-Pretty uneventful. Friday night was very uncomfortable and i don't care to discuss it!
Saturday, sick but was convinced to join my fam for dinner because Emma made me. I was home and in bed by 9, had the best sleep of my life and woke up feeling refreshed. I slept off my fever.
-I've been told that we had 75 degree weather on saturday. I don't recall. I was freezing, due to the fucking fever.
-Went to church and then spent time with my grandma. She is the sweetest lady I know. She told me everything I needed to hear. She's very supportive and I know I can count on her when I need to. We agreed that we would be spending more of '07 together. I'm looking forward to next Sunday's visit. She's so intelligent and is so wise...I want to be just like her when I grow up. "Because we love so deeply and we love so passionately we're the ones that get hurt. But we have to take the rain to see the rainbow."
-Did laundry
-Grocery shopped
-Ice cream with the ladies, Em & Kennedy
-Talked to Carlos...he was once my spanish lover...today he's just Carlos!!! Nothing new to report. We ended it. He's a nice guy, perhaps we'll always be friends.
-I awoke to lots of rain and winds. I'm climbing back into bed :)