows that education is near and dear to my heart, to get a student to pass a standards of learning test is easy to do. I feel there needs to be stiffer tests and guidelines in order to graduate highschool. The Iraq war is probably the number one reason most people voted along the democratic party lines this year. In my humble opinion, the course needs a change!
And to all of my lesbian and gay friends, marriage is still going to be between a man and a woman. Color me conservative! I'm going back to the bible on this one...I feel as most people do, our purpose in life is to procreate. Two women and two men 'married' can not serve our purpose.
In predicting the future,I can see Clinton/Obama on the ballot in 2008, No?
:::::IN OTHER NEWS:::::
1. School continues to kick my ass.
2. I'm preparing for Christmas, I've decided that I want a Charlie Brown Christmas tree
3. Isaiah is still an honor student, as is Chandler!
4. Kennedy still loves my moochies, Emma does too!
5. I love him. Does he know it?
6. I'm going to help out my friend Amber with her dance team
7. Faith, Trish, Lisa, Kellie, Michelle, we're all planning a girls slutty night out.
8. Shelley is still a drunk slut. But not the kind my girls and I are.
9. I haven't slept well for days now.
10.I'm seriously considering buying stock in Tampax after this week with aunt flow!
11.I love Victoria's Secret. Even when your bloated you still feel sexy with your budda belly in their lingerie!
12.Daddy told me that he's always going to call me his baby--No surprise. I'm always going to call him Daddy :)