Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Give Me a Kleenex, I'll Wipe Your Nose Too.

It’s impossible to immerse yourself in a new job, to live it, breathe it, and not find yourself changed by it.

The proof of this change came last week over dinner with friends….

While sitting with friends (some old, some new), the cute guy two seats down from me put down his napkin and said that he couldn’t eat another bite of his sandwich because he was full.

I promptly replied “See if you can eat two more bites. Then you can be done.”

It wasn’t until I looked up from my meal and heard everyone laughing did I remember that I wasn’t eating my meal with picky 8 year olds who hate eating their lunch.

But for the record, the guy DID eat two more bites. And then we shared a dessert.

Something an 8 year old would never do.