Monday, December 29, 2008
Most Uncomfortable Situation Ever!
Nothing more awkward than sitting through a Nuvaring commercial with three men. This happened to me at the dr.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I have got a story to tell!
Santa will be here soon. I'm trying to be festive but Im not doing a very good job! Christmas at my parents tends to be overwhelming for me. My mother and I clash on many different levels. We disagree on everything. Haven actually told her that she was living vicarioulsy through me. As you can imagine she didn't like hearing that. I adore my sister for defending me on most cases. Except where her son is involved.
Matty looked at me and said to me that he "Has got a baby brother or baby sister"
I said to him that he "Has a baby brother/sister on the way"
Growing up, Mom hated the word 'GOT'. She insisted that we never use the word. Jordan overheard my conversation and said that he 'encourages Matt to use as many words as possible to extend his vocabulary, Got being one of them'. Of course, I bit my tongue and apologized even though I knew he wasn't helping his child learn proper speaking skills.
Oh well. I have got hunger now. I'm going to go indulge in some egg nog cookies and wrap presents.
Matty looked at me and said to me that he "Has got a baby brother or baby sister"
I said to him that he "Has a baby brother/sister on the way"
Growing up, Mom hated the word 'GOT'. She insisted that we never use the word. Jordan overheard my conversation and said that he 'encourages Matt to use as many words as possible to extend his vocabulary, Got being one of them'. Of course, I bit my tongue and apologized even though I knew he wasn't helping his child learn proper speaking skills.
Oh well. I have got hunger now. I'm going to go indulge in some egg nog cookies and wrap presents.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Holiday of Lights.
To my friends:
December is 'a month of miracles' with that being said I chose the high road. Essentially this is my film. I'm the director. She failed her audition miserably. I'm casting new acts.
December is 'a month of miracles' with that being said I chose the high road. Essentially this is my film. I'm the director. She failed her audition miserably. I'm casting new acts.
Monday, December 01, 2008
I'm shaped to get in your way, but in the end we defend our decadence (Blonde Redhead).
Somewhere in between shopping endlessly, baking cookies for friends and putting up the Christmas décor and listening to Nat King Cole; somewhere in between laughing for hours over Virginia-grown garden squash and learning Spanish, abusing semicolons and mastering the art of the run-on sentence, somewhere in between all of this: it's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS.
Here the sun is setting well before five o'clock and the weathermen are forecasting the season's first flakes of snow, there are children with their blankets pulled to their chin and pen in hand, beginning to inscribe the first drafts of their Christmas lists. While winter is in sight –inclement weather pending, there are scarf-and-mitten-bundled children playing in the street, the crunching of leaves in the smoky air – while there are acorns scattered amongst the leaves, steaming mugs of cider or cocoa cradled deftly in everyone’s palms, I too have come to realize that Christmas is just around the bend. I have forced myself to nonetheless compose my own Christmas registry of sorts.
Surely, twenty-four days is enough time for Santa to collect of all my desired goods, and so in no particular order and without further ado Mr. Claus, here's what's up:
Somewhere in between shopping endlessly, baking cookies for friends and putting up the Christmas décor and listening to Nat King Cole; somewhere in between laughing for hours over Virginia-grown garden squash and learning Spanish, abusing semicolons and mastering the art of the run-on sentence, somewhere in between all of this: it's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS.
Here the sun is setting well before five o'clock and the weathermen are forecasting the season's first flakes of snow, there are children with their blankets pulled to their chin and pen in hand, beginning to inscribe the first drafts of their Christmas lists. While winter is in sight –inclement weather pending, there are scarf-and-mitten-bundled children playing in the street, the crunching of leaves in the smoky air – while there are acorns scattered amongst the leaves, steaming mugs of cider or cocoa cradled deftly in everyone’s palms, I too have come to realize that Christmas is just around the bend. I have forced myself to nonetheless compose my own Christmas registry of sorts.
Surely, twenty-four days is enough time for Santa to collect of all my desired goods, and so in no particular order and without further ado Mr. Claus, here's what's up:
I'm going to need One Coach Leather Sabrina in Espresso
Or Steel
Or Black
The Tiffany & Co. Notes on Pendant in Onyx
One bottle of Prada Infusion d'Iris perfume:
One bottle of Clinique Happy
One Bobbi Brown Shimmering Nudes Palette
One Dior Night Diamond
One Banana Republic Cashmere Scarf in Purple
Two Gianna Rose Atelier Decorative Soaps
One Marc Jacobs Haute Couture Bag
One Andre Chreky Gift Card
One Nars Blush in Orgasm
One Nintendo Zenses Gold Edition DS
One Nintendo DS Gold Edition
One Return Vacation to St. Martin
One Falconry Glove
One Wise Old Owl
Last but not least, One Vineyard in the South of France
I understand twenty-four days isn't much to work with Claus, but considering how good of a girl I've been this year, wish-fulfillment as such is rather a requisite.
To everyone else, if there's anything I've forgotten, please do not hesitate to let me know, haha!!
Over and out loves and SEASONS GREETINGS!
To everyone else, if there's anything I've forgotten, please do not hesitate to let me know, haha!!
Over and out loves and SEASONS GREETINGS!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
What I appreciate most...
Domestic Goddess-ing. For every woman reading this that's been owning homes and having families for years, I'm going to have to issue the warning that I'm about to sound devastatingly naïve, but I've never fully known less anticipated, the pleasure of owning a home until the past three years. I thought I would be the last in line to relish the simplicity and beauty of maintaining a household, but I'm struck at times at how wonderful it is to find myself pulling flowers from the garden, preparing meals in my kitchen, and coordinating linens; selecting the perfect shade of shower curtain to go in the guest bath, carefully choosing serving wares and acquiring that divine skill of being able to differentiate "black pearl" from "black marble". Like anything worth having I know this domestic godlikeness won't last, but for now I'm going to wear that crown of laurels with pride! Cleanliness is, after all, next to godliness!
Household Products. With domestic bliss comes an ever-deepening appreciation for household products. Or should I say "extremely effective" household products. In the past few days I have come to find that should I ever commence upon a career in stockcar racing, I would like one (if not all) of the following sponsors to endorse me: Swiffer® WetJet®, Febreze® NOTICEables®, Tide® to Go pens, and Windex® Antibacterial Multi-Surface. Clorox® bleach, anti-bacterial wipes, Clorox® cleanup. While certainly not considered a "household product" per se, I have also found great pleasure in and wouldn't mind accepting endorsement deals with: the T-Fal sandwich maker, Nintendo DS (the gold edition is on my yet-to-be formalized Christmas list BTW), and LG washers and dryers. Oh and Special K Cinnamon Pecan cereal: the breakfast of champions!
Super Wal-Marts. Are one-stop shopping at its best. Where else can you buy a dust buster, mouth rinse, video console, and garden topiary in one visit? It's so convenient it's inane! The only downside I've found that I must mention is that the Super Wal-Mart of Luray does not sell vanilla flavored Fiber One yogurt, which I've found to be the most delicious and nutritious of the yogurts, and am considering filing a formal complaint. Indeed, how Super Wal-Mart can offer full barbering and nail services, drive thru pharmacies, oil lube and tire changing services (WTF?) but not sell vanilla flavored Fiber One is beyond me. Oh but lucky pants for them, they do sell wine!
The Past. I have the most appreciation not for the things I can touch or photograph, but for the things I cannot. One of these things is the past. And you know defining the past is such a subjective thing. What is your past, when you really think about it? And can anything really be your past, simply because it's not in your present? Throughout the past few days I've had enough quiet time to think richly about what I would define as my "past"; which doors I've opened that I believe will be forever revolving, and those I believe that once closed will remain permanently shut. I've learned in the past few days to appreciate those closed doors, and to hope that behind them still remains even the slightest flicker of distant memory: the simplicity of a picnic in the Shenandoah National Park, the sound of the sea as we sat parked on a winter's night alongside Ocean Drive; the heated music-laden feel of being stuck in traffic on the 66, the way the wind kept blowing my hair across my face in Corolla; the sounds of the train track through your bedroom window on a summer night, the quiet recognition that you were loved more than you ever knew. It's the simplest things sometimes, in case you couldn't tell.
In case you've forgotten.
In case you ever read this.
And last but not least, the thing I have found the MOST appreciation for is:
The Future. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and what I thought would be a simple update on my health and wellness has turned into a quite verbose (yet characteristic) dialogue. But I want to end on a good note and that note is that wherever you're going, there you are. We have all the time in the world and as cliché as that is, I think sometimes we forget. It's never too late to rewrite a chapter, flip the script, clean the slate, say you're sorry, do – whatever. It's never too late. The fate of your happiness rests solely on your ability to define and pursue it. Don't envelope yourself in jealousies and hate. Don't focus on your shortcomings and have enough security not to call attention to anyone else's. Don't limit your experience of life to unsuccessfully coursing your ideals. Communicate with purpose, remember to breathe, and for gods sake, if you're not someone's ” Blogger Buddy” don't stalk their blog! It's creepy!
Household Products. With domestic bliss comes an ever-deepening appreciation for household products. Or should I say "extremely effective" household products. In the past few days I have come to find that should I ever commence upon a career in stockcar racing, I would like one (if not all) of the following sponsors to endorse me: Swiffer® WetJet®, Febreze® NOTICEables®, Tide® to Go pens, and Windex® Antibacterial Multi-Surface. Clorox® bleach, anti-bacterial wipes, Clorox® cleanup. While certainly not considered a "household product" per se, I have also found great pleasure in and wouldn't mind accepting endorsement deals with: the T-Fal sandwich maker, Nintendo DS (the gold edition is on my yet-to-be formalized Christmas list BTW), and LG washers and dryers. Oh and Special K Cinnamon Pecan cereal: the breakfast of champions!
Super Wal-Marts. Are one-stop shopping at its best. Where else can you buy a dust buster, mouth rinse, video console, and garden topiary in one visit? It's so convenient it's inane! The only downside I've found that I must mention is that the Super Wal-Mart of Luray does not sell vanilla flavored Fiber One yogurt, which I've found to be the most delicious and nutritious of the yogurts, and am considering filing a formal complaint. Indeed, how Super Wal-Mart can offer full barbering and nail services, drive thru pharmacies, oil lube and tire changing services (WTF?) but not sell vanilla flavored Fiber One is beyond me. Oh but lucky pants for them, they do sell wine!
The Past. I have the most appreciation not for the things I can touch or photograph, but for the things I cannot. One of these things is the past. And you know defining the past is such a subjective thing. What is your past, when you really think about it? And can anything really be your past, simply because it's not in your present? Throughout the past few days I've had enough quiet time to think richly about what I would define as my "past"; which doors I've opened that I believe will be forever revolving, and those I believe that once closed will remain permanently shut. I've learned in the past few days to appreciate those closed doors, and to hope that behind them still remains even the slightest flicker of distant memory: the simplicity of a picnic in the Shenandoah National Park, the sound of the sea as we sat parked on a winter's night alongside Ocean Drive; the heated music-laden feel of being stuck in traffic on the 66, the way the wind kept blowing my hair across my face in Corolla; the sounds of the train track through your bedroom window on a summer night, the quiet recognition that you were loved more than you ever knew. It's the simplest things sometimes, in case you couldn't tell.
In case you've forgotten.
In case you ever read this.
And last but not least, the thing I have found the MOST appreciation for is:
The Future. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and what I thought would be a simple update on my health and wellness has turned into a quite verbose (yet characteristic) dialogue. But I want to end on a good note and that note is that wherever you're going, there you are. We have all the time in the world and as cliché as that is, I think sometimes we forget. It's never too late to rewrite a chapter, flip the script, clean the slate, say you're sorry, do – whatever. It's never too late. The fate of your happiness rests solely on your ability to define and pursue it. Don't envelope yourself in jealousies and hate. Don't focus on your shortcomings and have enough security not to call attention to anyone else's. Don't limit your experience of life to unsuccessfully coursing your ideals. Communicate with purpose, remember to breathe, and for gods sake, if you're not someone's ” Blogger Buddy” don't stalk their blog! It's creepy!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Election Day Prayer
Creator of us all:
You are the source of every blessing,the judge of every nation and the hope of earth and heaven:
We pray to you on the eve of this important and historic election.
We call to mind the best that is within us: That we live under God, that we are indivisible, that liberty and justice extend to all.
We acknowledge the sin that runs through our history as a nation: The displacement of native peoples, racial injustice, economic inequity, regional separation.
And yet we profess a deep and abiding gratitude for the goodness of ordinary people who have made sacrifices, who have sought opportunities, who have journeyed to this land as immigrants strengthening its promise in successive generations, who have found freedom on these shores, and defended this freedom at tremendous cost.
Be with us in the days that are near. Remind us that your ways are not our ways, that your power and might transcend the plans of every nation, that you are not mocked.
Let those who follow your Son Jesus Christ be a peaceable people in the midst of division.
Send your Spirit of peace, justice and freedom upon us, break down the walls of political partisanship, and make us one.
Give us wisdom to walk in your ways, courage to speak in your name, and humility to trust in your providence.
You are the source of every blessing,the judge of every nation and the hope of earth and heaven:
We pray to you on the eve of this important and historic election.
We call to mind the best that is within us: That we live under God, that we are indivisible, that liberty and justice extend to all.
We acknowledge the sin that runs through our history as a nation: The displacement of native peoples, racial injustice, economic inequity, regional separation.
And yet we profess a deep and abiding gratitude for the goodness of ordinary people who have made sacrifices, who have sought opportunities, who have journeyed to this land as immigrants strengthening its promise in successive generations, who have found freedom on these shores, and defended this freedom at tremendous cost.
Be with us in the days that are near. Remind us that your ways are not our ways, that your power and might transcend the plans of every nation, that you are not mocked.
Let those who follow your Son Jesus Christ be a peaceable people in the midst of division.
Send your Spirit of peace, justice and freedom upon us, break down the walls of political partisanship, and make us one.
Give us wisdom to walk in your ways, courage to speak in your name, and humility to trust in your providence.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
There is a new sheriff in town!
The indictment and arrest of my sheriff in my small town of Mayberry has created a frenzy. The media is going wild with this story. It's made headlines in NYC!
Allegedly Mr. Presgraves, the uncle to my friend Chris, whom was killed last year at this time in a motorcycle accident, was indicted on Money Laundering, Racketeering, Bribery, and the least shocking of all is the sexual assault charges. If convicted Danny could face up to 304 years.
Mr. Presgraves also allegedly 'stole' money from Page County. In excess of $100,000. He was also accused of being actively involved in a cockfighting ring here in mountains.
I believe that one is innocent until proven guilty and the FBI appearently feels as if they can prove the Sheriff guilty! I have ran into this man on severl different occasions. To call him perverted is an understatement. This man undresses you with his eyes and isn't ashamed to talk to your boobs when in deep converstation. Reading the indictment and the allegations about Mr Presgraves actually sickens me. According to one victim, she performed oral sex on him because he intimidated her to do it. Im wondering if this would constitute rape? However, I find it hard to believe that anyone wants her job so bad that she would suck his dick to keep her position. I doubt that, seriously.
Mr Presgraves has bad hair but isn't an unattractive man. To put it mildly, he abused his power, perhaps. It went to his head! (Pun intended)
Read up!
Allegedly Mr. Presgraves, the uncle to my friend Chris, whom was killed last year at this time in a motorcycle accident, was indicted on Money Laundering, Racketeering, Bribery, and the least shocking of all is the sexual assault charges. If convicted Danny could face up to 304 years.
Mr. Presgraves also allegedly 'stole' money from Page County. In excess of $100,000. He was also accused of being actively involved in a cockfighting ring here in mountains.
I believe that one is innocent until proven guilty and the FBI appearently feels as if they can prove the Sheriff guilty! I have ran into this man on severl different occasions. To call him perverted is an understatement. This man undresses you with his eyes and isn't ashamed to talk to your boobs when in deep converstation. Reading the indictment and the allegations about Mr Presgraves actually sickens me. According to one victim, she performed oral sex on him because he intimidated her to do it. Im wondering if this would constitute rape? However, I find it hard to believe that anyone wants her job so bad that she would suck his dick to keep her position. I doubt that, seriously.
Mr Presgraves has bad hair but isn't an unattractive man. To put it mildly, he abused his power, perhaps. It went to his head! (Pun intended)
Read up!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I can't believe the media is not picking up on this!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
I haven't been so good to myself lately. I'm always caught up in whats going on with my family and never about myself. This takes me back to what my therapist once told me. He said I didn't love myself. That sentence alone knocks the breath out of me. I guess months of therapy never really fixed the problem either. I honestly don't know where to begin.
I've decided that my family and I have been spending way too much time together. I don't find the time for myself. I'm also a hypohondriac. I live in fear of getting the big C again. So I clean my house relentlessly hoping there is not a deadly molecule anywhere around my humble abode. My fears have caused a lot of 'accidents' on my stairway to death. Olga fell down my staircase yesterday. She didn't have health insurance, I had to pay. (Obama will be making healthcare affordable to all)
She's okay for now. I have to live with my guilt. MY FAULT.
I haven't been sleeping at all. I tried the sleeping pills again, I took them WELL in advance of going to bed (several hours in advance) so when I went to bed after 2, I fell fast asleep and slept all night. Two tampon-pee breaks, otherwise a full night of 8 hours of sleep...with another hour trying for a such luck.
However, I slept so soundly that I have a kink in my neck, but truly, ask me if I care. (Hells no.)
My parents are hosting a party this weekend in which Olga was going to be assisting her with. Now since she can't, I must. It's the least I could after pledging my own staircase. I have to spend my weekend at some party with a bunch of old, rich, bitches. It is for a good cause. It will be central roasters coffee. It will be outdoors under a huge white tent. I will be freezing my balls off :)
I'm pmsing and I'm emotional. I'm really blah these days. After the party I've decided to get out of town. Even if it's just for a day. Haven wants to join me, but I want to be alone. To pamper myself. To love me.
I've decided that my family and I have been spending way too much time together. I don't find the time for myself. I'm also a hypohondriac. I live in fear of getting the big C again. So I clean my house relentlessly hoping there is not a deadly molecule anywhere around my humble abode. My fears have caused a lot of 'accidents' on my stairway to death. Olga fell down my staircase yesterday. She didn't have health insurance, I had to pay. (Obama will be making healthcare affordable to all)
She's okay for now. I have to live with my guilt. MY FAULT.
I haven't been sleeping at all. I tried the sleeping pills again, I took them WELL in advance of going to bed (several hours in advance) so when I went to bed after 2, I fell fast asleep and slept all night. Two tampon-pee breaks, otherwise a full night of 8 hours of sleep...with another hour trying for a such luck.
However, I slept so soundly that I have a kink in my neck, but truly, ask me if I care. (Hells no.)
My parents are hosting a party this weekend in which Olga was going to be assisting her with. Now since she can't, I must. It's the least I could after pledging my own staircase. I have to spend my weekend at some party with a bunch of old, rich, bitches. It is for a good cause. It will be central roasters coffee. It will be outdoors under a huge white tent. I will be freezing my balls off :)
I'm pmsing and I'm emotional. I'm really blah these days. After the party I've decided to get out of town. Even if it's just for a day. Haven wants to join me, but I want to be alone. To pamper myself. To love me.
Monday, September 29, 2008
All I want....
This song is so amazing. Makes me cry everytime I hear it.
I'm gonna be here for you baby
And I'll be a man of my own word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
And I wanna die in your arms
In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us
I wanna honor your mother
And I wanna learn from your paw
I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw
And I wanna stand out in a crowd for you
A man among men
I wanna make your world better than it's ever been
We'll follow the rainbow
Wherever the four winds blow
And there'll be a new day
Comin' your way
I'm gonna be here for you from now on
This you know somehow
You've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now
And I'm gonna make you a promise
If there's life after this
I'm gonna be there to meet you with a warm, wet kiss
Mmm hummm
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust makin' memories of us
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll win your trust makin memories of us
I'm gonna be here for you baby
And I'll be a man of my own word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
And I wanna die in your arms
In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us
I wanna honor your mother
And I wanna learn from your paw
I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw
And I wanna stand out in a crowd for you
A man among men
I wanna make your world better than it's ever been
We'll follow the rainbow
Wherever the four winds blow
And there'll be a new day
Comin' your way
I'm gonna be here for you from now on
This you know somehow
You've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now
And I'm gonna make you a promise
If there's life after this
I'm gonna be there to meet you with a warm, wet kiss
Mmm hummm
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust makin' memories of us
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll win your trust makin memories of us
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Excuse Me Sir
*** A friend of mine wrote this***
I am writing to thank you for your coverage of last week's MTV Video Music Awards. I have looked forward to and watched this event for years. This will be my last.
I hope that someone in your organization sees the problem with that broadcast. Inviting a man from the UK to host the VMAs was a very diplomatic move and I commend you for it. However, you lost that support when that host called our sitting President a “retard” and the Royal Family “inbred.” He went on to speak of the masturbation habits of teenage boys and Alex Rodriguez’s use of a baseball bat on Madonna. Uncomfortable yet? Good, so was I.
The show continued with a performance from “Lil Wayne.” This man currently faces drug and weapons charges for which he may spend a lifetime in prison. While I admire your appreciation for his right to a trial by jury; I do take offense to the bandana that was hanging out of his barely covered ass. Did you notice the red? In the event that you were too naïve to see it; that was a salute to the “Bloods”; a gang that is well known for its violent rape, murder and drug dealing activities. I hope that you and your sponsors are happy to have given a worldwide spotlight to such an organization.
I remember the great moments of past VMAs. For the first time ever, I can say that I was genuinely offended by your show. As someone who considers themself a fan of Howard Stern and other “dirty” shows, I am SHOCKED to be writing a letter to a media company to complain of being offended. Your show tonight was not only objectionable but obscene. This is the last time that I will watch any show on your network. I will be sending a copy of this letter to all sponsors of MTV and other Viacom stations and encourage friends and family to boycott their products.
Kiss My Ass.
I am writing to thank you for your coverage of last week's MTV Video Music Awards. I have looked forward to and watched this event for years. This will be my last.
I hope that someone in your organization sees the problem with that broadcast. Inviting a man from the UK to host the VMAs was a very diplomatic move and I commend you for it. However, you lost that support when that host called our sitting President a “retard” and the Royal Family “inbred.” He went on to speak of the masturbation habits of teenage boys and Alex Rodriguez’s use of a baseball bat on Madonna. Uncomfortable yet? Good, so was I.
The show continued with a performance from “Lil Wayne.” This man currently faces drug and weapons charges for which he may spend a lifetime in prison. While I admire your appreciation for his right to a trial by jury; I do take offense to the bandana that was hanging out of his barely covered ass. Did you notice the red? In the event that you were too naïve to see it; that was a salute to the “Bloods”; a gang that is well known for its violent rape, murder and drug dealing activities. I hope that you and your sponsors are happy to have given a worldwide spotlight to such an organization.
I remember the great moments of past VMAs. For the first time ever, I can say that I was genuinely offended by your show. As someone who considers themself a fan of Howard Stern and other “dirty” shows, I am SHOCKED to be writing a letter to a media company to complain of being offended. Your show tonight was not only objectionable but obscene. This is the last time that I will watch any show on your network. I will be sending a copy of this letter to all sponsors of MTV and other Viacom stations and encourage friends and family to boycott their products.
Kiss My Ass.
Friday, September 12, 2008
McCain's health care plan will cost you $7500.00
Yes, you read that right. The average American family will spend an extra $7,500 on health insurance if John McCain's proposed health care reform is passed into law.
Ezra Klein explains it better than I can:
Joe's taking a look at McCain's health insurance place and focusing on the fact that it exposes employer health care benefits to taxation. This is a tremendous tax increase, to the tune of $3.6 trillion over 10 years. But you won't pay most of it. Rather, as it becomes less affordable for employers to pay for health care, they'll stop doing it. Put another way: You're not going to pay higher taxes, you're going to lose your health care coverage. Then you'll be in the individual market where McCain will give you a fixed tax credit -- $5,000 for a family, or about 40 percent the cost of the average plan -- to purchase care.
There's a whole theory behind this approach. McCain wants to cut total health care spending. Along with his advisers, he thinks total health care spending is too high because employers by lavish plans and employees don't realize those plans are coming out of their paychecks. If the employees were buying the plans, they'd buy cheapers ones, and use less health care. All these premises are probably true. And the outcome will be that people have less health care, and can't access needed services, and go bankrupt a lot. The bottom line is that this isn't merely a tax increase. It's a governance philosophy that holds that the problem with health insurance is that you have too much of it, and John McCain aims to change that. He has, in other words, a policy that will pay down the federal debt with money raised through human misery.
For all his anti-tax rhetoric, John McCain only cares about cutting taxes for the ultra-rich (remember, this is a guy who owns so many houses he can't even count them and thinks if you make $4.9 MM a year you're middle-class). If letting the irresponsible Bush tax cuts expire is a "tax increase," removing a $3.6 TRILLION tax credit for businesses certainly an increase.
And while the Bush tax cuts merely put a hurting on the treasury, if McCain's health care proposal becomes law, people will die.
Insurance companies can and will deny individual coverage (for any or no reason whatsoever) to people who would have been covered under their employers' group plans, thus weeding out the people who need health insurance the most. After spending his entire life being the beneficiary of government-provided health care (through the military, in Congress and now via Medicare) McCain's proposal will make health care less accessible and more expensive for the rest of us. And while our current health care system has lots of problems, "health care is too accessible and too affordable" is not one of them.
There is only one way to make real progress towards addressing our healthcare crisis is by electing Barack Obama president.
Help me make this happen - donate to his campaign today.
Ezra Klein explains it better than I can:
Joe's taking a look at McCain's health insurance place and focusing on the fact that it exposes employer health care benefits to taxation. This is a tremendous tax increase, to the tune of $3.6 trillion over 10 years. But you won't pay most of it. Rather, as it becomes less affordable for employers to pay for health care, they'll stop doing it. Put another way: You're not going to pay higher taxes, you're going to lose your health care coverage. Then you'll be in the individual market where McCain will give you a fixed tax credit -- $5,000 for a family, or about 40 percent the cost of the average plan -- to purchase care.
There's a whole theory behind this approach. McCain wants to cut total health care spending. Along with his advisers, he thinks total health care spending is too high because employers by lavish plans and employees don't realize those plans are coming out of their paychecks. If the employees were buying the plans, they'd buy cheapers ones, and use less health care. All these premises are probably true. And the outcome will be that people have less health care, and can't access needed services, and go bankrupt a lot. The bottom line is that this isn't merely a tax increase. It's a governance philosophy that holds that the problem with health insurance is that you have too much of it, and John McCain aims to change that. He has, in other words, a policy that will pay down the federal debt with money raised through human misery.
For all his anti-tax rhetoric, John McCain only cares about cutting taxes for the ultra-rich (remember, this is a guy who owns so many houses he can't even count them and thinks if you make $4.9 MM a year you're middle-class). If letting the irresponsible Bush tax cuts expire is a "tax increase," removing a $3.6 TRILLION tax credit for businesses certainly an increase.
And while the Bush tax cuts merely put a hurting on the treasury, if McCain's health care proposal becomes law, people will die.
Insurance companies can and will deny individual coverage (for any or no reason whatsoever) to people who would have been covered under their employers' group plans, thus weeding out the people who need health insurance the most. After spending his entire life being the beneficiary of government-provided health care (through the military, in Congress and now via Medicare) McCain's proposal will make health care less accessible and more expensive for the rest of us. And while our current health care system has lots of problems, "health care is too accessible and too affordable" is not one of them.
There is only one way to make real progress towards addressing our healthcare crisis is by electing Barack Obama president.
Help me make this happen - donate to his campaign today.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
At the Beach
I dig his favorite toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
I lay my head onto the sand
The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it
I'm counting UFOs, I signal them with my lighter
And in this moment I am happy
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
I wish you were here, wish you were here
The world's a roller coaster and I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care, but my hands are busy in the air saying:
I wish you were here, I wish you were
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
I lay my head onto the sand
The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it
I'm counting UFOs, I signal them with my lighter
And in this moment I am happy
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
I wish you were here, wish you were here
The world's a roller coaster and I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care, but my hands are busy in the air saying:
I wish you were here, I wish you were
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Summer of Possibilities
The Dirt on Clean, an Unsanitized History (bathing habits throughout history)
The Omnivore's Dilemma (Not helping my "I don't like not knowing where my food it coming from, all the hormones injected into my food, and how the hell does Salmonella get into tomatoes?" dilemma, but interesting.)
The Miraculous Adventure of Edward Tulane (a kid's book. Read it in one hour. Want to feel like you accomplished something, read a kid's book.)
100 Ways America is Screwing up the World (really, just 100?)
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down (Poorly written, but cute story)
Currently reading:
The Day of Empire, Rise of the Hyperpower
A Splendid Exchange, How Trade Shaped the World
Follies, a collection of short stories.
I've been under the weather with a cold in the middle of July. I'm on another round of antibiotics. I will be better in no time :)
Tommorrow is my 2 year anniversary!
The Dirt on Clean, an Unsanitized History (bathing habits throughout history)
The Omnivore's Dilemma (Not helping my "I don't like not knowing where my food it coming from, all the hormones injected into my food, and how the hell does Salmonella get into tomatoes?" dilemma, but interesting.)
The Miraculous Adventure of Edward Tulane (a kid's book. Read it in one hour. Want to feel like you accomplished something, read a kid's book.)
100 Ways America is Screwing up the World (really, just 100?)
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down (Poorly written, but cute story)
Currently reading:
The Day of Empire, Rise of the Hyperpower
A Splendid Exchange, How Trade Shaped the World
Follies, a collection of short stories.
I've been under the weather with a cold in the middle of July. I'm on another round of antibiotics. I will be better in no time :)
Tommorrow is my 2 year anniversary!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Inner dorkssss
inner dork: Born on the fourth of July
Wow, have I been bad about posting the inner dorks, or what?
Wow, have I been bad about posting in general, or what? (more about why and what's been going on, later.)
Now, I bring you factoids about the Fourth of July. Ta Da! Exciting!
Did you know...
In July 1776 the number of people living in America was 2.5 million.
In July, 2008 the population will be 304 million.
Although the formal adoption by the Continental Congress of the Declaration of Independence was on July 4, 1776, the signing was not completed until August.
The first observed celebration was on July 8, 1776, in PA.
The Fourth of July was not a legal holiday until 1941.
Uncle Sam first became popular during the War of 1812, when the term appeared on supply containers. However, it wasn't until 1961 that the U. S. Congress adopted him as a national symbol.
(And just to get you ready for the BBQ)
There is a one in four chance that the hot dog or sausage that will be consumed today, came from Iowa. (Hopefully it was packaged before the flood.)
You have been dorked.
Wow, have I been bad about posting the inner dorks, or what?
Wow, have I been bad about posting in general, or what? (more about why and what's been going on, later.)
Now, I bring you factoids about the Fourth of July. Ta Da! Exciting!
Did you know...
In July 1776 the number of people living in America was 2.5 million.
In July, 2008 the population will be 304 million.
Although the formal adoption by the Continental Congress of the Declaration of Independence was on July 4, 1776, the signing was not completed until August.
The first observed celebration was on July 8, 1776, in PA.
The Fourth of July was not a legal holiday until 1941.
Uncle Sam first became popular during the War of 1812, when the term appeared on supply containers. However, it wasn't until 1961 that the U. S. Congress adopted him as a national symbol.
(And just to get you ready for the BBQ)
There is a one in four chance that the hot dog or sausage that will be consumed today, came from Iowa. (Hopefully it was packaged before the flood.)
You have been dorked.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The day started off with an early morning visit to the ER with Daddy after a friday night at the ER with Emily because she was bit by a neighbors dog. Daddy wasn't feeling well but after the visit, he started to feel better.
A distant relative lost her husband last weekend and much to my family's dismay I wasn't able to travel to Salmon Idaho on a whim. So I made up for it by spending time with the Queen Mother by taking her to a local art festival and farmers market. Michelle,Trish, Missy, met up with us and we decided to hit the lake.I jumped off the cliff edge and somewhere between land and lake I knew that summer had begun. The water was perfect and the weather has been beautiful all weekend. Swimming, climbing, beautiful sunsets, balsamic chicken feta pizza, homemade wine, campfires, twenty dollar Walmart rafts, and gouda with pears. Another good weekend down around the Shenandoah.
The beach was packed but that didn't stop us. Michelle and I ended up driving down the shenandoah with her top off--of her car, while listening to Buffett and Morrison and just enjoying the summer breeze. It was quite a day :)
I just got home from church and I feel new again. I've been feeling stuck lately. I'm so crazy about los, but at the same time I'm so scared to give in. He needs all or nothing. I have to or I'll lose him. I won't lose him. He's it. He's the one. T, I guess this will be the one that I marry, you were right. I'll keep ya posted. I love him. So much.
"Summer Lovin Had me a blast"
Vacation anyone? I'm thinking about my summer vacation and I'm not sure where I want to go. Lets go exotic and lets go sooon!!! I have timeshare!!! Possibilities are endless.
I promise that this will be the best summer on record for me :)
A distant relative lost her husband last weekend and much to my family's dismay I wasn't able to travel to Salmon Idaho on a whim. So I made up for it by spending time with the Queen Mother by taking her to a local art festival and farmers market. Michelle,Trish, Missy, met up with us and we decided to hit the lake.I jumped off the cliff edge and somewhere between land and lake I knew that summer had begun. The water was perfect and the weather has been beautiful all weekend. Swimming, climbing, beautiful sunsets, balsamic chicken feta pizza, homemade wine, campfires, twenty dollar Walmart rafts, and gouda with pears. Another good weekend down around the Shenandoah.
The beach was packed but that didn't stop us. Michelle and I ended up driving down the shenandoah with her top off--of her car, while listening to Buffett and Morrison and just enjoying the summer breeze. It was quite a day :)
I just got home from church and I feel new again. I've been feeling stuck lately. I'm so crazy about los, but at the same time I'm so scared to give in. He needs all or nothing. I have to or I'll lose him. I won't lose him. He's it. He's the one. T, I guess this will be the one that I marry, you were right. I'll keep ya posted. I love him. So much.
"Summer Lovin Had me a blast"
Vacation anyone? I'm thinking about my summer vacation and I'm not sure where I want to go. Lets go exotic and lets go sooon!!! I have timeshare!!! Possibilities are endless.
I promise that this will be the best summer on record for me :)
Friday, May 09, 2008
The Mountains
My mom read a children’s book to me often when I was young entitled When I was Young in the Mountains. My mom could never finish this book without her voice choking up and small tears landing onto an illustration of two hillbilly children buying butter by the pound at a general store. I used to laugh at her: “Dad….!!!! Mom’s CRYING…hahahahahaha!!!” Then, some months ago, I came across that same book on my book shelve, and I burst into tears on the title page. My little sister, Haven laughed at me. I guess what comes around goes around.
So, I cannot believe that today is my last day of school. How the hell did that happen? Well, let me tell you. It happened after lots of papers, a few tears, many laughs and inside jokes with friends, much growth and insight, and a few fermented beverages!
I haven't been posting much on my blog because school takes up all of my energy. I will no longer have that excuse for neglecting my blog.
My birthday came and went and it was beautiful and low key, just as I prefer it.
Graduation is May 18th. A new beggining for me.
I haven't been posting much on my blog because school takes up all of my energy. I will no longer have that excuse for neglecting my blog.
My birthday came and went and it was beautiful and low key, just as I prefer it.
Graduation is May 18th. A new beggining for me.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Marilyn Monroe

Because she was a blonde bombshell.
Because she had a brain, but everyone only saw the outside.
Because all she really wanted was to be loved. Loved for who she was on the inside.
Because men wanted her and women wanted to be her.
Because behind her smile there was sadness.
Because sometimes, sometimes I can really identify with her.

Quote of the Day: Marilyn Monroe
"The only thing I had on was the fan."
In regards to her nude photo shot for, Playboy. She was their first centerfold.
In regards to her nude photo shot for, Playboy. She was their first centerfold.
Monday, March 31, 2008
You Do Not Walk Away from This Ever
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I'm full of useless information
Did you know....
In 1956 the Physical Culture and Sports Commission of communist China recognized the sport of hand-grenade throwing.
During a hundred-meter race, a top sprinter makes contact with the ground only about forty times.
The only sport that takes place on a triangular race-course is sailing.
(I had no idea ponds and lakes came in triangle.)
Eosophobia is a fear of dawn.
(I think I suffer from this disorder.)
A duffle bag got its name because the thick wool originally used to make the bags came from the Belgium town of Duffle.
The difference between a nook and a cranny is that the nook is a corner and the cranny is a crack.
(So, boys, always make sure to cover all the nooks and crannys. Just sayin')
In native Greek, Utopia means "not a place" or "nowhere."
Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
Men get hiccups more often than women do.
Women blink twice as often as men do.
(It was recently pointed out to me, that when I am thinking about something I "blink hard" or, to phrase it better, I close my eyes for a long second. Hmm, I don't think I cleared that up at all.)
A cubic mile of seawater contains, on average, more than $117 million worth of gold and $11 million worth of silver.
(Let's go diving!)
Winters were colder a thousand years ago. In 1063, the River Thames froze for fourteen weeks.
(Yeah, well, I think this winter classifies as "colder". Good Lord, but I am glad spring is almost here.)
The average lifespan of a slug is eighteen months.
(Gosh, but I feel I can complete my day now.)
and last:
Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they cannot find food.
(And I know some men who wish they could.) (Eat themselves.)
Ta dah! Now, go enjoy your day.
In 1956 the Physical Culture and Sports Commission of communist China recognized the sport of hand-grenade throwing.
During a hundred-meter race, a top sprinter makes contact with the ground only about forty times.
The only sport that takes place on a triangular race-course is sailing.
(I had no idea ponds and lakes came in triangle.)
Eosophobia is a fear of dawn.
(I think I suffer from this disorder.)
A duffle bag got its name because the thick wool originally used to make the bags came from the Belgium town of Duffle.
The difference between a nook and a cranny is that the nook is a corner and the cranny is a crack.
(So, boys, always make sure to cover all the nooks and crannys. Just sayin')
In native Greek, Utopia means "not a place" or "nowhere."
Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
Men get hiccups more often than women do.
Women blink twice as often as men do.
(It was recently pointed out to me, that when I am thinking about something I "blink hard" or, to phrase it better, I close my eyes for a long second. Hmm, I don't think I cleared that up at all.)
A cubic mile of seawater contains, on average, more than $117 million worth of gold and $11 million worth of silver.
(Let's go diving!)
Winters were colder a thousand years ago. In 1063, the River Thames froze for fourteen weeks.
(Yeah, well, I think this winter classifies as "colder". Good Lord, but I am glad spring is almost here.)
The average lifespan of a slug is eighteen months.
(Gosh, but I feel I can complete my day now.)
and last:
Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they cannot find food.
(And I know some men who wish they could.) (Eat themselves.)
Ta dah! Now, go enjoy your day.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama
The New York Times ran a very interesting article on Mr Obama. I find it very disturbing, but decide for yourself.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
What Are You Giving Up?
For Lent? I'm a nondenom Christian so therefore I don't practice persay, but I've already given up on something of very sentimental value to me this week. So I've decided to eliminate "Bad words" from my vocab as well.
I personally can not stand when ladies curse, but I do it too. No more. Nada. Zippy. Done.
I personally can not stand when ladies curse, but I do it too. No more. Nada. Zippy. Done.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Monday Funny
Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of
> tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter.
> The man at the counter asked the older boy, "Son, how old are you?"
> Eight," the boy replied.
> The man continued, "Do you know what these are used for?"
> The boy replied, "Not exactly, but they aren't for me. They're for him.
> He's my brother. He's four. We saw on TV that if you use these you would
> be able to swim and ride a bike. Right now, he can't do either one."
> tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter.
> The man at the counter asked the older boy, "Son, how old are you?"
> Eight," the boy replied.
> The man continued, "Do you know what these are used for?"
> The boy replied, "Not exactly, but they aren't for me. They're for him.
> He's my brother. He's four. We saw on TV that if you use these you would
> be able to swim and ride a bike. Right now, he can't do either one."
Bitch is the new Black!
This may seem odd to you, but NBC pulled the Tina Fey SNL skit from you tube because of copyright issues. I mean the media does love Barack Obama but do they really have to make it so obvious?!
FEY: And finally, the most important Women’s News item there is, we have our first serious female presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton.
And yet, women have come so far as feminists, that they don’t feel obligated to vote for a candidate just because she’s a woman.
Women today feel perfectly free to make whatever choice Oprah tells them to.
Which raises the question, why are people abandoning Hillary for Obama?
Some say that they’re put off by the fact that Hillary can’t control her husband, and that we would end up with co-presidents.
‘Cause that would be terrible, having two intelligent, qualified people working together to solve problems. Ugh.
Why would you let Starsky talk to Hutch? I wanna watch that show, Starsky.
You know, what is it, America? What is it, are you weirded out that they’re married?
‘Cause I can promise you that they are having exactly as much sex with each other as George Bush and Jeb Bush are.
Then there is the physical scrutiny of her physical appearance.
Rush Limbaugh, the Jeff Conaway of right wing radio, said that he doesn’t think America is ready to watch their president quote “turn into an old lady in front of them.” Really?
They didn’t seem to mind when Ronald Reagan did that.
Maybe what bothers me the most is that people say that Hillary is a bitch.
Let me say something about that: Yeah, she is.
And so am I and so is this one. (pointing to Amy Poehler)
POEHLER: Yeah, deal with it.
FEY: Know what? Bitches get stuff done.
(Amy says yeah and starts nodding her head, together they get in a rhythm, with Amy saying in response, more yeahs, uh huhs, with a 'you go girl' style)
Like back in grammar school,
they could have had priests teaching you but, no,
they had those tough old nuns who slept on cots
and who could hit ya and you HATED those bitches
But at the end of the school year
you sure KNEW the capital of Vermont!
So COME ON Texas and Ohio
Get on board, it's not too late!...
FEY: And finally, the most important Women’s News item there is, we have our first serious female presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton.
And yet, women have come so far as feminists, that they don’t feel obligated to vote for a candidate just because she’s a woman.
Women today feel perfectly free to make whatever choice Oprah tells them to.
Which raises the question, why are people abandoning Hillary for Obama?
Some say that they’re put off by the fact that Hillary can’t control her husband, and that we would end up with co-presidents.
‘Cause that would be terrible, having two intelligent, qualified people working together to solve problems. Ugh.
Why would you let Starsky talk to Hutch? I wanna watch that show, Starsky.
You know, what is it, America? What is it, are you weirded out that they’re married?
‘Cause I can promise you that they are having exactly as much sex with each other as George Bush and Jeb Bush are.
Then there is the physical scrutiny of her physical appearance.
Rush Limbaugh, the Jeff Conaway of right wing radio, said that he doesn’t think America is ready to watch their president quote “turn into an old lady in front of them.” Really?
They didn’t seem to mind when Ronald Reagan did that.
Maybe what bothers me the most is that people say that Hillary is a bitch.
Let me say something about that: Yeah, she is.
And so am I and so is this one. (pointing to Amy Poehler)
POEHLER: Yeah, deal with it.
FEY: Know what? Bitches get stuff done.
(Amy says yeah and starts nodding her head, together they get in a rhythm, with Amy saying in response, more yeahs, uh huhs, with a 'you go girl' style)
Like back in grammar school,
they could have had priests teaching you but, no,
they had those tough old nuns who slept on cots
and who could hit ya and you HATED those bitches
But at the end of the school year
you sure KNEW the capital of Vermont!
So COME ON Texas and Ohio
Get on board, it's not too late!...
Friday, February 15, 2008
Che and Barack
If you haven't heard or seen by now...In Obama's headquarters in Texas there was a Cuban flag with Che's nasty ugly face on it. Way to condone the mass killing of hundreds of innocents through blood lust committed by Che. Isn't this the exact thing he is fighting against in the case of Iraq? Barack is a hyprocrite!!!!
Totally disguesting.
Totally disguesting.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
One Day Or...
Conversation between myself, two other women, and a young man at the salon who just broke his engagement to his high school sweetheart and also just spent $15,000 on a wedding that is no longer going to be taking place.
Widowed Becca: Two things. Godiva Chocolates and a Vibrator. Done.
Married Michelle: I won't get a card from my husband because he thinks Valentine's Day is nothing more than a way for the card companies to make money.
ME: Hmm, I hear that reasoning from a lot of men. I wonder how women feel about Valentine's Day.
Man in Salon, pointedly asking me: I don't know. How do women feel?
ME: I would rather have 364 days of special versus one.
This made the young man laugh, which made me happy.
How about all of you? How do you feel about this day of love?
Widowed Becca: Two things. Godiva Chocolates and a Vibrator. Done.
Married Michelle: I won't get a card from my husband because he thinks Valentine's Day is nothing more than a way for the card companies to make money.
ME: Hmm, I hear that reasoning from a lot of men. I wonder how women feel about Valentine's Day.
Man in Salon, pointedly asking me: I don't know. How do women feel?
ME: I would rather have 364 days of special versus one.
This made the young man laugh, which made me happy.
How about all of you? How do you feel about this day of love?
I'll take mine in a glass, thanks!
Happy VD!
VD, nothing a little shot can't cure.
A little shot of Stoli.
A little shot of Jack.
A little shot of Jose'.
A little shot of Jim.
...the alcohol.
Not the men.
VD, nothing a little shot can't cure.
A little shot of Stoli.
A little shot of Jack.
A little shot of Jose'.
A little shot of Jim.
...the alcohol.
Not the men.
Sex, Sex, and just for fun a little more Sex
Without further ado...
It was believed in Victorian times that if a woman bathed in fresh strawberries, it'd help shrink flabby breasts.
(See, how, how does this even make a little bit of sense?)
It is said that the famous prostitute and madam Calamity Jane earned her nickname because of the social disease she inevitably inflicted upon those who had sex with her.
(I guess it is all in a name in this case and a ratehr obvious one at that.)
Oophorectomies, the removing of a women's ovaries, came into vogue in the Victorian era as a means of curing a host of ailments, including irritability, "simple cussedness," and "eating like a plowman."
(hmm, well if I can't eat like a man and if I would no longer have the ability to cuss, I'll keep mine, thanks.)
Homosexuality remained on the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental illnesses until 1973.
(...and yet still, so many people think it is a sin and can be cured.)
In the fifth century B.C., a Corinthian athlete tried to bribe an Olympic games official with fifty top-quality harlots.
(See, I bet if the judges were bribed with whores opposed to money, the French skaters would still have their gold medals. Just sayin'.)
In order to fully finance the cost of constructing Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, there was instituted a church-imposed prostitution tax, whose revenue exceeded even that from the sales of indulgences.
(I bet if we had a tax like this the National Debt would be gone. Whose with me???)
It was believed in Victorian times that if a woman bathed in fresh strawberries, it'd help shrink flabby breasts.
(See, how, how does this even make a little bit of sense?)
It is said that the famous prostitute and madam Calamity Jane earned her nickname because of the social disease she inevitably inflicted upon those who had sex with her.
(I guess it is all in a name in this case and a ratehr obvious one at that.)
Oophorectomies, the removing of a women's ovaries, came into vogue in the Victorian era as a means of curing a host of ailments, including irritability, "simple cussedness," and "eating like a plowman."
(hmm, well if I can't eat like a man and if I would no longer have the ability to cuss, I'll keep mine, thanks.)
Homosexuality remained on the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental illnesses until 1973.
(...and yet still, so many people think it is a sin and can be cured.)
In the fifth century B.C., a Corinthian athlete tried to bribe an Olympic games official with fifty top-quality harlots.
(See, I bet if the judges were bribed with whores opposed to money, the French skaters would still have their gold medals. Just sayin'.)
In order to fully finance the cost of constructing Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, there was instituted a church-imposed prostitution tax, whose revenue exceeded even that from the sales of indulgences.
(I bet if we had a tax like this the National Debt would be gone. Whose with me???)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
One thing you should know, I don't yell. I hate yelling, yellers, and people who speak over others. I hate it. Just because someone talks louder that doesn't mean I hear them any better. Frankly, once a voice is raised in anger or stupidity I will stop listening altogether. Also, I believe if a person gets angry, upset, their panties in a bunch over everything, then when something really and actually matters to them, I won't know that it really matters to them because of all the time they were angry, upset, and panties were bunchy over all things petty and small. So, I choose my battles and I try to choose carefully.
However, if a person has an issue that they can speak passionately and intelligently on, I will actively listen as long as they will actively and respectively listen to me in return. That's what these soapboxes will be. Me, getting behind something, asking something, or feeling passionately about something and hoping, wanting, an intelligent conversation to come of and from it. No yelling. No badgering. No name-calling. Just some things I would like to talk about and see how others feel and think about them.
With the latest batch of winners and casualties from the process known as the American electoral process, I have to say there is something that has been bothering me for about a year now. Something that has been simmering and brewing and I finally think it needs to be said: the language that is used in the electoral process. The language that is used to describe a candidate and their ideas, values, morals.
Specifically it is the sexist language that has been used in this campaign because (gasp!) a female candidate has been so audacious to make it so far into the electoral process. How dare she! She, that evil, power-hungry bitch! She married for power and she is hungry for more! That, that ladies and gents is the only reason she has gone after the White House!
How quick we are to go to the lowest denominator when it comes to describing someone, whether they are male or female. However, it seems to me, that when it comes to a woman we are much quicker to revert back to the school-children on the playground telling the others to meet us at the bikes at the end of the day.
Why? Why are we so quick to jump to the sexist language? Why do we believe that a woman who wants to go for the greatest job this country has to offer that comes with a pay-check that they are going after the job for different reasons than all of the men who have came before?
Why do we care? Why do we care so bloomin’ much why she and Bill were and are married? If…if they married for power are they any different than the Roosevelt’s, the Kennedy’s, the Lincolns, or the Washington’s just to name a few. I hate to break it to you, but people married for alliances of money, name, power, not for love; especially when it comes to political campaigns well into the twentieth century. As this was a common practice, these politically aligned marriages are not any different than the marriages that happened for centuries where kingdoms were aligned because this king married that queen. Power marriages happen all the time; just as power friendships happen. I’m pretty certain that without those power “friendships” Washington, as we know it, would not exist.
We are so quick to go to the sexist language, but we would never, openly, go for the racist language. Why, because it is so much more acceptable to go for the quick laugh, the easy quip of calling someone a bitch than to spend the extra second it takes to try and come up with a more intelligent word. Also, we do not think anything about calling someone a bitch, but we would never, ever call someone a nigger. Why, because society has come to realize one is acceptable and one is not.
But, why? Why has one become acceptable? I’m not saying we should regress to saying the “b-word” or the “c-word” and on and on, that doesn’t get us anywhere. I am saying that we need to stop being sophomoric about these issues.
There is also the issue of Republicans being quick to throw the jabs at the Democrats and the liberal are quick to throw the jabs at the conservatives. These open-air verbal matches do not get us anywhere, either. We've made the word liberal and conservative words that we want to wipe our shoes with. Throwing a low-blow my way does not make me respect your side, your ideas, your thoughts anymore than if I went to this playground tactic and threw sand at you about your side.
With the present president I think it is easy to say we, as a nation, as a whole, have become even more divided than we were in the past, we need a candidate that can bring us together. But more than that, we need to grow-up and bring ourselves together and stop with the name-calling and the childish sandlot fights. It’s ridiculous and we are better than that. At least I would still like to believe we are. I may be cynical, but I am still an idealist. How about we all try to be better than the other guy and stop; stop with the name calling, the bi-partisanship the sexist language towards everyone. Just a thought. However, if we keep on this attitude of that side and this side, we are not going to get anywhere politically. If we keep with the sexist language, we really are not going to get anywhere in terms of progress towards the future.
However, if a person has an issue that they can speak passionately and intelligently on, I will actively listen as long as they will actively and respectively listen to me in return. That's what these soapboxes will be. Me, getting behind something, asking something, or feeling passionately about something and hoping, wanting, an intelligent conversation to come of and from it. No yelling. No badgering. No name-calling. Just some things I would like to talk about and see how others feel and think about them.
With the latest batch of winners and casualties from the process known as the American electoral process, I have to say there is something that has been bothering me for about a year now. Something that has been simmering and brewing and I finally think it needs to be said: the language that is used in the electoral process. The language that is used to describe a candidate and their ideas, values, morals.
Specifically it is the sexist language that has been used in this campaign because (gasp!) a female candidate has been so audacious to make it so far into the electoral process. How dare she! She, that evil, power-hungry bitch! She married for power and she is hungry for more! That, that ladies and gents is the only reason she has gone after the White House!
How quick we are to go to the lowest denominator when it comes to describing someone, whether they are male or female. However, it seems to me, that when it comes to a woman we are much quicker to revert back to the school-children on the playground telling the others to meet us at the bikes at the end of the day.
Why? Why are we so quick to jump to the sexist language? Why do we believe that a woman who wants to go for the greatest job this country has to offer that comes with a pay-check that they are going after the job for different reasons than all of the men who have came before?
Why do we care? Why do we care so bloomin’ much why she and Bill were and are married? If…if they married for power are they any different than the Roosevelt’s, the Kennedy’s, the Lincolns, or the Washington’s just to name a few. I hate to break it to you, but people married for alliances of money, name, power, not for love; especially when it comes to political campaigns well into the twentieth century. As this was a common practice, these politically aligned marriages are not any different than the marriages that happened for centuries where kingdoms were aligned because this king married that queen. Power marriages happen all the time; just as power friendships happen. I’m pretty certain that without those power “friendships” Washington, as we know it, would not exist.
We are so quick to go to the sexist language, but we would never, openly, go for the racist language. Why, because it is so much more acceptable to go for the quick laugh, the easy quip of calling someone a bitch than to spend the extra second it takes to try and come up with a more intelligent word. Also, we do not think anything about calling someone a bitch, but we would never, ever call someone a nigger. Why, because society has come to realize one is acceptable and one is not.
But, why? Why has one become acceptable? I’m not saying we should regress to saying the “b-word” or the “c-word” and on and on, that doesn’t get us anywhere. I am saying that we need to stop being sophomoric about these issues.
There is also the issue of Republicans being quick to throw the jabs at the Democrats and the liberal are quick to throw the jabs at the conservatives. These open-air verbal matches do not get us anywhere, either. We've made the word liberal and conservative words that we want to wipe our shoes with. Throwing a low-blow my way does not make me respect your side, your ideas, your thoughts anymore than if I went to this playground tactic and threw sand at you about your side.
With the present president I think it is easy to say we, as a nation, as a whole, have become even more divided than we were in the past, we need a candidate that can bring us together. But more than that, we need to grow-up and bring ourselves together and stop with the name-calling and the childish sandlot fights. It’s ridiculous and we are better than that. At least I would still like to believe we are. I may be cynical, but I am still an idealist. How about we all try to be better than the other guy and stop; stop with the name calling, the bi-partisanship the sexist language towards everyone. Just a thought. However, if we keep on this attitude of that side and this side, we are not going to get anywhere politically. If we keep with the sexist language, we really are not going to get anywhere in terms of progress towards the future.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Not many of you know but my girlfriend Missy has been struggling through something that many people deal with everyday...Divorce. This isn't amicable. As a christian she does'nt believe in divorce. After 18 years of marriage it's over.
Missy is a small town, girl next door who never expected that a fight would become a divorce. And she doesnt have the coping skills to deal with all of her feelings of hope, anger, depression, guilt and failure.
She has been and will continue to stay with me and I have agreed to accompany her to her therapy sessions. I have full faith that Missy can get through this.
At times when I don't believe in myself, I always believe in God. With Faith Hope and Love anything is possible.
Missy is a small town, girl next door who never expected that a fight would become a divorce. And she doesnt have the coping skills to deal with all of her feelings of hope, anger, depression, guilt and failure.
She has been and will continue to stay with me and I have agreed to accompany her to her therapy sessions. I have full faith that Missy can get through this.
At times when I don't believe in myself, I always believe in God. With Faith Hope and Love anything is possible.
fragment of hope
how long has it been.
the scent of you
of memories so clear.
you leaving
changed the way
i am living.
and i find it odd
when they say
i will learn to cope.
it's really not easy
when all you have
is a fragment hope
Friday, January 04, 2008
Caucuse Chaos
So Hillary came in Third, but this is strategic. This is a part of her plan ;)
How they work: In each of Iowa's nearly 2,000 voting precincts Democrats and Republicans hold separate meetings on caucus night. The meetings can be held almost anywhere - in schools, firehouses, church basements and even living rooms. Anybody registered member of a party can attend that party's meeting.
Republicans vote in the caucuses by secret ballots. The vote determines which delegates, representing which candidates, will attend county conventions. There, delegates are chosen for state congressional district conventions, where delegate to national convention are picked.
The Republicans use a winner-take-all system. Whichever candidate wins the caucuses takes all of the delegates for the state.
Democrats, The meetings divide into groups, each supporting a particular candidate. If a candidate doesn't have a sufficient percentage of the total number of voters attending, its members join other candidates' groups sufficient percentage of the total number of voters attending, its members join other candidates' groups. When that redistribution finally ends with groups of sufficient size, the delegates are divided among them according to the percentage of the meetings' attendees they represent. The process then proceeds through the county and state conventions. At the national convention, the candidates receive delegates proportionately, rather than the winner taking all of the state's delegates.
Doors open around 6:ish,doors close at 7:ish and it will be finished around 8:ish. That's it.
Now, why the hell it's in Iowa and why Iowa is so damn important:
1800's, the state adopts a caucus platform. The state's first caucuses were held in mid-spring, in the middle of the national presidential nominating schedule.
1916: Iowa held its first and only primary election. Only 25 percent of registered voters showed up. Iowa reverted back to its caucus system.
Apparently nothing interesting happened in approximately 50-or so years.
1972: Iowa's Democratic Party moved its caucus date forward, positioning the caucus ahead of the New Hampshire primary and making it the first nominating event in the nation. Sen. Edward Muskie of Maine, the front-runner, beat Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota by less of a margin than expected. McGovern went on to become the Democratic presidential nominee.
1976: A little-known Democratic governor from Georgia, Jimmy Carter, campaigned heavily in the state and wound up coming in second to "uncommitted." That almost-win positioned Carter to later take the Democratic nomination. Republicans moved up their primary to make the Iowa caucuses a bipartisan national event. President Gerald Ford narrowly beat Gov. Ronald Reagan of California. Ford later won the Republican nomination, but lost the presidency to Carter.
1980: Carter was the incumbent president, and he beat Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. Ronald Reagan, meanwhile, did not focus heavily on Iowa. But his GOP competition, George H.W. Bush, did, and won the GOP contest with 32 percent of the vote. Reagan received 30 percent of the vote. Reagan ultimately beat Carter. By this time, the media began relying on results in Iowa as an indicator of how the race would turn out.
1984: Reagan, the incumbent president, was unopposed. On the Democratic side, it was a wide open race, with Sen. Gary Hart of Colorado, former Vice President Walter Mondale, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Sen. John Glenn of Ohio facing off. Mondale, who won the Iowa caucuses, was ultimately the Democratic nominee. Reagan defeated him in the general election.
1988: An open race in Iowa and one that ultimately had no bearing on either party's eventual nomination. On the Republican side, Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas beat televangelist Pat Robertson and then-Vice President George Bush in the caucuses, but Bush ultimately became the nominee. He also ultimately beat Democratic nominee Gov. Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts, who came in third to Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri.
1992: Incumbent President George Bush was unopposed among Republicans, and any competitiveness in Iowa was rendered moot by the candidacy of Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa, a beloved figure in the state. With him running, few other Democrats even bothered to compete. Bill Clinton went on to win the presidency.
1996: Democrat Clinton was the incumbent, and unopposed. Among Republicans, Bob Dole beat Pat Buchanan. Clinton beat Dole later that year in the general election.
2000: Iowa winners Al Gore and George W. Bush went on to win their party's nomination. Bush, the Republican, won the general election.
2004: Despite a surge in popularity from Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, Democrat John Kerry, who'd previously lagged in polls, won the caucuses. John Edwards came in second. Kerry went on to win the nomination. On the Republican end, Bush was unopposed, and went on to win a second term.
Personally, I know Hillary will be successful in New Hampshire and will go on to be the first woman to win a nomination, but thats just me!
How they work: In each of Iowa's nearly 2,000 voting precincts Democrats and Republicans hold separate meetings on caucus night. The meetings can be held almost anywhere - in schools, firehouses, church basements and even living rooms. Anybody registered member of a party can attend that party's meeting.
Republicans vote in the caucuses by secret ballots. The vote determines which delegates, representing which candidates, will attend county conventions. There, delegates are chosen for state congressional district conventions, where delegate to national convention are picked.
The Republicans use a winner-take-all system. Whichever candidate wins the caucuses takes all of the delegates for the state.
Democrats, The meetings divide into groups, each supporting a particular candidate. If a candidate doesn't have a sufficient percentage of the total number of voters attending, its members join other candidates' groups sufficient percentage of the total number of voters attending, its members join other candidates' groups. When that redistribution finally ends with groups of sufficient size, the delegates are divided among them according to the percentage of the meetings' attendees they represent. The process then proceeds through the county and state conventions. At the national convention, the candidates receive delegates proportionately, rather than the winner taking all of the state's delegates.
Doors open around 6:ish,doors close at 7:ish and it will be finished around 8:ish. That's it.
Now, why the hell it's in Iowa and why Iowa is so damn important:
1800's, the state adopts a caucus platform. The state's first caucuses were held in mid-spring, in the middle of the national presidential nominating schedule.
1916: Iowa held its first and only primary election. Only 25 percent of registered voters showed up. Iowa reverted back to its caucus system.
Apparently nothing interesting happened in approximately 50-or so years.
1972: Iowa's Democratic Party moved its caucus date forward, positioning the caucus ahead of the New Hampshire primary and making it the first nominating event in the nation. Sen. Edward Muskie of Maine, the front-runner, beat Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota by less of a margin than expected. McGovern went on to become the Democratic presidential nominee.
1976: A little-known Democratic governor from Georgia, Jimmy Carter, campaigned heavily in the state and wound up coming in second to "uncommitted." That almost-win positioned Carter to later take the Democratic nomination. Republicans moved up their primary to make the Iowa caucuses a bipartisan national event. President Gerald Ford narrowly beat Gov. Ronald Reagan of California. Ford later won the Republican nomination, but lost the presidency to Carter.
1980: Carter was the incumbent president, and he beat Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. Ronald Reagan, meanwhile, did not focus heavily on Iowa. But his GOP competition, George H.W. Bush, did, and won the GOP contest with 32 percent of the vote. Reagan received 30 percent of the vote. Reagan ultimately beat Carter. By this time, the media began relying on results in Iowa as an indicator of how the race would turn out.
1984: Reagan, the incumbent president, was unopposed. On the Democratic side, it was a wide open race, with Sen. Gary Hart of Colorado, former Vice President Walter Mondale, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Sen. John Glenn of Ohio facing off. Mondale, who won the Iowa caucuses, was ultimately the Democratic nominee. Reagan defeated him in the general election.
1988: An open race in Iowa and one that ultimately had no bearing on either party's eventual nomination. On the Republican side, Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas beat televangelist Pat Robertson and then-Vice President George Bush in the caucuses, but Bush ultimately became the nominee. He also ultimately beat Democratic nominee Gov. Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts, who came in third to Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri.
1992: Incumbent President George Bush was unopposed among Republicans, and any competitiveness in Iowa was rendered moot by the candidacy of Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa, a beloved figure in the state. With him running, few other Democrats even bothered to compete. Bill Clinton went on to win the presidency.
1996: Democrat Clinton was the incumbent, and unopposed. Among Republicans, Bob Dole beat Pat Buchanan. Clinton beat Dole later that year in the general election.
2000: Iowa winners Al Gore and George W. Bush went on to win their party's nomination. Bush, the Republican, won the general election.
2004: Despite a surge in popularity from Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, Democrat John Kerry, who'd previously lagged in polls, won the caucuses. John Edwards came in second. Kerry went on to win the nomination. On the Republican end, Bush was unopposed, and went on to win a second term.
Personally, I know Hillary will be successful in New Hampshire and will go on to be the first woman to win a nomination, but thats just me!
MSNBC polls show that Hillary has a double digit lead over Barack Obama in New Hampshire!!!
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