Saturday, November 06, 2010
Daylight savings time ends :( We fall back an hour.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
So I'm wondering.......

Students who are able to connect people, understand their relationships while reading, tend to do better seeing the big picture- what the story is ultimately about. They tend to be better at predicting what will happen next in the story, explaining what already happened and distilling the main points of the tale when sharing with others.
Blah, Blah, Blah.
So what this really got me thinking about was, how do I define my relationships. Because seriously, it’s important that I always bring it back to me.
I have friends. I’m lucky enough to have the very best of friends. Friends who make me laugh and go to Disney World with me and stay in hotel rooms with me and watch NCIS marathons with me when the entire world has gotten comfortable resting it’s heavy mass on my shoulders. Friends who call just because, text funny stories, email just to wish me a good day. Yes, I have very good friends.
I know couples who routinely call their partner their best friend. I know couples who are glad they are in a couple, love the person they are with, but call friends outside their coupled relationship their best friend. Which got me thinking- do you have a best friend? Or are you someone who has a group of close friends? Is your spouse/partner your best friend or do you look outside your relationship and find yourself best friends with someone else? Is it too sixth grade to think that you can only have one best friend or do you have different kinds of best friends? Is it just me or does routinely typing ‘best friend’ make me sound like I’m 12 years old?
Maybe once we grow up we are supposed to stop talking about best friends. Maybe that’s why I feel silly asking about it. Or maybe, once we grow up the idea of “best friend” changes and it’s harder to articulate how we feel, what makes a best friend or how we feel about the one (or ones) we have. Or maybe, if you are lucky, you’ve never stopped to think about something like this, because you are too busy polishing your BFF necklace you are still wearing from the friend you’ve had since the sixth grade.
I hope for you, it’s the last one.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
She's an amazing mother and sister and I am a lucky girl because not only do I have Haven, I have Rebecca too!
I am blessed.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
My Students are Worth It!

Bins of throw pillows, each carefully picked for plumpness, coziness and all around ‘I want to curl up and read a book with you’ feeling- $64
Wire shelving units that appeared easy to construct but resulted in me cursing so much I would have made a sailor blush and almost resulted in the loss of my pinkie finger- $58
Approximate number of hours it took to sort each book into categories- mystery, adventure, scientific fiction, people & places, space & science, arts & math, comics, do it yourself, reference, animals, research, biographies and make appropriate labels for each group. Complete with pictures of the author so kids have an idea who the face is behind the book they are reading- 6 hours
Approximate number of hours it took to “level” each book in my reading library, ensuring that kids have a better opportunity to pick books that they will feel comfortable reading-9 hours
Cost for the books in our class library, 80% of which were bought at Bank Street Books and Green Valley Book Fair so that I could save some greenbacks and my students could revel in that ‘old, musty thrift store book smell’- $987.43
Amount of times I’ve started thinking of all the shoes I could have bought with $987.43 before stopping and feeding myself some cheap pep talk about children’s literacy being more important than stylish footwear which then resulted in me rolling my eyes at myself and saying ‘tell it to your feet, mama needs a new pair of shoes‘, which then further fueled the moral vs. stylish footwear dilemma I wrestle with on the daily- 483,403,502
Watching my students enjoy our literacy corner- priceless
(Number of times I rolled my eyes while writing this post, fully aware of how cliché ridden and cheesy it was- infinite. BUT I’M STILL EXCITED!)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
As if my Summer couldn't get any worse....
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Trying to Educate the Lindsane of the World!
You are hereby on notice that I have started to, er, notice you befouling various celebrities. I sweetly insist that you cease & desist your body-stumping, childish ways before the general public is seduced by your inexplicable charms.
Darlings, this is like one of those delightful SAT questions; Jumpsuits are to 2010 fashion as Lindsay Lohan is to self tanner. *Aprops to the original jumpsuit era, let's pick C, Just Say No.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
We Can't Settle.
To all of my girlfriends and best friends--never forget your worth or how much you deserve. And believe me, there are plenty of guys who are out there waiting to do all of these things...sadly these days...they are few and far between. We can't settle for anything less than wonderful because we are worth it.
Monday, May 31, 2010
My lesson plans according to Michelle :)
Sunday, May 09, 2010
My computer deletes without feeling, without debate. It asks me only once if I am sure, and then it does the job. It doesn’t ask me “Do you think you will regret deleting this file?”, “are you sure this isn’t a mistake?” or “Isn’t this the best copy you’ve made, shouldn’t you keep it?”, my computer coolly and objectively deletes with one swift swipe of the enter key. There are no tears, long conversations anazlying the matter, or sleepless nights. My computer just deletes and moves on.
Other than the time I accidentally deleted my entire hard drive (oh what a life I lead!), I’ve never been really good at deleting anything. I still have my first baby tooth, my class president crown from grade two and my one and only Spice girl CD. I have kept matchbooks with numbers I would never call, pictures of people I don’t remember and every napkin I’ve ever scratched an ingenious thought on (most of these thoughts occur at 2am when I’m drunk on genius and tequila) . Deleting possessions, removing them from my cluttered life has never been my strong suit.
People are even worse.
The ability to delete has become one of interest only recently. I had always accepted that I was unable to delete, to remove, to erase people in my life. I mean, if I can’t discard the president’s crown from grade 2 (I totally rocked the competition though), how could I possibly find the boldness to delete a person? Like I said, I had accepted this fate until a funny thing happened…
Within the last couple of weeks I have witnessed to examples of exactly how to delete. Two of my loveliest friends, each in a different way were able to find their delete button and discard the emotions, attachments and questions that were clinging to a person in their life. The people they had attached these trappings to were people that they cared about, lusted after, even (despite what they would sometimes admit) loved. For years, (notice the italics) each of them had kept these people around, unwilling to delete them, unable to do anything else. Why did they delete? They found themselves in a position where their lives were better for it. I don’t mean to be one-dimensional, but we entertain people in our lives who make our lives better, once someone fails to do that, or prevents you from making your own life better, you should start eyeing the delete button. That is not to say that once you hit ‘delete’ and decide to move on that you will forget about the person, (most are afterall a little more memorable then a paper crown), it’s just that you will erase their file and gain some free storage to create something new. You will remember what you wrote, you just won’t have a copy to hold on to.
Do I have people that I should delete? Absolutely. People who are long since gone who I allow to influence my descisions, to affect my mood and cause me to question things that can no longer be answered? Yes. Have I deleted these people? No. But I’m going to. Today. Because a girl can drive herself crazy trying to hold on to something that she doesn’t really have. And after a few sleepless nights, I’ve realized I’m better than staring at my
It’s going to be an interesting summer.
And I Quote
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Party of One
We went to a lounge where the music was loud and the people were polished. There were camera shots and tequila shots. There were hugs to old friends and numbers exchanged to new ones. It started out being one of those nights where you hope you see everyone you ever knew because they would see you at your best- laughing, happy, surrounded by friends and wearing killer footwear.
An unfortunate circumstance found me having to state my relationship status repeatedly (or lack of relationship status to be more accurate). At first it was fine, I can throw in a joke about it, can say all the reasons I’m glad I’m not currently coupled like an animal on Noah’s ark (the commitment! the chance of drama! the fact I would have to shave my legs on a regular basis!), but it didn’t stop. I had to keep saying it over, and over and over again.
I’m single.
And the kicker? I’m not casually dating, not currently on the fence about a particular guy, not even secretly lusting after someone.
I’m just… single.
It was in that moment that I noticed everyone who wasn’t single. I noticed the couples suctioned to each other- sweaty from dancing with hands interlaced. The ones smiling at the dancers antics knowing they would go home together and have something to talk about. The ones whispering secrets and stories no one else would ever hear.
Suddenly, I felt something that stirred my insides and left me shaken. A feeling that crept slowly up my throat and left a bad taste in my mouth. Suddenly, I felt being single wasn’t fun.
There’s the idea that singleness equals carefree road trips with red toes out the window. Of random sexual escapades that would make even Samantha blush. Of spur of the moment splurges, weeknight parties, drawers filled only with expensive La Perla panties and complex nightgowns with strings and bows.
And sometimes being single is like that. It’s lovely, and exciting and causes you to skip into your office or strut in the coffee shop. You feel independent and lovely and find yourself going on trips or applying for jobs you would have to think twice about if coupled.
And sometimes being single isn’t like that. It’s heartbreaking and lonely and causes watery eyes when you realize that when you wake from a bad dream, there’s no one to tell. And you find yourself on a Saturday night wearing your best shoes, surrounded by too many people, feeling far too alone.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Give Me a Kleenex, I'll Wipe Your Nose Too.
The proof of this change came last week over dinner with friends….
While sitting with friends (some old, some new), the cute guy two seats down from me put down his napkin and said that he couldn’t eat another bite of his sandwich because he was full.
I promptly replied “See if you can eat two more bites. Then you can be done.”
It wasn’t until I looked up from my meal and heard everyone laughing did I remember that I wasn’t eating my meal with picky 8 year olds who hate eating their lunch.
But for the record, the guy DID eat two more bites. And then we shared a dessert.
Something an 8 year old would never do.
My Uncomfortable Zone.
Okay, I exaggerate, but here are some phrases that make me prone to fits of extreme rage, or you know, just uncomfortable or unhappy…
- “I signed us up for karokee, stop drinking so fast, let’s do this song sober!”
- “Hi there, this is the Internal Revenue Service. Can we please speak to Amaya?”
- “You’re late” (I hate,hate, HATE being late)
- “It’s time for a pap smear!”
- ” I think you are silly/cute/a joke”.
- “It broke” (And to quote Louis Armstrong, ‘if you have to ask, you’ll never know’)
- “Now, I know we said we weren’t going to cut a lot of hair off this time, but I thought these Heidi Klume bangs would really suit you. Hey, why are you crying?”
- “Nope, we don’t have you booked on this airplane, sorry! Now can you step aside for the next person in line?”
- “You're car is totalled."
- “I don’t want to date you anymore, but happy birthday.”
- “Ma’am, I need to see your license and registration”
- "I have been going to dinner and movies with a gal pal."
- “You’re a democrat? Wow, I would have totally pegged you as a Republican.” (this one was more funny, but I was shocked nonetheless)
- “I don’t watch The Office. Wait, why are you looking at me like that? What’s wrong?”
And of course, the ever popular, never appreciated
- “I have some bad news”
Monday, March 08, 2010
Instant Gratification in an Instant World.
Everything happens so quick that when I actually am forced to wait for something; eggs to cook, Saturdays paper, a doctor to see me, life suddenly seems to move very slow. Too slow. Unbearably slow.
While toe-tapping and watch checking this morning waiting for an airline flight confirmation, I got to thinking about what is WORTH waiting for. What would I never want to be found quicker, what I wouldn’t want to experience sooner, what I would hate for technology to ’speed up’. My list of what’s worth waiting for includes…
- homemade pie crust. Actually, any food that’s homemade. Instant potatoes scare me more than Tara Reid.
- babies.
- the third date kiss. Not the “it’s the third date so we should kiss”, but the “I’m so excited about you, I need to kiss you” kind.
- a proper goodbye.
- handwritten letters in the mail that confirm I’m not the only one who misspells “foreign”.
- my birthday.
- someone who loves you even on the days (most especially on the days) you don’t love yourself.
- garden peas.
- the shoes you adore (but cost more than your grandmother's car) to come on sale.
- a glued macaroni picture addressed to you in crayon.
- an “I love you” to be said sober, fully clothed and vertical.
- movie sequels with an actual plot.
- waiting in line to meet Cinderella.
- an explanation for a broken heart, missed lunch appointment or $489 vehicle repair bill.
- seeing your favorite piece of artwork so close up your eyes can trace the paint strokes and find the pieces of hair stuck in the paint.
- the perfect dress.
Suddenly waiting doesn’t seem so bad.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Happy Birthday Dr. Suess
I look around now. I have brightly colored material stretched over each bulletin board, cheerful border lining each one. I have a dazzling collection of books- on Robin Hood and magic and planets and a boy named Fudge filling a wooden bookcase and labeled bins and sorted in magazine holders. I have 19 desks filled with pencils and crayola markers and papers lined with thoughts of people young enough to still be brave enough to write down their wildest ideas. I have an orchid blooming at a reading table, the Mona Lisa hangs from the wall looking down and I have three dozen gorgeously fat tulips blooming on my desk. It is a room that vibrates with potential and possibility and excitement when you enter. It is absolutely everything I ever wanted my classroom to be.
The funny thing is, I’ve been missing it. September curb stomped me, wore me down until I was nothing but a shell that rose each morning at 5:20 am and came home each evening at 4:30 pm. I’ve been crabby and tired and when I looked around my room instead of seeing the colors and flowers and solved math problems of my genius class stapled to the bulletin board, I saw unfinished marking, the need for more books, a to-do list that multiplied every second I took my eyes away. I saw everything it wasn’t instead of what it was.
I have a poster hanging in my room. It’s a Dr. Seuss quote- one of my favorites, it says
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
He Is Under My Skin, Dammit.
I have such a person. A fantastically brilliant, maddening, charming and utterly frustrating person that has a brownstone near my main artery. A person who’s punctuation inspires me to remember to put in my apostrophes. A person who reminds me that there is someone else out there who would choose vanilla over chocolate. A person who reminds me men aren’t all that bad. Due to reasons of fate, logic and personal sanity, it makes sense for us not to be friends. And we aren’t. Anymore. We are a weird hybrid of wary acquaintances and eager strangers- wanting to talk but never knowing what to say.
The hard part was learning that’s how it should be.
I’ve finally discovered that when someone has managed a way under your skin, has set up within striking distance of your heart and hunkered down for some time, you can’t really evict them. You don’t have a choice anymore. Everything they’ve ever said, or yelled or whispered- is stuck with you.- fixed in you. You cannot push ’delete’ as I has once hoped. When it’s impossible to say goodbye, wish them well, find a way to mean it and keep going. It doesn’t get less confusing but it does get less painful.
And if you are very, very lucky you will find that one day when you least expect it -it doesn’t hurt at all.
And that’s how it should be
My Secrets
I've been keeping a lot of secrets lately and I think this would be a great way to unleash them. I'm not here to admit or confess who these are about so don't bother asking. You know who you are.
We actually stole it more than once.
It would be easier if I loved you, but I don’t. So stop trying to make me.
It would be easier if I didn’t love you, but I do.
You are not allergic, you just don’t like it. There is a difference.
An ultimatum will not work, it shocks me that you think it would.
I wish you wouldn’t do things that make it impossible for me to like you.
I think of that talk everyday single day.
You tell me too much.
I avoid you because I know I keep letting you down.
Sometimes I wish you would just let me down- it would level the playing field.
I don’t get you anymore and it makes me sad.
You are the funniest, weirdest and most original person ever and I’m completely jealous of your brain.
I wish I knew how to be closer to you.
I like you when you're you.
You keep pronouncing it wrong and I don’t know how to correct you without looking like a jerk.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Valentine's Day
It feels like it’s a bad sign when the idea of a life exhausts you.
Maybe it’s the month. Valentines Day sends a jolt of love soaked fuel to coupled people. Since I am single, I used my energy in deflecting all the conversations of love, lust and “I can’t believe how much we are meant to be together” talk. Right now, I feel I have nothing to add to any conversation that includes the word love. My body is starting to physically convulse when I see yet another happy couple shopping at Safeway. It’s not pretty and I’m not proud. Maybe I’m suffering from PMS Of Valentine's Day.
Or maybe it’s the weather. I’m a scarf whore but I’m getting tired of the 26 layers of long sleeves and fleece zip ups and warm socks that I must don before leaving the house. I’m tired of walking slowly, planning every step in advance, searching the sidewalk for a glorious patch of raw pavement not glazed with ice. I’m tired of thicky icy roads that become a deathtrap when your car has tires that are more bald than Britney was. I drive nervously, hunched over my steering wheel like a grandmother and feel my neck muscles get angry.
It could be my job. Even thought I haven't been there in a week. I love my job. I love working with kids and putting on plays and listening intently as they describe the color of icing they had on their birthday cake. But sometimes pretending that each of their new discoveries is as exciting to you as to them can leave me searching for tylenol. I’m not talking about learning how to read a challenging word, or memorizing a difficult monologue- that’s the good stuff that’s easy to get excited for. But showering excitement every class over new shoes or pet iguanas can be difficult and draining. Realizing that sometimes you just don’t care about Roddy the iguana can make a girl feel bad.
Or maybe it’s nothing so easily defined in one group- maybe it’s a cluster of little things. Thinking of unreturned phone calls, unanswered questions, not understanding how to file my taxes, searching for my favorite pair of cashmere mittens I lost , or sweating under a looming deadline I set for myself in regards to a project I started for fun. Maybe I’m tired because I keep making the same mistake- missing the same people I told myself I do not miss. Maybe I’m tired because I don’t understand what’s happening on Lost or because today it feels like I’m the only person at work having a bad hair day. Maybe it’s all of those things, or none of them. Or maybe I just need a nap.
Valentines Day is approaching. Actually, I feel like it charging towards me in a blur of pink and red cellophane. I first noticed this the second week of January while at the mall searching for new mittens. Rows and rows of pink and red boxed chocolates, (enough to throw a diabetic into a seizure with a single glance), stuffed toys clutching hearts with stitched cliches and bouquets of roses were all crammed together in a shiny, blurry wonderland of love. It sort of made me nauseous.
As a kid I loved Valentines Day. I’m a craft dork, so the idea of using special scissors and thick construction paper to make cards for everyone I loved seemed not only fun but insanely exciting. I liked the idea of knowing there was one day a year it was expected to say exactly how you felt, the fact the world was smeared in pink and the discovery of who liked you by how they signed their name on their Valentine to you -From? Love? Always?.
I’ve kept valentines that meant something to me and as I look at them I realize that none are from recent boyfriends or guys I met after I got my drivers licence. They are all from a time before spell check and self doubt. My favorite one I received in grade three from a boy with messy blonde hair. It has glue smears on the front and the inside reads (in messy boy printing) “ I’m not 100% shure, but I think I might like you. I will let you know”. I miss that.
Now I feel like Valentine’s Day is the a holiday that truly divides mankind into two groups each unwilling to concede that the other group may be onto something. (Forget the war, it’s Valentine’s Day that’s splitting the world apart) There is the group who loves, loves, loves Valentines Day (and are unsurprisingly spending the day with someone they love, love, love) and the group who hates the holiday and views it as “just another opportunity by large corporations to make you feel like you need to buy shit you don’t need to show people you care” as one friend so eloquently put it. Of course, these are extremes I’ve noticed over the years so in a fit of Elle Woods inspired productivity; I went to the streets and asked the people. (Okay, so I mass emailed, it’s cold outside.) Here is what I found…
My theory of the two opposing groups holds steady- sort of. The majority of coupled girls love the holiday. Not for the opportunity to show someone you love them (“I don’t need a day to tell my boyfriend I love him”) but because you like getting presents (“when else is it mandatory that I get flowers?”). I’m not going to lie, as a single girl I found this to be a disappointing discovery. You’ve found him! You shouldn’t just expect flowers, you should go bowling and drink diet soda with straws! Seriously though, I may be single but I’ve dated enough to know that expecting things from a man to ground you in happiness will never lead to anything good. (Also, I’m now considering the fact that I may still be single because I think bowling and drinking diet soda constitutes romance.)
Coupled guys have other ideas. The majority doesn’t like the pressure it puts them under (“I hate knowing that she’s imagined something better than whatever I end up doing”). Fair enough. I love my gender but after talking to what some of the coupled girls are expecting… this Valentines, I would be wary too. Heads up ladies, none of you are getting proposed to on a glacier with a string orchestra in the background- at least none that I know of.
Single guys hate it because they think “that much attention to a holiday focused on flowers is stupid”. One insightful (and refreshingly honest) guy admitted that he didn’t like it Valentines Day because it made not being in love feel like he was failing.
Single girls seem to feel it’s necessary to show the world (and themselves) that they are not just okay but are thriving this holiday season by going out in large packs. High-heeled, low cut shirt armies that take over clubs and recount all the reasons they are glad they are single (#1 being you won’t be disappointed when your boyfriend forgets it’s Valentines Day). Some recounted these nights made them feel better, confirming they are not alone. Others admitted they felt worse and woke up with a hangover plus a few phone numbers of guys they would never have considered taking if they weren’t trying so hard to feel like they were happy alone.
In short, I guess no one is guaranteed a perfect Valentines Day regardless of your dating status. My friend Stephen pointed out that Valentines is a lot like New Years. A lot of expectations with no guarantees it’s going to result in love, love, love. I suppose the best any of us can hope for is a construction paper Valentine from someone who tells you exactly how they feel- even if they are not 100% sure.
Happy Valentine's Day to all :)
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
PS thats BS
You know it.
Every fiber of your being knows it.
Yet, you don't want to realize it, admit it to yourself yet.
But you know it.
Know that the, whatever it might be that you don't want to admit to yourself or realize or be honest with yourself about whatever, it's true.
You listen to the bullshit as it's being vomited up to you in conversation. You listen, but you don't hear it. You can almost see the vomit of the words floating through the air.
Still, you choose not to know it. It's not really affecting you one way or another, so what difference does it really make?
Then, one day out of nowhere you're hit with the vomit of bullshit.
WHAM! Right in the middle of your gut. The kind of jolt that even takes you by surprise. You weren't expecting the ball let alone the jolt. Where did that come from?
Hit with a ball of bullshit.
Your not really surprised by the ball of vomit and bullshit that you've been hit with, but it still makes you break into a cold sweat. Not a big one. Just enough to give you a chill that no one would notice but you.
Then you can't deny it.
Your gut hurts from the blow.
Your covered in it.
All you can do is stand up, strip naked, step into a hot shower, and wash yourself off.
And make a note that you won't believe the lies again.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Dumb blonde
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The End.
The relationship has ended and they want, need, are desperately seeking, closure.
Here's what I think about closure. It's a myth. You can try to seek out the closure with the other person, you can try to have the relationship ending conversation, you can try to not hurt the other person's feelings by having whatever imaginary conversation in your head only to try and have it replayed in an actual conversation with the person, but let's face it, that conversation from head to mouth never takes place.
I need closure.
I think if I just talked to him then I will get the closure I need and be able to move on.
"Bullshit". Never gonna happen. Any 'closure' you may have already reached in your time apart is going to be sprung wide open and you will have to start all over again because you keep talking to each other. You keep picking at the wound. Let the wound heal. Stop talking for a few months, then talk to each other. Move on from each other and then see where you both are after that.
Closure is a myth.
Time is what is needed for two people to move on.
I had a friend who was talking about the need for closure and I was telling her everything she didn't want to hear, but it was the truth not some garbage she was hoping to have reinforced by someone older.
She asked me, "Well, how did you move on? You seem like the most independent person I know and like you don't need anyone. How do you do it."(Internally rolling my eyes)
"Well, I just don't talk about it. And time. I've remained friends with all of my ex's, but not right off the bat. We didn't talk, we moved onto other relationships and then we became friends.
The "closure" happened months, years later and not because of anything that was said, it was time."
Here's another thought. I don't talk about my ex's. I'm sure some people might think I never date or have sex, because believe it or not unless you are a close friend, I see no need to blab about it to everyone I encounter. (Obviously, the blog is my outlet.)People who seek closure are perhaps the one who have done something wrong in the relationship. Maybe the people who seek closure are the ones who have the need to make-up, heal because of something they did wrong.
In all of my major relationships I was cheated on. I had no need for closure. I just needed to heal. The men, within a few months, all called me up and left some sort of message on my machine when they knew I wouldn't be home apologizing and wanting to talk to me. Within a day or two I would call. They needed closure, they were sorry.
I've moved on. You messed up. You had a good thing and YOU messed up. YOU cheated on ME.If you need to talk, then talk, but I'm not going to forgive you if that's what you're looking for. Deal with it. The "closure" you're seeking from me? It ain't gonna happen.
Maybe the ones who seek the myth called closure are really the ones who messed up in some way in the relationship.I've never messed up, (seriously, cheating was the breaking factor in all of the realtionships. Dating, that's another story, but relationships I had no need for closure. No messing up on my part and all of the men will back me up on this. I'm a damn good girlfriend. I just choose badly. Anyway.)
Closure is a myth. Time is the reality that pain takes time to heal.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Boo hooo
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Winter Blues
The beauty behind this, is that I knew it was coming. I could feel it- the same way you feel autumn on a really hot August day. A breeze wanders through your hair and you smell fall, you smell change. And you promise yourself that you are going to capture every last ray of summer because you know colder weather is coming and you want to put it off for as long as possible. You attempt to hold onto something that you can’t keep. Yes, it’s exactly like that.
When I say I’m sad, I don’t mean I feel like crying. Crying implies effort, and that is something I can’t afford to waste on tears. And there’s no reason. Or there’s too many- the post holiday slump leaves me feeling nostalgic for days I won’t see again for a long time, the sun is hardly out, I miss people I don’t see, I’ve got 5 hours of sleep in the last two days, I am about to mark an anniversary no one should ever mark. And of course, there’s the knowledge that such sweeping feelings of melancholy run in my family. For some reason, knowing that it runs in my family makes me feel like I have a free pass to a club no one wants to join.
Today everything seems like too much effort. Showering, dressing, brushing my hair. I want to lay down in blankets and nap. I don’t want to answer the phone, the door or an email. I want to sleep until I feel better, until I feel different- but if I’m not awake- how will I know anything has changed?
I know this will pass. I will go out into the grey afternoon and blaze a trail running through the woods until I reach the lake until I’m out of breath. I will do this because I know that exercise will make me feel better. I will come inside and make plans with friends who know how to make me laugh and when to let me cry. I will call them because I know that talking to others will make me feel better. I will return home, have a hot shower and lay freshly scrubbed in dryer-warmed pajamas. I will make this effort because I know it will make me feel better. I will close my eyes and search for sleep. Pray for sleep. Because I know sleep will make me feel better.
And I will wake up tommorrow and hope that I will feel better.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010