Thursday, October 26, 2006

Quotes of the Week

Me: "Kennedy, I love your moochie!"
Kennedy: "You can't love my moochie while I paint!"

Two year old Kennedy letting me know how it is while she's helping me paint. Too cute.

T: "Would you marry him if he proposes?"
Me: "Uhmmmm"
T: "Yes, You would! You would do it just for the pagentry of it!"
Me: "T! Okay. Yes!"

Conversation with T while trying to pretend no one else heard it!

T: "I'm going to invite Crystal to Costa Rica with me"
Me: "We'll go with you."
T: "I don't think she'll go."
Me:"We'll go with you!!!"
T: "Well you have to bring Miss B Haven with you, I'm not going to be a third wheel, I need someone to sleep with."

Me inviting myself to join T on his sexcapade.

Marisa: "I hate my school pictures. My lame school makes us buy them before we can preview them."
Me: "I'm sure they're not that bad."
Marisa: "No! They're horrible. They made me tilt my head to look at the light and asked me to smile. I can't smile like that...I looked like a dog with my tilted head!!!"
Me: Laughing hysterically: "I'm sorry, thats too funny."

Marisa explaining to me why her school pictures suck.

Me: "My thighs hurt"
Becca: "What were you doing?"
Me: "NOTHING! Just Painting"
Becca: "Only you could hurt your thigh muscles while painting with a two year much for asking you to work out with me."

Me on how a woman's work is never done!

Michelle: "I got offered cocaine this weekend."
Me: "Oh no!" Michelle you didn't do it!"
Michelle: "No. I did decline, but went home thinking that what little moral authority I have left is being compromised by vanity. They must think I look like a junkie."
Me: "HAHAHAHAAHAHA" White trash!

Michelle on her uneventful weekend

Golfer: "You're so pleasant and sweet"
Me: "do what i can to be the best at what I do"
Golfer: "To be so young looking you're not snobby.
Me: "It's just fine wine."
Golfer: "I'd like to taste that fine wine."
Me: "This is where I turn into that snob!"

A golfer trying to hit on me.

My grandmother: "Aww, doll baby, how I've missed you"
Me: "I've missed you too."
Grandma: "Are you eating?"
Me: "No, I've gone on a hunger strike until you come back"
Grandma: "Nooo. I know better than that by the way you're filling out your jeans!"
Me: "Could you have waited until the dr's left the room?"
Grandma: "They can see too, honey."

Me and how much I really missed grandma!!!


I've decided that my blog needs a makeover, stat!!!

I'm trying to come up with layouts that I far, nothing! School has sucked the creative juices out of me.

Any suggestions? Anything you would like to see in my blog?

I need ideas.

Changes coming soon!

Monday, October 23, 2006

I am delicious!

So I've been told ;) Actually I just gave my hair a drink of Coconut Milk and Orchids, bathed my body in Pumpkin and drenched my skin in Pecan pie. I am quite scrumptious right now. I just got out of my hour long bath, poured a glass of Barboursville Merlot white lounging in my pale PINK V's Secret jammies and a black cami. It's been a while since I've been this relaxed. I've accomplished quite a bit today. Painted, redecorated my TV/Living Room. Made a healthy dinner of chicken in garlic and some herbs from my mother and the produce market I went to on Saturday. I managed to pay bills, return phone calls and watch a bit of tv. Monday's I'm generally at school, today I didn't make it!!!

Tonight there was some snow showers. Autumn is upon us. I tend to sleep later and go to bed earlier now...the time change next week will benefit my lazy ass enough to get up and go to school, the school that is costing my ass so much I need a second job! Sheesh.

Dad is doing well. We're all doing well. I'm going to be an aunt in brother is having twins :) I'm naming them too, Cohen and Caroline. Yes...I like those too!

After my cousin's very cold wedding in the woods, my girl Amber from high school and I caught up with each other and now she wants a coffee date. I'm happy to report that she has aged well. Unlike most of my class.

T is in limbo now thinking and deciding on what to do with his life. He's leaning towards school. I'm trying to encourage him as well. He's almost over whatsherface. This is good for him. He needs to move on.

Speaking of moving on, today is two years since Rod's death. I miss him. I miss my lil Reece Cup and believe it or not, I miss Renee. I hope that one day she can let go of all the anger and 'forgive' me. Lisa told me that Renee did infact call her a few weeks ago and everyone is doing fantastic. I sure hope so. I can still see Rod dance with my lil man and I would just stand at the doorway and watch them bond as a father and son should. He loved Luther Vandross' "Dance with my father" and thats the only song they danced to. Weird, perhaps but tonight I can't stop listening to it. Man....this is still hard. Two years have passed but you never forget. Today has taken me back to that awful windy but warm saturday morning. I remember that long week. I remember the calls, the flowers that were tossed because Renee didn't want them. I remember the smell of the food. I remember the day I went to say goodbye. My entire family was with me. He moved them too. Everyone who knew him, loved him. I was no exception. I've never been able to watch the Kid Rock/Lawrence Fishburn movie since our last time!!! But I always listen to our cd. RIP.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Soo yeah.

Dad's surgery went well. He's getting stronger. When he was released we went to a nice steak dinner. I ate half my body weight in steak and it was good but dayum too filling!!!

I'm coming down with cold. I don't feel too well. It's raining a lot here. Golf has been canceled for 3 days and my job done for the season. I'm so excited. I can concentrate on school now. Life is good.

I'm in love. It's good to be this way. He makes me moist. A lot. Too much info?! He's a good man.

I'll write more later. I'm too busy for this shtuff!!!

Look for a new makeover for my blog in the coming weeks.

Miss me guys!