July 11, 2006 will always be a very important day for me. It was that day that I met Carlos. We became friends instantly as he too, is an Aries! We connected on many different levels. We shared a lot in common, such as obsessive cleaning and our love for cleaning products, Amish Macaroni salad, and Jennifer Aniston!!
The best part about Carlos is his sincerity. His heart is one of the purest that I have ever found. The combination of eminent intelligence, courage, and love have never before come together in a better combination.
He's the proud father of beautiful daughter named Marisa. He chaueffers Marisa and her entourage around to the local McDonalds at 1 am for shit's and giggles so "Chovia" can practice her English accent on the midnight drivethru crew. Chovia aka Marisa! I asked him once what was he the proudest of, I was expecting him to list some of his vast successes such as his businesses, or even his priceless Corvette. He simply said "Marisa Alexis". She. Is. His. Everything. A great father is a sexy thing!
I knew he was different from day one. It wasn't the sexy dark hair or the striking chestnutt eyes that won me over, nor was it his colossal arms or chest. It was an act of kindness. When his friends and colleagues were at happy hour sipping cocktails, he was a charity event serving soup at a kitchen on a Friday evening . When he came home to tell me all about his bowl he purchased for $25 and how good the soup was, and how the older ladies loved him and wanted to introduce him to their grand daughters, I melted. He is a charmer. I knew at that moment that he wasn't just ordinary.
Knowing Los has made me a stronger, more honest woman. He has brought out the best in me even in my darkest hours. He is a great friend and an even better lover. Very few people in this world can touch you without using their hands; few people in this world can leave such a lasting impression that they remain on your mind, no matter how infrequent the contact; and few people in this world can compare to him. Whether you know him by Los or any other name he has acquired over the years, you cant help but realize that knowing him, in your heart somethings moving.