Monday, January 03, 2005

Another Year Over

...And a new one's has begun on a great note at that! I've made some serious new year resolutions that I've kept graciously thus far. Considering that today is only day three! I'll let you know how it goes.

A Sneak Peek:
-Excercising 5-6 times per week
-No fast food/take out atleast during the month of January
-No alcohol until my birthday
-I intend on reading atleast 1 book every 6 weeks
-Travel more--Chicago a lot ;)

I woke up @ 5 a.m. this morning and went to the gym and was that place busy. It'll settle down in another 2 weeks after everyone starts to lose their motivation. Today is Daniel's funereal. I'll be there.

My accounting class is from 5:30 until 9:00 so I'll be nice and tired tonight! I'll get plenty of sleep. Yay!

I have tons of folders on my desk, I'm assuming thats a sign for my happy butt to get to work...sooooooooooo happy to be back!

Happy New Year!
