Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy 2011

It's been a while since I've actually had time to sit down and allow myself time to blog. I've spent the last few months with my grandmother who needs 'round the clock care now. I spend most of my nights with her. Right now-she's in Florida and I have 3 weeks free. I'm not sure what i'm going to do with all of this free time! I'm sure I'll manage though ;)

My resolution this year is to live 2011 as if 2010 never happened! I considered doing a “let’s reflect on everything that happened in 2010” post, but honestly? My brain works better moving forward, rather than looking back. And although 2010 had some ultra, let’s-just-up-and-down-clapping-our-hands-we-are-so-damn-happy-I-look-drunk-with-joy, moments (hello Haven got married, Hello--I lost weight!)

So in the spirit of reflection and moving forward (yes, it's possible to do both) I've decided to give a shout-out to moments i'm excited for in 2011.

I’m really working hard on being a better teacher. December… well, let’s just say December left me a little ragged. I showed up the last week of work looking like Courtney Love after a street fight and my lesson plans consisted of listening to Christmas music while creating ornate Christmas crafts involving styrofoam cups, glitter glue and a wicked amount of determination. I put in 14 hours at school today, hunkered down over my new literacy goals (none of which involve singing “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer” while silently cursing that your googly eyes won’t stick to the construction paper) and am so ready to drop some knowledge bombs on my kids.

The return of Glee. Is it shallow and small that the return of a television show makes my top 10 things to be excited about in 2011?

More friend time. Life has been hectic since I became you know, employed (hooray for regular pay checks! boo for getting up before 5 am)- and I miss my friends. I miss them a thousand times a day and find myself reflecting on the amazing times we had with more and more wistfulness. Because as fantastic as life can be, as structured and safe and productive your world is- there is nothing, nothing like spending the evening with someone who has seen you puke in a flower bush, wipe your mouth off with your sleeve and then proceed to sing “Toxic” while wobbling in your too tall shoes ( I know, I'm so classy someone should name a handbag after me.)

It's 23 degrees outside so naturally I'm looking forward to June, July, & August. Or just a time when I can go outside and breathe without feeling Mother Nature shove her frigid fist down my throat, freeze my lungs into chunks of ice and make breathing as enjoyable as a televised pap smear.

I'm excited about travel plans. I love traveling and I'm planning my birthday holiday now. Bahamas sounds hot to me right now.

What are you excited for in 2011?