Thursday, November 18, 2004


I'm so freaking pissed right now. The people that I've basically put my life on hold for, for the past couple of months has talked down to me, horribly. I've done everything for these people for months now. I even get up in the middle of the night with her son so she can sleep. I wash his clothes, I clean her house, I do everything and then they attack me because I HOLD THE BABY TOO MUCH, AND I'M WEAK? BECAUSE I DON"T EAT HERE AT HER HOUSE, EVER!!! Forgive me for not likeing West Indie cuisine.

I'm done with all of this. This has all been stress for me. And I'm young, single but I live the life of a married mother of 2 (Renee & Reece) I'm done. NO more. Tommorrow is it.