I've been spending tons of time with Renee & Reece lately. She needs all the help she can get right now.
I've noticed that I'm very picky about little things. I can't stand it when someone leaves dishes in the sink or 'science experiments' in glasses and refuses to wash them. I can't tolerate messy people at all.
So what drives you nuts?
I'm sitting here and I could go on forever, but just to name a few things:-People who drink out of the carton (i hate it, like if someone asks for a bite of my food, you can have the whole thing!)
-People who pull out infront of me when they see i am coming at a high rate of speed and just to go 35 miles per hour and i gotta break fast just to keep from ramming them. (mm ramming!)
-Hypocrits, i had a discussion on this today with a friend, looks down on others for doing wrong, but when they admit a wrong doing they have to bring the bible into it to try and justify their wrong doings.
-People who nit pick and bash others for no reason
-People who are indecisive. I hate when someone can't make up their mind "shall I wear the green scarf with the pink polka dots or the purple scarf with the strips"
-People who don't follow directions. Just let me drive, dammit!
I'm making plans to get to Chi town soon. I am going to swing by the Gallery and pick up some work after my dr's appt. I think it's going to be a good day. T is in Hawaii on bidness! I'm thuper jealous. Eric and I have been distant. I don't think he likes the fact that I spend an enormous amount of time with Renee & Reece. I'm going to work on that!
Reece is awake...gotta go :)