2. When you are wrong, admit it. When you are sorry, say it. When you are in love, declare it.
3. Sometimes it just won’t go your way. And in those moments, it’s perfectly acceptable to stay in your pajamas, eat a lot of cheesecake and watch Regis and Kelly (and secretly hate Kelly for being utterly perfect so early in the morning. Her arms! That hair! The wardrobe!). You get to do this for up to a week. And then you must start showering again.
4. Love isn’t always easy but it shouldn’t always be hard.
5. Unless you’ve recently underwent major eye surgery, it’s impossible for you to wear sunglasses indoors or at night without looking like a major douche.
6. When in doubt, bring wine to the party. Unless you want to be absolutely adored forever and in THAT case, bring German chocolate cake (and wine, obviously). Trust.
7. The ref won’t be able to hear you, but yelling at the television will always make you feel better. (On this note can I just say, hello football season- you have been missed).
8. Never say “no” because you are scared. Say it for a million other reasons, but never say it because you are scared of what happens if you say “yes”.
9. Condoms cost less than babies. Word.
10. People will always remember how you made them feel. So make them feel good.