I spent all day Friday with her and she was swollen and pale, but still very active.
On Saturday morning, she was worse. She vomited her medication up. I intially thought since she is so sensetive to antibiotics that perhaps this was an allergic reaction. The Pharmacist agreed with me. So I took her back to the E.R. where she was misdiagnosed again with a UTI, a Virus, and the face was swollen due to seasonal allergies!!! The doctor did not notice the fact that on Thursday she weighed 45 lbs but weighed 47 on Saturday. We requested blood work, the doctor said NO that it wasn't neccessary. She was prescribed Cephlexin, Flonase, and Zofran and sent home.
She spent most of the day Sunday with Becca, Isaiah, and Chandler and was still puffy.
Monday morning, she was yellow, lethargic, and had the belly of an Ethopian child. She was swelling all over. It was hard to see. She wouldn't leave my side all day. She was the best baby ever! I called her mother, she came after work and said that she has to take her to a different hospital because there is something wrong.
She got to the E.R. and the Dr said that she had Proteinuria. Which is a large amount of protein in the urine as a result of a Bacteria infection. Her blood pressure was dangerously high and she looked almost Mongolian.

She was later seen by her Peditrician who wanted her seen at UVA. She finally was seen by a team of great doctors by the name of Randalla Lakkis and John Barcia. They thoroughly examined her and diagnosed her correctly.

Emily has been brave, only crying when she was injected twice with Predisione. She's had to pee in many cups and has been poked by big needles several times. She's one of the coolest chics I know!!! Keep her in your prayers.