Friday, December 28, 2007

Single in the Valley

Single-dom isn’t always bad. In so many ways, having only myself to depend on and come home to has helped me figure out just what is really important to me. It helped me focus on school that I love in a place (while not ideal) where I can be happy.

I really want that to be enough for me, but sometimes I feel like I’m failing because I’m 28 years old and I’m single.

It looks so silly when I write it, but it’s true. And when you’re faced with that feeling of failure, you start to question what it is you’re lacking. You start filling the relationship void with things like hand bags, shoes and hair-clips and perfumes and you proclaim that you love being single because single is FREE to do whatever you’d like to do!

But inside? That void still exists sometimes.

I’m tired of feeling like something is wrong, so instead of indulging that aspect, I vote we embrace what is right about us.

So, here are a few things that make me completely lovable:

  • I’m a friendly person. I don’t believe in walking around with my nose in the air. so I am quick to offer a hello or a smile.

  • I’m always a shoulder for people to lean on. If ever you should need a moment to vent, or even to just sit quietly I am there immediately and without question.

  • I am fiercely loyal and will protect those I love with everything I have in me.

  • I am one smart cookie when it comes down to it.

Now I want to hear from you - what makes you completely and wholly lovable? Even if you are already in a relationship (lucky!), what makes your partner love you?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This sucks.

(A moment to set the scene:)
Finals week. 36.5 papers finished out of 37.
Take home essays to finish: 1 set of 2 questions.
Finals taken: 1.
Finals left to take: 3.
Two of those finals are tomorrow.
I really, really need to get an "A" on one of them.
(Feel free to send me all kinds of warm and fuzzy thoughts around 10:00 a.m Eastern Standard Tme)
(and then again around 1:00pm EST.) (Thanks.)
21 of the papers are due on Thursday at 1:00 pm EST.
They count as a total of 55% of my grade for the semester.
(No pressure.)
Saturday, Virginia was hit with another ice/snow storm.
School was not canceled on Monday for the mountain people!
I lost three hours of precious study time to go take a final on an undergrad stats class that has nothing to do with my GPA.
I was annoyed as all hell.
Lastnight I finished a research paper while sending dirty texts to my entire address book, and I needed to refresh my eyes. So, time to wash the face and brush the teeth, take out the contacts, put on the glasses and start the next round of typing. The take home essays, to be exact.

Take out the contact container from my medicine cabinet.
Grab the container of multi-vitamins, put one in the right contact holder, one in the left contact holder. Stand and stare at the contact container.
Try and figure out what I did wrong.
Why doesn't that look right?
Tilt head ala Marisa's 8th grade school picture.
...and let the laughter commence
and the dark circles under my eyes brighter for a moment.
Pretty sure the contacts would be healthier in the morning, but they would not be cleaner.
Brush teeth.
Feel (slightly) refreshed.
Think of some bullshit to write for the essay test.
20% of my grade, so it needs to be good bullshit.
Wonder Twins, activate!
In the form of: giving a shit!
Almost there....almost there.....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Quotes from Madonna

I got married for all the wrong reasons, when my husband didn't turn out to be everything I imagined he would be, I just wanted to end everything.

There's no such thing as a perfect soulmate. If you meet someone and you think they're perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction. Because your soulmate is the one who pushes all your buttons, pisses you off on a regular basis and makes you face your shit. It's not easy having a good marriage, but I don't want easy, easy doesn't make you grow, easy doesn't make you think. I thank God everyday that I'm married to a man that makes me think, that's my definition of true love.

In Kabbalah we learned that if we want something in life we have to give something. If we want compassion, we have to give compassion, if we want tolerance, we have to give tolerance, if we don't want to be judged, then me must not judge.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Power of One

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Because as he stood on home plate they called him everything but his name.
Because as he ran the bases they cheered his name.
Because even though they yelled and cheered his name with each home run he hit they still didn't respect him.
Because with all of that he still came out of the dugout to be cheered and jeered during each game.

Jackie Robinson

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I truly believe we all have an inner dork. Some people also have an outter dork. The inner dork can't stand it and it must be released and it shows. We all know these people. The total dweebie. Mine is safely tucked inside. I am however, choseing to share it with all of you. And yes, you should feel special.

My inner dork is trivia. Anything trivia, useless and serves no other purpose than to allow me to start a sentence with the phrase, "Did you know..." trivia, I am all over it.Good useless information. Things that would make me a great contestant on Jeopardy, but really serves no other purpose.

Did you know that there are exactly 216 noodles in every can of Campbell's Chicken Noddle Soup. If there is one more or one less it is automatically kicked off the assembly line.

Also, the soup isn't cooked until it's sealed in the can....pass it on, amuse your friends and impress your dates. I suggest using it when they are drunk, getting drunk or at the very least have a beverage in their hand. Oh, yeah, it'll make you look smart. Your getting laid ratio just increased immensly. No need to thank me. You're entirely welcome :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm Thankful for

My Salvation
My FabuLOuS Family
My Education
My Cute Feet
My Great Hair

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ben Johnson Iowa College Republicans Leader


He's incrediably cute!!!

Who would seriously take this guy seriously?!

"I don't know why every student isn't as politicly active as I am"!!

Top 10

Richest Models

Gisele Bundchen: $33 million
Kate Moss: $9 million
Heidi Klum: $8 million
Adriana Lima: $6 million
Allessandra Ambrosio: $6 million
Carolyn Murphy: $5 million
Natalia Vodianova: $4.5 million
Karolina Kurkova: $3.5 million
Daria Werbowy: $3.5 million
Gemma Ward: $3 million

Top 10 Fashion Cities of 2007
1 New York - Far and away No.1 by every index
2 Rome - Beats out Paris, London and Milan
3 Paris - Heartbeat of the fashion world
4 London - Pulsing with creative energy
5 Milan - Perennial contender for No. 1
6 Tokyo - Gaining global influence
7 Los Angeles - Will Posh spice impact Ranking?
8 - Hong Kong - No. 1 in South Asia
9 - Las Vegas Emerging as vibrant fashion center
10 - Singapore - Strong regional hub

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Friends Don't Let Friends

Wear stupid costumes alone!!!

As I said earlier, Haven bought my costume. She insisted since she has more options in Chantilly than I do here. Michelle agreed and said she would be Little Red Riding Hood because she wants to be eaten! Haven decided on her own that I would be a great Marie Aintonette!

M A R I E A I N T O N E T T E ?


Because she was a pretty and sexy and was a lesbian!

The costume is elaborate and gorgeous and the wig leaves something to be desired. The costume does hide my hideous brace on my knee.

Missy's going as Little Bo Peep. Funniest shit eva! We're going to Dave's Taverna for a party and a little debauchary for Halloween.

See ya there!

Dear Haven

Okay, so I hit a rough patch.
It happens.

Nothing huge, but all of that small stuff that we're told not to sweat and normally I don't, but then, it kind of all got to me. So here is the quick of it (or the long of it.)

I had two huge tests coming up. I completely bombed one of them. The one that counted the most. I spent more time on the Wednesday night test when I should have spent all the time on the Thursday test because of Becca drama. I knew this, but everyone was more worried about the Wednesday, so I listened to them, not to me. We will get the test back tommorrow (only took two weeks, and conveniently past mid-term and last day to drop.) If I get 20 points out of 100 I will be surprised. I know I bombed it. This in combination with a few papers, yeah GPA not steller.

This will affect my over-all need to maintain a 4.0, GPA. But no pressure.

Again, it happens.

Saturday night my girlfriends and I went out...and when I say went out--we went OUT. We ended up in the ER--fun times for sure! My knee was swollen beyond reconigition and my boot cut Michelle's chin. She actually needed some organic stiches that just 'dissolve'. We bitched all night to try and get a plastic surgeon to do the work, but our tantrums got us nowhere. We went home to a dissappointing night!! Such a hot mess!

Had my MRI at 9 this a.m. and the radiologist told me that it looked pretty clean to him except for some scar tissue that will lead to more pain down the road. This is the knee that got phucked when I fell from a pyramid when I was a nasty Amy Winehouse'sh 101 lbs!!! I have to hear from the doc who actually has to officially tell me whats going on. I'm feeling slightly better overall yall, still painful but the Percocet makes everything better :)

Partay at Dave's Taverna on Court Square tommorrow night. Haven bought me a costume. I'm stoked about it, really :) All she can tell me is that it's baby blue with gold and it's sexay--Hey! Frightening thought!

It's also going to be a scary night here at Casa de Amaya too. Lots of little witches, goblins, pumpkins, and bitches! Yay!


Friday, October 19, 2007

And now a moment to reflect

or an update, which ever you prefer. Okay, I know I've been really bad about writing, posting, and reading. I know this. I apologize. Here is an update on what has been going on with me. Anyone besides Becca and I ever drink the Monster Java Energy drinks? We drink a lot! That will change now because they made my chest hurt so badly I thought I was having a heart joke. Seriously, not worth it for the energy!

Classes: They are going well. I have two huge tests this week (which I should be studying for, but no, I am blogging. Ah, good use of my time.) I am hoping when I get two papers back this week they will have a big gold star on them or a nice scratch and sniff sticker (really, why don't we get those as adults?) I will be able to breathe easier and hopefully not feel even more overwhelmed.

Honestly, I am already a bit tired of school and I am trying to fight it. where is the line? The line between sanity and the line between "I can see what this will mean and do for my future" become blurred and lost? That's where I am. I'm hoping that I can take the easy way out and my class schedule won't allow for a work schedule next semester. Chicken-shit, you say? Yep.

Paper count: 5/37 (My plan to hit some of these out was squashed due to my Wednesday and Thursday at study group; the chest pain and frustration thus not allowing for any type of mind to keyboard collaboration.)

Presentation count: 2/2

Test count: 1/7

So far I have all A's (I think.)

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Is this weekend. I was just invited but I had to decline :( Courtney is giving birth again. But I was invited by a guyI dated a million years ago. Had I not been completely smitten with Los, I still couldn't have accepted. Nice gesture though. And then I'm on to see my cousin's little guy Noah who is in a body cast. He's three years old and was hurt in a serious accident on Tuesday. Keep him in your prayers.

Friday, October 05, 2007


Her voice is so beautiful! I have to share!!

:::Mexican Bitches:::

As most of you know I have been dogsitting for Michelle's little "Mexican Bitches". One of which is pregnant. And it just wouldn't be right if the doggy didn't have it's puppies on my watch! So it did!!! She had two! It was pretty nasty. Incase you didn't know, puppies do come from the doggie gyna!

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Both bitches were dark too. So yes. I "lost" the bet :0)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


September came and went so quickly. I truly enjoy the month of September. The weather is ideal. The leaves are starting to turn a million shades of gold and red, children anxiously awaiting their bus ride to school, new clothes, new sharpened pencils, yes...I do love September.

September 29 was a year since daddy's last major surgery. He's doing well, however I do believe his medications have affected the way he dresses himself!!! White socks or not, I still adore him!!!

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Friday, September 07, 2007


From San Juan. It was great :) A little relaxation never hurt anyone.

Friday, August 31, 2007


My Mother was furious when I told her that I wouldn't be going to San Juan. She even frightened Haven. So apparently I throw away money. Those of you who know me, know that I DO NOT throw away money. Infact sometimes, I squeek when I walk!!!

My parents booked the timeshare for 2 weeks, 1 week for them and 1 week for my friends. Depositing their week for me and my friends. Not good.

So. I must go to San Juan. Or else I will never be able to use the timeshare again. My baby isn't happy. I'm not thrilled. It is hurricane season. Time well wasted.

Michelle can't go. My bff can't go. Boring trip. No fun.

I'm really trying to be positive about this. I tried to play the "I can't afford the plane ticket card." Didn't work. She has only used their private jet timeshare once this summer. So I will have to use that. I'd rather fly commercial. Private = Scary. It sounds like it could really be a nice vaca. It won't be. Again.

Amaya No Good.

Be Home On Wedsneday.

I hate flying.


Deal Breakers

I got to thinking this morning about deal breakers and compromises. What would you be willing to give up if you met the man, woman, tranny of your dreams that was all that, then some, and a little bit more? Those things that make you happy, all those little things that eventually add up to the big things that you like in a person, in your life, in a relationship; what would you be willing to compromise on, give up, in order to keep that man, woman, he/she that is the dog's pajamas, the cat's tuxedo, and the milk bone of your world?

So, let's talk deal breakers.

Me? I can't stand cigarette smoke, mostly because it makes me sick and eventually it makes my nose bleed.

I like my alcohol and I can't imagine dating someone who didn't have an occasional drink. Yet, I am strangely amazed when I down a cocktail and my companion doesn't. I would never like it the way my grandfather liked it...As an alcoholic.

I need someone who is open and honest in all aspects of their life, so someone who said, "I don't want to talk about it," or was always shut down or extremely walled up when questions and conversations are happening, well, it's not going to go well between us.

Sex, please, be open and tell me what you like and want. I will do the same. Someone who isn't going to want to smack, play with, grab or occassionally fuck me, well, eventually that's going to get old. Great sex doesn't have to be of the physical kind either. A mindfuck. Those are the best!

Chewing with your mouth open.....


I'm thinking too big.

Let's think smaller.

Unibrows. I will eventually become cross-eyed from looking at it and wonder why the hell your not aware of it. Same with nose hair. And comb-overs. I mean, really, have you not heard the comments and jokes about these things??? Please, tweeze, pluck, plow, shave and generally take care of these things.

Someone who isn't a good kisser. Kissing is very important to me. Essential, really. Yeah. There is something about two pairs of compatable lips coming together for the soft, hard, passionate, breathing in sync, tongues mingling, not too wet, yet not dry, warm taste of each other mixed together that is so.damn.perfect. As i'm typing and thinking my fingers unconsciously touch my mouth and my fingernails go across my lips....weird.

Someone who doesn't think birthdays are a big deal.

Someone who doesn't get excited about the small things. The really, really, really small things that make life, life. A beautiful full moon, sunset, the skyline.

The way something smells.

A great song on the radio.

A really good book

The way something feels, the softness of my hair...the warmth of body.

Someone who doesn't make me laugh. Christ. You know where I would be without the ability to laugh? In Happydale Insane Asylum waiting for my next electric shock therapy treatment.

Someone who can't or doesn't want to talk on the phone for hours at a time. Sure seeing each other is best, but sometimes, with life being life, that isn't possible.

Someone who doesn't have a nice voice. I realize a person can't really control this one, but if I have to spend the rest of my life listening to a person I want to be able to listen to the words coming out of their mouth without thinking, "shut up! shut up! shut up!"

Someone who doesn't say, "bless you" when I sneeze. Remember I sneeze on average three times in a row. I could go at anytime. I need to be blessed!

Someone who complains. All.the.damn.time. Here, here's the pot, piss already.

Someone who doesn't say, "...and you?" That's a biggie. A hugey, actually.

Yeah, it would never work.

My bff does it a lot actually. I'll ask a question via text and he'll respond back with , "You?" Meaningless to some--huge to me!

Honesty. The best aphrodisiac there is.

Communication. The best mindfuck. Poor communication skills: Nothing will last, misunderstanding will happen far to frequently, anger and resentment will soon follow.

Poor self-image: If someone doesn't feel good about themselves and has self-esteem issues it will carry over into all (ALL) aspects of their life.The hottest man (or woman) on the planet will fall to pieces in my eyes if they are constantly putting themself down or worring about what others think about them. (Or constantly pull or tug on their clothes.) We've all had our moments but the right person will get you over this quick! Size, shape, looks, sure they matter, but in the long run do they? No, not really. It's the package, the whole package that I am after.

I'm vain, I like to look good. However, as I've said before, I get up somewhere between 5:30 and 5:32 in the morning to be at work/class at 7:30. Obviously I have the routine down to a science. Obviously a person can look good and put together without spending hours doing so.

I love my heels, skirts, and cleveage baring tops. However, I like my flip-flops, t-shirts, holy jeans and pony-tails just as much. (sometimes more.)

Someone who doesn't say my name. men who don't say my name. AGH!!!! I hate it. And I don't mean during sex, I mean, ever! Drives me crazy. Plus, I often wonder what's behind it. Can't say, can't remember it, dating too many other people and don't want to call me the wrong one, spell it, what?

Good teeth. Obsession. Teeth. I am a teeth, lips, and eyebrow person. Hey, some people are into arms, legs, asses, I'm into nice lips, teeth, and eyebrows.

Another one. Terms of endearment that I can't stand. I know, I know. I should be happy they have a cute nickname of something affectionate to call me, but I don't like two that are immediately coming to mind.

Dear and hun crawls.

Bad association.

Ugh.Truly, pick any others and it's good.

Talks bad about his mother. Not a good sign. If he calls his mother a bitch, well chances are I will be called on sooner or later and probably for no reason at all.

A bad temper. not going to happen.

The whole intelligence thing. Love of learning and stupid trivia and a desire to keep up with the news is a given, but then again, so is basic spelling. My ex in Ohio was elstupido! I got 1 lurve letter (before he went to jail) and that was filled with words not spelled correctly.

Someone who shooshes me. Amaya don't get shooshed! An ex 'shooshed' me once. Key word in there. It was a completely unconscious moment. I was yammering on about something, he was watching TV and 'shooshed' me. Pause. Laughter. Became an inside joke. However, if it was said seriously it would have been a problem.

Lack of touch in general. No hand holding, no PDA's, no out-of-nowhere- arm, back, neck, arm, body touches. Just place your hand there, rub for a few seconds to recognize me, to tell me you means so, so, SO much to a human being. Touch and to feel connected to another person.

Hmm, I seem to have gotten stuck on all the kinda big things, well, those are essential to me that would eventually ware on me and the dog's tuxedo who started out as the milk bone of my world would eventually turn out to be another crumb in the annals of my dating world.

So, what about you? What would your deal breakers be?


If a woman with big boobs can get a job at Hooters, where can a woman with one leg get a job?


In Honor Of

Yesterday's true confessions and staying up all night and talking about boys inspired this post, has to deal with losing one's virginity.

"There's got to be more than this." -Victoria Principal

"The first time I slept with a girl, I didn't know where to put my peter."-Baseball manager, Billy Martin

"I couldn't pee without it hurting for a month." -Loretta Lynn

"Please God, forgive me and let this be over quick"-Amaya Georgia Warner

Monday, August 27, 2007

My long day

Started with me waking up @ 2 a.m because Seth was smothering me with his 2lb arm. I tossed and turned all night just counting my blessings. Seth is the terror child from hell normally, this past weekend he wasn't so bad. Even this morning when I opted to take him to get McDonald's rather than him making me make pancakes, the kid refused fast food. He won. I made pancakes and they weren't that bad either. Isaiah & Chandler actually agreed that they were good.

We packed lunches for Seth's first day of school which was hard to do because he doesn't like Turkey sandwiches. He opted for Peanut butter & jelly. He dressed himself well in matching clothes but wasn't too fond on going to school. He knows that his daddy is in the hospital and Mommy couldn't deal with taking him to school because she's an emotional wreck right now.

We walked to class and he asked me if he could give me a hug as I was about to leave. I melted. As I was driving my Yukon home I felt the tears welling up. I came home to finish cleaning up my yard from the debris, but I couldn't help but think of Seth all day. He needed the hug as much as I did.

I look at the landscaping damage and I hear people talking about how much damage this tornado did, at the end of the day, nothing else matters as long as we all have breath in our body and we're thankful for the little Seth's hug that made my day.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm Thankful!

I have to remind myself that it could have been a lot worse than it actually was!!! Friday evening I went to my first ever Demo derby. It's extremely dangerous and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. My girlfriend Michelle, her husband, Michael was participating in it. His car caught on fire during his heat and was severly burned. We ended up at the local hospital and then he was transported out to another hospital. When I left on friday with their four year old in tow, I thought that it couldn't be that bad. Saturday morning I decided to go and say hello and make a cameo being the nice girl that I am.

When I got there, Michelle was distraught. Michael's family & Michelle have never really seen eye to eye. His family was treating her poorly and nasty. Michelle had to remind them that she was his wife and it was her decision on weather or not to send him to Washington burn center.
Michael's mother I met up with a few weeks ago at the grocery store--I myself spoke kindly to her while she inturned told Michelle how pale & frail I looked....yep, she's that kind of sweet! What I thought was going to be easy turned out to be hard. Michelle was still in her clothes from Friday night, unshowered and without a car because she flew with Michael. My entire family was there before Michelle's parents....My mother being the nurturer that she is went the mall and picked her up some things for Michelle to change into and brought back some comfort foods from Harris Teeter. Michael's parents never offered her anything.

I'm not good with these things...the only thing I could do was listen to her describe his head the size of a basketball and swollen because of the heat in his body, his legs they had to cut so the heat would escape, and his screams that was heard outside of the hospital. Whats truly devastating is the fact that through all of this...she realizes where he stands in her eyes. And thats a good thing!

After leaving the hospital in a nasty storm,@ 4:00 my gps went out which was odd. While trying to use my cell phone to rearrange my date time with my bff, I couldn't. I thought it was just my crappy phone. As I got closer and closer to home there were trees in the road, power lines almost down, I couldn't keep my car on the road. I was alone as I always am, I began to freak out. I had no idea what was going on. And when I say freak, I was sobbing outloud! I finally made it to my road that leads to my house and there were trees on cars! Trees on houses! I got to my house and @ 4:30 it was complete darkness in Stanley. My downed dogwood trees blocked my driveway so I thought it would be smart to drive in the wet grass--not a good idea because I got stuck! I decided to make a run for it in quarter size hail. I was actually running for my life as debris was flying and tree limbs were cutting my legs. I got to my front door which was locked and I left my keys in my car!!! So I remembered that I still had a garage door opener in my Yukon which saved me. The wind was trying to keep my garage door up as I was trying to close it because everything was flying in my garage. I practically peed my pants when I looked out my window and saw my neighbors new rv flip on it's side. Me. Alone. Big House. Tornado. No Power. Scared. Kitty!

Power came on today @ 1p.m. Soooooooo much damage is done. Trees are everywhere, my pool has a tree in it. My acura looks like a yard ornament. My legs, well they look like I had been in a sword fight.

Check out the news clip. Storm damage/Page County/Stanley

It could always be worse!

Friday, August 24, 2007


My little princess is in Puerto Rico and I'm going to join her along with my family against my doctor's orders. Her 16 year old brother was beaten up by a 30 yr old man and was hospitalized.
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I will see her soon!

Animal Cruelty & Michael Vick

It's sickening to think that a man worth over $130,000,000, who was a first round draft pick, is able to commit such horrible crimes. To have a rape cage and allow the male pit bulls to rape the female pit bulls, to drown them or execute the ones that performed poorly and lost. To starve the dogs for days so that they'll be hungry during their fight is so disturbing. Michael Vick allegedly funded BAD NEWZ KENNELS and reportedly banked on it!

Once the feds go after you, the feds who don't play around and always get a conviction, it was only a matter of time until Vick and his super cool posse folded. He's likely to get 1-2 years and a nasty chunk taken out of his bank account. I don't know which would hurt the worst!

IMHO, Michael Vick has always been a sick individual...from flying the bird to the Falcon fans to passing on std's under the alias of "Ronnie Mexico" to young, naive girls. The latest allegations just prove hat the guy is mad!

And so what he did was wrong, it is fucked up, and the majority of the population agrees. There are always going to be those individuals out there who find pleasure/entertainment in things that disgust most people. The thrill of doing something illegal also plays into it.....I guess you cant understand people who do this shit.

I just wished that people felt so strongly about the rights of a child who was raped, molested and murdered by a sexual predator. What about Amber's rights? Or Carly's? Most people have forgotten about these young girls but nobody will soon forget about what Michael Vick did to these dogs.

The Bible states that the people will put the creature before the person..... and they are.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Hate Ho's?

Not the Ho'cake variety,

The kind of ho's that are really sluts.

The kind that just take up space and use my air?

The kind that Marisa & I call beauty on a budget who need lessons on applying their makeup so that it doesn't appear that their being casted in the LIVING DEAD sequel.

Those ho's!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sultry Summer Soiree

We celebrated my dad's birthday last night under the hot summer sun. Intially it was to be @my casa, because of the remote location that I live, we moved it to my brother & Courtney's and also my parents were in town friday night, we couldn't ruin the surprise!!!

It was a very nice event. The food was great, the weather was fantastic, and most of all he was with his family who loves him and wants to celebrate every waking moment with him.

Cocktails started @ 5,
Dinner was served @ 6,
His friend John, gave a short devotion to him @ 7,
the DJ was up @ 8,
Fireworks @9

The party lasted well into the night. I didn't have an opportunity to take any pictures because my day just started out on the wrong foot, Haven did manage to snap some randoms. It was a fun night. One that we won't soon forget.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

All unfriended bitches

Yes all 32,625 of you that in the past twelve months have come across this page, every 68.3 of you that each day return, every one of you who have anonymously elected to send me some sort of correspondence to which I may yet most likely have not responded previous:

I do not want to go out on a date with you.

Dear single white male I have never met before – the green twenty-something that you are – interested in whether I prefer Italian or Thai, action films or romantic comedies; I do not want to meet you for dinner and a movie.

Dear optimistic thirty-something – you syrupy idealist, you! – I do not want to join you for a cup of coffee and a game of chess.

Dear lonesome forty-something propositioning me to be your escort at the PGA tournament this weekend – you who have barely crossed the T's and dotted the I's on your divorce papers – should know that you are old enough to have crossed the T's and dotted the I's on my birth certificate. And no, I do not want to meet you for tennis and brunch.

Dear aspiring photographer, I do not want to be photographed for your calendar. Or for your company. Or as a favor for you – dear besieged college art major of the community persuasion – that wishes to shoot me at various angles in order to complete your final project. I do not wish to meet you, he whom it may concern, at the Four Points Sheraton this Thursday to audition for your modeling agency. You must know, dear up-and-coming prospective talent scout, while I recognize that you are searching for models of all ages, races, heights, colors, and creeds, that I am not interested, not even if given my attendance, I will be provided FREE! hair and makeup services; not even, if given my attendance, I will be provided a complimentary digital portfolio of all of my headshots. Because quite honestly Mr. "you've got what I'm looking for" Modeling Big Wig, a collection of headshots is as useful to me as a box of plastic knives at a pudding eating contest.

Dear adult website moderator – you who's default picture showcases your cheap-suited self flanked on either side by a couple of K Street's finest bottled-blonde imminent DUI-threats, I do not want to pose for your dot com. I am not disarmed by your recurrent use of various derivations of the word "tasteful" or your offers to make me – MEEEEEE! (adolescent squeals!) – one of your top twenty-four should I assist you in your pornographic endeavors. Because no, adult website moderator, I do not wish to join the ranks of the women representing your top friends: not the Johnson & Johnson-oiled, large-assed thong wearer posed in a permanent squat in your first slot, nor the muffin-topped brunette whose gut is eating her two-sizes-too-small jeans in the second. Not the bed-sprawled redhead sporting nothing but a strategically placed sheet and low budget camera work in the third or the high-budgeted open-mouthed Asian in the fourth – you know, the one that's trademarked her username even though she's gained less celebrity status than the first-round boots off of this season's American Idol and members of The Big Brother reunion tour combined? Yes well I'd really prefer to not join ranks with her. Oh I mean (pardon me!) Her™. No, not even the Botox bunny in the Venus swimwear string one-piece in the fifth or the Mystic-overdosed undergrad in the sixth, contorted predictably into what I so lovingly refer to as the peace-and-pucker pose.

NOTE: peace-and-pucker pose (n.) is the term given to the culturally-influenced reflex of many adolescent and college-aged females to, in the presence of a camera and usually under the influence of alcohol, display a peace sign (typically held so that the palm is facing towards the body and at a angle) and purse the lips as if one were kissing or puckering.

No, silly Mystic-overdosed college co-ed, I do not wish to join your sorority of peacers and puckerers. I know all to well to leave my stance on international relations at home on a Saturday night and that the "pucker" is preferred by the vain and narcissistic merely because its performance when photographed slenderizes the facial line, exaggerating the cheek bones and casting a forgiving light on the newly temporary indentations. Consider it an instant face lift. Consider it preemptive airbrushing. Or consider, my sweet malleable comrade, commencing upon a serious eating disorder to achieve naturally that skeletal loveliness you crave. Either way honey, you've got to learn that buffalo wings and sexily gaunt cheeks just simply do not mix, so whatever you do: STOP EATING NOW! DON'T FEED THE MODELS!

Oh and closing credits to you adult website moderator: I simply just am not a Girl Gone Wild!

Dear heterosexual transvestite from Bethesda interested in showing me around the underground aspects of DC (to which you have added a wink and a nudge), I am skeptically mortified by your suggestion, and while nothing intrigues me more than the possibility of fulfilling my Invisible Monsters-mused fantasy of tramping around town with a two hundred and fifty pound drag queen and a pocket full of weathered red-shaded lipsticks, the heterosexual nature of your transvestite self causes me to fear for at most my life… and at least my pootie. So no, heterosexual transvestite from Bethesda, I will not be indulging in the underground aspects of metropolitan areas with you.

Dear Ethan, you who are in a relationship and will be visiting the area with your band soon, you who despite your awaiting girlfriend would subsequently like to partake in some "extracurricular activities" while in town and you who feel I am just the girl to do that with; you who have ostensibly been caught cutting and pasting this identical request only to send it also to a friend of one of my best friend's, you sir can snack hard on it. And by it of course I do mean my proverbial cookie; not the biblical one you will not, would not, and could not ever have the pleasure of snacking on. I do hope sir, when you and your band arrive in the area and your unfaithful intentions envelop you, that your itching, burning aspirations towards infidelity manifest themselves two to four weeks later into a little itching and burning of the crotch variety, leaving you dear Ethan - the newly crowned master of antibiotics and preventative ointment - a little less inclined to proposition innocent, unresponsive, and/or happily-taken women online and a little more inclined to be sitting alone in the darkness of your bedroom, sipping Natty Bo through your own tears, frantically punching your venereal symptoms into the browser box at WebMD.

Dear recently and soon-to-be physically uprooted men of MySpace, I do so recognize that you will soon be coming to my area – "my area" according to your definitions, apparently representing a ninty-mile radius from where I in reality live (in a tranquil rural region 120-miles south of Washington) – and I do in fact recognize that you, like many other random males utilizing this site, would like to ultimately meet up. Unfortunately, my dear recently and soon-to-be physically uprooted men of MySpace, there are greater chances of the Pope blessing my snatch than of you and I arranging a date in which I will show up unguarded at some midway all-hours diner holding a neon-colored puff-penned poster board reading WELCOME TO MARYLAND, BOB! No, you possibly homicidal or criminally intentioned, recently and soon-to-be physically uprooted men of MySpace, you simply cannot be pulling such imprudent stunts in today's society.

And please, recently and soon-to-be physically uprooted men of MySpace, when I decline the invite to meet, please do not litter my inbox with one hundred and one questions on the part times, pastimes, night lives, recreational activities, housing options, school systems, legal systems, or local economies available and present in "my area" because seriously sweetheart, I am not the Census (Senseless) Bureau. No, you poor geographically challenged creatures that you are, I am not the Goodwill Ambassador of the Maryland, Virginia, and DC metropolitan region. My name is not synonymous with Frommers, Lonely Planet, or DK eyewitness travel guides. It is not synonymous with Craig's List, Google, Yahoo! Maps,, or Map Quest. My name is not tantamount with any number of networking sites, local classified ads, locating services, or famous-maker GPS systems.

But if you really must know my advice on finding the best a city has to offer, you impending new kids on the block you, I'd suggest the ridiculously obsolete ancient art of signing out of your computer, getting off of your ass, picking up a couple of local papers and city maps, getting in your car (or setting out on foot dependent upon the region), and seeing for your damn self what's out there to be had. You too, recently and soon-to-be physically uprooted men of MySpace, will find that new opportunities are waiting to present themselves at any moment – in coffee shops, libraries, universities, dance clubs, places of employment, etc. – but better you than me to figure out what you're into, because honey I'm the last to know, and we needn't keep the mayor at her desk for hours telling you about you're options for a social existence in the tri-state area.
Q: But you ARE the mayor – aren't you?

Of course I'm the mayor!

Yet being the mayor doesn't mean I need to exert an ounce of effort on you, you recently and soon-to-be physically uprooted men of MySpace! Being the mayor means that when I'm not laboring diligently for the salvation of the masses – for the charity of the oppressed and ailing – I am doing what I want, when I want, to whomever I want, as pompously and unapologetically as possible. Being the mayor means that by day I am wearing my hot new Juicy Couture specs, researching advances in behavioral therapy, penning out fundraising proposals and event schematics, and – by night – drinking for free at any number of our local watering holes, signing autographs, and posing for photo ops with my fans, particularly outside of bustling restaurants and on the hood of my car. Yes, being the mayor means that I have a carefully selected group of best friends consisting of urban dance-off winners and equine extraordinaires, and that I respond with gracious waves and air kisses when collective cheers arise as I enter a room, but being the mayor does NOT mean that I have to tell you where there is to go in [enter inane city I know nothing about] because the only answers I'm going to give you are either to a) hell or b) communion.
[points to crotch]

Dear ~*CASH MONEY GANGSTA*~ you whose default picture showcases you in all of your cash money gangster glory, throwing up a gang sign with your right hand and holding a wad of bills in your left, you who finds it necessary to photograph yourself wearing a fur-trimmed North Face down jacket even though it's mid–Augus, this one's for you.

Dear DA DOPEST FRESH AKA THE ORIGINAL NYC GOTTI™ AKA DA REAL PIMP JUICE, you whose default picture is a near-birds eye shot of your lubricated abdominals – yes you, oh great tanned headless torso! – I would have thought you to have been armless had it not been for the sliver of forearm holding your flashing camera phone, positioned ever so perfectly towards the bathroom mirror in your row house. A row house that is – my DOPEST FRESH, my ORIGINAL NYC GOTTI™ – thirty miles out from the city in a Jersey suburb. And well, this one's for you. My dear import addict who wRiT3S lIkE Di$ N Th!nkS d@TS C00L and dear various gentlemen referring to me as mama, mommy, mami, and mamacita, to all of you: grab a Webster's, lay off of the symbols keys, notice I am not (papi!) anywhere in your family tree, put your shirts back on, and remember for god's sake, your upstairs bathroom is not your portrait studio. To all of you cash money gangsters out there, all of you identity-perplexed culturally-defined something or others, lose the money rolls, put it in the bank, go back to college (you are NOT Kanye West), drop the façade, and whatever you do, if nothing else, please don't confuse winter-wear for status symbols. Here let's fair-trade it: you don't wear jackets off-season and I won't tape my degrees and trust fund records to the windows of my Acura. Deal?

Dear randomly-allocated unrelenting men of MySpace, you who hail from all fifty states and major cities of the nation, you who add-request me regardless of how many times I deny you from my friend requests, no number of picture changes or username adjustments are going to better your chances of being added as my friend. Dear randomly-allocated unrelenting men of MySpace, you who will send me the same cut-and-paste message every time I change my user picture, who write me incessantly within minutes of seeing that your sent message has been READ but not responded to, your restraint would be greatly appreciated. Dear randomly-allocated unrelenting men of MySpace, you who claim to see me out around town at various establishments and never approach me, yet write me at two in the morning nonetheless detailing where I was and who I was with; dear creepy guy with the professional modeling shots who utilized my book club as a springboard for inviting me out to drinks, dear Average Joe who insists he attends the same gym as my high school friend but when asked about you, she doesn't know who you are: no thank you times three; SPAN: " yes? mso-spacerun: Please, randomly-allocated unrelenting men of MySpace, do not use ice-breaking tactics such as asking me if I'm Michelle's sister's brother-in-law's cousin, because chances are I'm not. Please know, randomly-allocated unrelenting men of MySpace, you who overcompensate in eagerness what you lack in tact, when you say I probably get this message a lot and I probably won't write you back, you're right. So please, randomly-allocated unrelenting men of MySpace, you who I will not write back, you who I will continue to delete from my friend requests time and time again, you who will fail miserably in your attempts at having a cyber friendship with me, if you do nothing else – nothing else at all – please do not, and I mean EVER send me a giant glitter graphic. The next one of you that does that – cash money gangster, this includes you! – will have his soul eaten by Jesus.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Bring It On!

Good luck tommorrow, Marisa.

I'll be thinking about ya!

Show 'em whatcha got!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Things That We Can All Do....

.....To be heroic!

Today is my Mommy's birthday. As we were all sitting on the patio sipping on Sangeria we were all in on the same conversation, How blessed we really truly are. And reflecting on all of our blessings it makes me want to do more. Since today is my mother's birthday she always says that '"The silence of good people is worse than the actions of the bad."Everyone knows that nothing else makes me smile more than the ability to make someone else smile :)

So I thought I'd share some secrets with you on how each of you could all be heroic, just like my Mom!

  • Click to feed the hungry. Thats right. Corporate Sponsors will donate a cup of food to people in need. It's that simple.
  • Save lives with silly string- Marcell Shriver learned that her son Todd, a brave soldier in Iraq used silly string to detect bomb wires strung across the ground in a war zone. Go to walmart and buy $10 in silly string and mail it to: St. Luke's Church 55 Warwick Road, Stratford, NJ 08084
  • Donate all of your never to wear again bridal party wear, cocktail dresses to high school girls who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford the chance to be the Belle of the ball. My family has been doing this for the past two years.

A heroic thing for me are those rare moments where I've been able to turn the other cheek when someone hurts me instead of seeking revenge.

What are your heroic abilities?


Thursday, August 02, 2007

August 17

Is anyone going to the Lil Black Dress Party @ the Clarendon Ballroom? Perez Hilton and Benji & Joel Madden are hosting it. I'm assuming it's girls only?!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Boys Of Summer

I'll be in Baltimore on 9/28/07 to see my boys :)

Can't wait!

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This is Great!

It's no secret that I hate people who cheat on their significant other. Haven sent me this because she found it funny. This is vindication :) I love it!!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Today I went to my doctor. This is the same doctor that basically diagnosed me with AML years ago, mind you. I got lucky because there was a cancellation and I was able to get in and be seen. Lately, I've been going to the doctor in which my friend Lisa practices under. So it has been a while since I've seen Dr. Dale.

I told him that in the past six months I've had several sore throats, colds, and lots of fatigue. He said that all of my lymph nodes were swollen. When I thought he was just 'feeling me up' he was actually trying to see if my spleen was swollen. The look on his face was the same sad look he had when he told me that I had to be seen by an Oncologist. He sent me to this very cold waiting room while I read Family Circle magazine 3x's cover to cover and I still can't tell you anything about any of the articles!! The same fear I had before was back. The butcher/nurse that took my blood said it was fine for me to leave and the doctor would be in touch. So, I drove home. No music. Just driving. I passed cars but I saw nothing. I was numb.

Before I got to my garage it was Dr. Dale's office. They told me to come back to the office. My parents who assumed I would be in SC by now were in McLean. I called my grandmother. She met me @ the dr's office with my aunt Cornelia and Charles aka pawpaw's keeper!

We went in immeadiatly. We heard the nurse tell the doctor that I was back. I was still numb and my knees that which were shaking had to be held by my grandmother because my fear was so visible. I wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't I didn't have the diagnosis. In my heart of hearts I knew it was back. Finally, Dr. Dale came in and told me the news.

I thought I was going to die. Die because I was relieved. He told me that I had Mono! The AML WAS NOT BACK!!! He said that it's likely that I picked this up because my immune system is weak. My grandmother and I couldn't stop hugging because we were so relieved. He says that it's likely that I got Mono from a student at school. Most dirty college kids have it and it keeps spreading from person to person. I got it because my body is still weak from AML. The treatments compromised my immune system.

Atleast now I know I'm not lazy. I have the sore throats for a reason. I get the "You're always sick" from everyone which at times saddens me, but nothing makes me more sad than fighting a losing battle.

So I'll take Mono. I'll take it anyday!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Blogger!

It's my blog's third birthday!

Being the committment phobe that I am
I'm surprised I stuck it out this long!
Thanks for numerous reasons.
One to include my extreme naivete
to the asshole nature of 90% of the population
of men in VA.
They have provided me with great material.
Thanks to girlfriends in which are ho'cakes
for being just that!
Thanks to my parents for making me become such a artsy junkie!
Happy Birthday Blog!

I'm Not Going To Jail!

I thought I was going to be sharing a cell with Nicole Ritchie but nearly $1200 later, I'm a free woman! I had to go to court for my speeding ticket and it wasn't pretty nor was it fun. I was shaking in my heels. I didn't fit in with those dirty criminals and it was obvious.

I could have easily had this ticket 'lost' if I wanted because Super Trooper was hitting on me. He walked out of the court room with me because I was the last case because of my last name. Yep...this could have all been written off if I had been wearing the cute trapeze dress the day I got the ticket!!! Yep, he was very nice & pleasant even saying "bless you" everytime I sneezed because I have a cold from hell. What I thought was getting better, isn't. It's hard to swallow and I'm congested. Beautiful, right?! And Vitamin C does not prevent colds. FYI.

I'm recruiting someone to go down to Myrtle Beach with me for a few days to soak up the sun. Becca is a no go. Looks like I'll be calling Michelle.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Marisa Alexis

Look for her on a billboard in Times Square in the coming years!!!

Happy 14th Birthday to America's Next Top Model

Hillary '08

"I was deeply moved by Maya's words. She never ceases to amaze me by her brilliance," said Clinton. "I have known Maya for many years and have been honored by her friendship. I'm thrilled to have her support in my campaign."

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Epitome of Style!

An elite invite
Fashion Week 2007
top designers
are debuting their
2008 Spring line
came in the mail for me today :)
Bryant Park
September 2007
I am allowed to bring a guest.
Who will I invite?
Who will walk away
Gift bag worth over
Envy me much?
You should!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Observation of the Day

Observation of the day...MY WALK

It's more of a strut really.
There is definitely a swishing back and forth of my hips.
A definite jiggle to the bosom. (could be the bra, but I'm going to take all the credit anyway)
A certain confidence in the swing of my arms and the placement of my shoulders.
Stick me in heels and a skirt, forget about it.

I need my own soundtrack.

I wonder what my song would be.

Suggestions? Thoughts?

Geeked Out

Check out this four minute preview of NBC'S Bionic Woman debuting in Sept.

I'm stoked! Looks soooooo good!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just an Update

I'm doing much better. What a difference two weeks makes :)

I'm working out again, after the fall--I stopped. I should be my goal weight in a few weeks?!

Summer is here and I love it! It's been a hot summer & I thrive in it. My tan is looking good.

More later!!!

This May Help You Get More @ss!

1. Being a whiny, clingy bitch - No, it doesn’t make you a “nice guy that never gets the girl” it makes you a needy, pathetic person. Everyone needs some personal space, you don’t have to call 15 times a day, take it down a notch or 7.

2. Being jealous - Of all the traits, this one is the absolute fucking worst, it is insecurity at it’s ugliest. It’s human nature to be attracted to other people, get over it. If you are a real man, you don’t need to worry about your girl leaving you. Trying to fight every guy in the bar that says hi to your girl makes you a douchebag, not a hero.

3. Being a slob – Guess what fellas, bringing a girl home to your roach infested apartment, your fridge with nothing but Milwaukee’s Best, smelling like your pet dog and your Scarface poster on the wall isn’t the way to impress a lady. Believe it or not, having to sweep cheet-os off your bed is a huge turn off.

4. Having no style – You don’t need to drop $800 at the Armani Exchange to look good. Unless you’re a college freshman, lose the fucking ball cap, flip flops and “I love lesbians” t-shirt. Groom yourself, take care of your skin, your nails and pluck the goddamn unibrow. Under NO circumstances should you wear a cheesy gold necklace on the outside of your shirt..Vinnie.

5. Bragging – Ugh, if you are the shit, people will figure it out on their own, you don’t need to constantly tell them why you are the shit. If you need to remind people why you are cool…you aren’t.

Take Notes Fellas!!!

My Neighbor's Security System

How To Install A Home Security System

1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's Work Boot's size 14-16 (used)

2. Place them on front porch, along with a copy of Gun And Ammo Magazine.

3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and Magazine

4. Leave a note on your door that reads:

Hay Bubba,

Big Jim, Duke, Slim, and I gone for more ammunition. Will be back in one hour. Don't mess with the pit bull's -- they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad.
I don't think Killer took part in it,but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all of the dog's in the house. Better just wait outside until we can get back.


Saturday, June 30, 2007


Michelle had a crazy, wild, party tonight. I left early. I wasn't feeling it. It's hard to really have a great time when you're in a lot of pain. I did make a cameo and I was pleasant to everyone. I actually did the Southern Girl rendetion of "My Humps" and of course we all had fun with my lumps :)

Michelle, the crazy drunk slut that she is known to be, slapped my ass--My ass is broke!!! She totally forgot and felt horrible about it. Uhm....I had to hold back the tears!!! Talk about pain. Sheesh.

Michelle, thanks for the party, the Diet Mt Dew and the Kareoke. Thanks for doing your charity.


Friday, June 29, 2007

While I'm At It

I'm not supposed to be doing this...but Emma has a huge fan base so I thought I'd share just one....This was @ my Grandma's farm. She's a doll!!!

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

^^^^^^Check out those heels! She's Mini in training ^^^^
{For those of you who didn't know, I got my nickname Mini/Minnie by walking around the pool in heels that were too big for me, ala Minnie Mouse}

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My Godson's Debut

My girlfriend in L.A., Gigi delivered an 8 lb. 12oz. baby boy :)

Little Maverick. We're going to be calling him 'Mav'.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thursday, June 28, 2007

An exciting week!

Monday: Fell down the stairs
Tuesday: Doctor's office for falling down the stairs
Weds: Dr & Hospital from falling down the stairs
Thur: Dr from falling down the stairs
Fri: Knocked out from all the meds from falling down the stairs.

Amaya's Law:
Never run down super clean oak staircases without shoes or your hands may end up smelling like pledge!!! Or you may have a bruise on your ass that completely covers your left cheek nearly. Or a ruptured tit, or bruised hip or rib.

Yeah....don't do that!!!

Hi Officer!

So yesterday after waking up to a voicemail that was left Tuesday afternoon, I was en route to my doctor's office. Before finally leaving the house, I managed to finally find myself in traffic on 340 N. Great. Slow traffic is fun.

Once I made it to 81 it was smooth sailing and I got to my exit in about 15 minutes. Not bad, but since I was doing over 80 mph that's not surprising. Route 340 is always annoyingly backed up, so many of us who need to get to the intersection for the Route 33 usually end up driving a few hundred feet up the shoulder of the road to get to the turnoff, rather than waiting the 4 or 5 light cycles it would normally take us.

Well today my friends, the VA State Troopers outsmarted us. ALL of us. I had the privilege of being one of about 15 people who got stopped on the ol' shoulder detour, and have the $110 ticket to prove it. Imagine my surprise when I pulled out of traffic, drove about 10 feet and a cop steps out of nowhere and just points to the back of the car in front of me; who also happened to have been pulled over.

Now, last time I got pulled over by the Troopers, which was August of last year, I managed to get out of a ticket even though I was going 84 in a 55. "Ms. Warner, this is just a warning... no ticket, ok? Just a warning. But do be careful out there on the roads and watch your speed! You have a great one. Thanks!".... and of course swooning troopers pass out from the ultimate hotness that is me!!!


Or maybe it was from the heat radiating out from underneath the Acura hood, it's hard to say. But not the case this time.

Oh no, there was no conversation, no questions, no small talk. I wanted to say, "you know, usually before this happens I at least get some dinner out of it. [And by 'this' I mean 'I allow you to drool over me while you take me to a nice restaurant.']" Probably better I didn't though. Come to think of it, I'm glad I didn't ask if his gun was of the "water" variety, either. They didn't seem to be the type of guys with a lot of personality or appreciation for great humor or banter. But seriously, they look like plastic!!! (who carries Glocks anymore, honestly?)

It was all business. They didn't notice my ultra-cute glasses. They didn't mention my new shirt with a bird on it, that is almost as cute as my glasses. Not one of them complimented my style and overall presence. They just pointed to the spot where they wanted me to stop, and I did. I waited in line for over 30 minutes, and they took their time. I was asked [told] to sign the ticket and I did because I knew what they really wanted was my autograph and I like making peoples' days. And then finally, I was released back into the wild that is Route 33 on a typical, overcommuted Wednsday morning.

Really, I think all State Troopers need to have their eyes re-examined. Either that or they need to read up on the current A-Listers. I'm sure this all of this could have been easily smoothed over with one call from my agent! Sheesh!

Once I merged onto 33, it felt good to let the sportscar of my dreams really open up... I figure the best thing to do after getting a ridiculous ticket from a group of State Troopers who had set up a "lawbreaker trap" was to drive in excessive speeds not even a mile from where they were. Too bad the giant black crow that was having a difficult time holding whatever it was it had caught for breakfast flew right into my windshield.

Seriously, and my car was just washed, too.

Last time I hit a bird (interestingly also a black crow), it was decrapitated on my windshield. And no, that isnt' a misspelling. Not only did the bird's head come off, but it crapped everywhere. Which you and I would probably do the same if our heads were cut off; whether or not it was from the windshield of a moving car.

Well, that's all I got for now. Maybe I'll go to court for the ticket and ask for PBJ (that's "Probation Before Judgement," not "peanut butter and jelly," you dummies)... I'm sure they'll have me do something inane like 8 hours of volunteer work at a local firehouse, where the head-perv will make inappropriate commentary and stalk me at work. Because that's what happened last time. Incidentally, I was 17 and had yet to discover my girl fistfighting capabilities. But that's a whole other story.

So let's keep it going for the State Troopers... by doing their jobs, they ruined my day! That's ok though, because the crow I sent them in the mail will probably arrive sometime tomorrow.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Victoria's Secret is having there Semi-annual sale, guys!!!

Go Nuts.

Going to see the dr.

Miss me.

Friday, June 15, 2007

I pity da foo!

Who doesn't miss me!!!

Just waiting on Scary Spice to arrive and then we're outta here for the weekend :)

See ya on Sunday.

Still need a moochie.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Father's Day Weekend

You can find me in NC @ the Beach House with my family for a little R&R.

I wish I had a moochie......

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Dad is doing well.

I am too.

I'm meeting up with Michelle to get some cardio in.

This workout stuff has been hard, now it's starting to become an addiction.

You all know me and addictions, I have to feed them :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ladies & Gentleman of the Class of 2k7

Wear Sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it because the long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists. Or you can just not wear sunscreen. I really don't care either way to be honest. I actually recommend slathering yourself in tanning oil. It makes for a killer tan and gives your stems a nice sheen.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth, if you have any of either. In 20 years you may or may not look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked… But thankfully there's numerous and affordable plastic surgery options available today so you can recapture that if you really wanted to (caveat is that to recapture it, you actually had to possess it at one time). And even if you find yourself thinking that you were not as fat back then as you imagined... you probably really were, so quit lying to yourself and get to know Atkins.

Don't worry about the future: we're all screwed and going the way of the Dodo, so unless you have a way to fix it, I don't want to hear whatever it is you're worrying about. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday: like finding out at the gas station that you now have to pay $3.19/gallon of Regular.

Do one thing everyday that scares you. Bonus points if it terrifies the hell out of the people around you.

Sing. Even if you can't, or it's through a synthesizer… then you can get a record deal like T-Pain and insult the very definition of "singing" and/or "music."

Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't put up with people who are reckless with your own. Unless you have an untraceable .45 and a silencer. In which case, you can do whatever the hell you want. Go ahead, ask me how I know that.

Floss [ice and/or in the club].

Time is not to be wasted on jealousy. Being jealous just means that whether you think you're ahead or whether you think you're behind, you still know that you suck at life in some way and should strive to be the least like yourself as possible. {Note to self}

Remember the compliments you receive, but write down the insults. They'll come in handy when dealing with some Frat fags at a bar in the future.

Throw away your old love letters, but keep copies of your ex's bank statements and credit card information. As you'll inevitably find out, love is not as tangible as money and few things feel as good as revenge in the form of Identity Theft.

Stretch. Thhhhhhhhhheeeeee trruuuuuth. Because a lot of times you won't get caught.

Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life… the most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't. Incidentally, they also happen to be working 70 hours a week for less than minimum wage in a dilapidated factory and addicted to meth.

Get plenty of calcium. Because people with bad teeth are gross.

Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone. And chances are, so will most of the men in your life.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary, for which you will be made fun of because honestly, who plays "the funky chicken" at weddings? But what ever you do, don't be a prick by congratulating yourself too much, and don't be a drama queen by berating yourself either – your choices are half chance and so are everybody else's. And chances are, you made some fucked up choices which is why you sit in a dark room every night, listening to Richard Marx albums on repeat and drinking Natty Bo through the taste of your own tears and then using them as lube.

Enjoy your body, use it every way you can… don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own. Just ask the ZTAs at Towson, they would know better than anyone and will even demonstrate.

Dance… even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room. Or on a pole in a moist, seedy strip club on the wrong side of town.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them. But don't tell the doctors in the ER that you didn't follow the directions because doing that would ruin your chances of a financially successful lawsuit.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they are only for beautiful people... which you probably are not.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good. Then you'll be out of the will and shit out of luck because life is tough like that.

Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future. This is important because you can dump your kids off on them when you don't feel like putting up with your own hellspawn. They probably also have lots of blackmail material on you, and it's best to keep tabs on people like that.

Respect your elders. Stop threatening to boil them in the kiddie pool in the yard at your brother's house.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund (in which case call me), maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out. But in the case of the latter, get a pit bull of a divorce attorney and take that bastard for everything he's worth.

Do lots of crazy shit with your hair, because if you're like my dad, by the time you're 60 it will start to disappear and you'll wish you had some to ruin, just on principal.

Don't buy advice. Unless it's mine. Which is $10/minute. Just FYI, the people who tell you that advice is "a form of nostalgia," and that dispensing it is a way of "fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth," are basically trying to hand you a polished turd. And that's fucked up. Really, you should punch them in the face for that because who would want to be handed a turd: polished or not?

But trust me on the tanning oil… I have tan, glossy stems!!!

{A certain exotic future model-to-be graduated from the Eighth grade last night. She's my inspiration}

Monday, June 11, 2007

And so

I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Perhaps, I never went to bed on the right side. It's not been an easy morning for me. Kennedy nor Ava isn't here yet and I've already thrown up. This seems to be the norm theses days. And IT'S NOT MORNING SICKNESS.

I am so decisive sometimes, only thinking the worst. Why haven't I changed my way of thinking? Over the past couple of weeks I feel as though I've changed a lot. At the request of some vip's, I've been more active socially, I've cut down the religious talks because I didn't want to be a jesus freak, and I've become a lot more stable emotionally. But I miss me. I'm not a social butterfly anymore. Mostly because of my addictive past. Everyone knows how much I hated coke, but loved the smell of it! I'm so far away from that scene anymore. I don't even want to be around it. Going out puts me around it. Sue me because I'd rather have a mojito by own pool while reading The Robb Report. And if I tell you to say your prayers and ask God for forgiveness it's because I like you. I never said it to be freaky. I'm sorry for you but God is my passion. And lastly, I've gained weight over the past few months due to the antidepressants that I was, (PASTTENSE) on. I've been working hard to shed the lbs. 250-300 sit ups a day, 45 mins of cardio and I've been eating like a rabbit. I'm not happy with the weight gain cuz it's not me...but I'm happier and who I have become. Not to mention the fact that I love the fact that I'm so freaking soft!!!! Haha. On a serious note, if you don't like it....Get steppin'!

I'm second guessing my motions. I hope I did the right thing.


Thursday, June 07, 2007


It's been a real shitty week here in Dickwater. I'm still recovering from Mexico all while I'm surfing the crimson wave. No fun. The good news is "I'm only one stomach flu away from my goal weight!!"

Daddy's having surgery on Wed. So not looking forward to it. According to his doctor, all will be well but every surgery is risky.

I don't do risks.

I'm going to work my ass off on the treadmill.

Much love,


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I don't know about you

But I find bloodshot eyeballs to be very sexy. I mean if you threw up your body weight in vomit over the past week, you'd be sexy too and you'd have the bloody eyeballs too!

Bloodshot eyeballs aren't as sexy as swimming in baby feces or eating Ecoli, but it's damn close.

Still feeling yucky.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Went out with Trish, Michael, Faith & Becca lastnight. The dj sucked. The music was hip hop and the urban scene was in the house!!! Wiggles got down. And for some unknown reason I'm a sparkly wiggle magnet. We weren't feeling it so we came back to my place for afterhours and had drinks by the pool. I myself was having mostly coke with a little rum. I can't drink anymore...Michelle even showed up. After a lousy fight with her we've decided to put it behind us and move on. I can't hold a grudge, dammit!

Tonight is the night! Tomorrow I leave on a early morning plane for destinations out of dickwater to Puerto Vallarta Mexico. Color me glowing with anticipation.

One round-trip ticket from Dickwater, to Denver Co, to Mexico, then California, back to dickwater with layovers that are 5 hours long =$327.00

A steal of a deal for week at a resort for 7 nights (parents timeshare) = $180.00

Looking forward to taking a two-week break from life and forgetting about everything priceless.

My life has been hectic, chaotic, emotional, and stressful. I suffered through a nasty winter with depression, heartache and pain, and I managed to do really well while working on my Masters degree.

This is my reward to myself.

Sometimes you just have to say, what the hell, and go for it.

Plus, I'm really tired of putting my life on hold. For everything that Lexapro, red blood cells, and working for the man in the city- can't buy, there's visa.

I'll see you all in a week.

Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend, everybody!!!

Don't worry, the stories will be plentiful, the flirting will be abundant, the tan will be deep and dark, and the memory card on the camera, my heart, and my mind will be full.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Next weekend you can find me here....

Jealous much?


I'm going back to teaching :) Yay!!! I figured more experience wouldn't be such a bad thing while I finish up my masters.

Daddy had a rough week but he's doing great right now.

As for me, I've been sick for the past two days. I'm starting to feel better today though.

Isaiah struck out 3x's @ his last game :( Chandler has been playing remarkably well too. All of this from the little guy who wasn't supposed to be here, wasn't supposed to see or be mobile, he was supposed to be a vegetable. Dr's don't know everything. Chandler is proof. So grateful for that.

Today is graduation day....probably not going afterall. I don't feel up to par yet. Sorry guys. Another time.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


....From a beautiful weekend with my family in NC. We had soooo much fun. Details later.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Glue That Keeps Me Together

She's Classy
She's Sophisticated
She's Timeless
She's Grace
She's Strong
She's everything I hope to be...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
She's My Mommy
After all the years growing up to 'Summer of '69' I now have a newfound love for the song that I grew up hating.
Because of you I've come to love the art of
You taught me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having beauty and brains!
You've shown me how to carry myself and you've defended me and stood by me even when I'm wrong.
You taught me how to be a strong, hardworking, loving woman.
You gave me my wings!
You saved my life when you saved me from the addiction and forced me to get help,
Thank you.
Unforgettable moments:
Sleeping with me in my own bed after the breakup with Jeremy
not saying a word or asking any questions but letting me know that you were just a shoulder away.
Holding my hand and my head up even when you couldn't and the unthinkable happened to our Brent
Cooking together in my kitchen
Drinking our favorite merlot and getting tipsy
adding salt instead of sugar to the Cosmopolitan sorbet and serving it anyway to your garden club!
The endless summers eating soft shell crabs
The many hours shopping
everyday that I have you as my mother.
I love you.
Amaya Georgia

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Delicious Summer

There are many things I love about the start of warm weather:
Bare legs.
Fun summer shoes.
The first beginnings of sun-kissed skin.
Bare feet.
Wild colored Sundresses
Raising my face up to the sun to catch a few extra rays.
Driving with the windows rolled down and my hair blowing this way and that.
Blinking and suddenly realizing everything is clean, crisp, green, and the brightest shade of blue.
The smell of freshly mowed grass.
Leaving my car behind and walking to and from.
Working out in my summer solace and getting my hands dirty planting this summer's crop of flowers and vegetables.
Putting on last year's swimsuit and realizing I look better this year than last.
The smell of sweat and sex in the air.

but...Last night I realized there is something else I love about summer.

Leaving big University with the windows rolled down and old school Beastie Boys spinning in the CD player I am making my way home when a car of four young college boys meet up with me on the four lane highway.
They pass me with ease and I can tell they feel victorious.
I can't let that feeling last for them.I then pass them with ease.
They call sweet names to me out their window.
I stare straight ahead on the night road, the moon guiding my way, as a sly smile crosses my lips.
We then play a fun game of, who can pass who.
They try to pass me on the hill.
I push down on the gas ever so slightly.
They try to pass me on the curves.
I accelerate.
The stay behind me for several miles.
They think they have an opening.
But to no avail, I again, accelerate slightly.
I let them pass me when I have to switch to another highway.
Cat-calls and whoops and hollers travel from their open windows and into the lovely night air.
With a smile on my face, the beautiful moon in front of me and the Beastie Boys telling me there will be no sleep 'till Brooklyn.
I make my way home and realize summer is indeed in the air.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Dear Penis

Pretty funny.

I just need to vent!

I've been busier than a $5 crack whore looking for my next blow-job so I can get my fix on.I promise to return with wit, sarcasm, and wonderful insights into the world very soon. Say, tomorrow-ish.

But today...ehh

I don't typically like to bitch. I'm not a fan of the nag, the whine, the sit and sulk and say that everything is fine when really we both know that it's not. However, you're suppose to be smart enough to figure out what's wrong with me while I just sit and stew and stew over what ever it is that pissed me off, but you have no clue so you go out with the guys and then several days later I blow-up over you not telling me you missed me when really I'm pissed about that thing that happened on Wednesday and it's now Sunday morning.Nope, that's not me.

I am however, very fond of the five second vent. Stand or sit just shut-up and just let me vent for five seconds. I don't want advice. I don't want a solution to the vent. I just want you to sit or stand, shut-up and listen. So, this is me venting. If it takes you longer than five seconds to read this, well then that's not my fault.

So, I am depressed today. Right now. Not in a, 'I hate myself and I feel all blechy about myself,' kind of way. No, it's more of a, 'People are irritating me.' But not so much in a, 'I want to rip their heads off' kind of way. It's more in a, I look at you and take a deep internal sigh and think, 'you make me tired,' kind of way.I'm tired.People are wearing me out and not in the good fun kind of way. I just feel, sigh-ish. Slouch-ish.

I tried working out. That usually solves this kind of mood. Nope. I even got up to 81 RPM's on level 5 of the treadmile, for an entire minute. I had a moment of, "Wow, you rock." But notice the period, no exclamation point. I did the free-weights. Nope, nothing.

While I was working out I watched my tivo of "Dateline," and they had one of their infamous, "I'm a 40 year-old pervert and I've come to seduce the 14 year-old who is really a decoy and this is all a set-up, but I'm too stupid to know it," shows. I'm pretty sure that's what put me over the edge.
Watching all these seemingly normal and okay, a few not too normal, men try and seduce these supposed 12-14 year-old virgin girls. One drove four hours to meet her. Another two hours and showed up at 4am. Several had a wife and kids. Several have been arrested before.Then, then the kicker.
The one who sent me over the preverbial edge.
A 40 year-old man who showed up with his five-year-old son in tow.
He brought his son with him while he planned to have sex with a 14 year-old virgin.
They had to call his wife to come pick up the son while the father was hauled away to jail. Seriously.
I know you can never know someone entirely or completely.
I know you can never know what someone is thinking or fantasizing about.
I know there are all kinds of pervs out there.
I know you can never know where someone is or what or whom they are doing and when and where they are doing it.
I know the whole, on-line thing is revolutionizing perversion and fetish and ways to meet people that even I probably don't know and don't want to be aware of.
But, seriously.
Married men?
40 year-old married men, with families. With a wife and kids at home. With daughters of their own going to meet 12-14 year-old virgins at her home and seduce her. Driving over four hours to do so.

*Rubs forehead while shaking my head.*

I don't get it.
You know who and what you are.
You can deny it, but you do.
You can try and hide it.
You can try and live a normal life in the everyday, but deep down, deep down in your soul and your gut of guts, you know who and what you are. Why bring an innocent family into the mix? Why? Why do that to them? Why? If you are seeking this out online, then I know what you are doing in your home. Chances are you are seeking out the innocent girl online while your innocent family is in the next room.

So I ask, who can I trust? Who should I trust? I've been wrong so, so many fucking times before. It takes a lot for me to bring down the bricks from my wall. I've brought down a few and peaked over, but damn it all to hell if someone doesn't fuck that up and make me want to put those bricks back up. I guess right now I just don't have a lot of faith. Faith in people. I'll be over it probably by this time tomorrow. This time next week at the latest. Almost nearly positive about that.

My trust issues have been well documented here on my blog. I have issues with trust. I can admit this. One step down, eleven more to go. I have a whole 12-month subscription worth of trust issues.

Add in this, "Dateline," episode, coupled with the relationships, the mother, the friends who have agendas, and well you have a pissy chick who just needed to vent for five seconds.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Baseball game with Michelle and on to the Mexican Cantina for drinx!

Call my cell :)

Thursday, April 19, 2007


We're off to Tech.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Play by the Murderer.

This is the play from psychopath:

IMO: What the fuck? WHAT THE HELL??? And he was an English major? Uhmm....yeah....he failed, right? This is just bizzare.



I just watched live coverage of a very moving ceremony @ Tech. President Bush delivered a nice message. "Yesterday began like any other day. Students woke up and they grabbed their backpacks and they headed for class, "And soon the day took a dark turn, with students and faculty barricading themselves in classrooms and dormitories. For many of you here today, it was the worst day in your lives,"

The tears haven't quite stopped for me. I didn't know anyone that died personally but Emily Hilcher was from Woodville. That which is about 30 minutes away from me. She was the first that was gunned down by this disturbed Sueng Ho Cho. He killed Emily first. It's believed that he was romantically interested in her. I've heard through the grapevine that a Luray native was one that actually jumped out of a two story window. No facts on that just yet though.

It turns out that Sueng Ho Cho paid $571 for the handguns in Roanoke VA one in March. Virginia law requires that you wait 30 days to purchase another handgun. So he probably bought the second on or after April 13. Obviously he had been thinking about this for some time. has posted the text of a play, purported to be by Cho, which describes a 13-year-old boy who accuses his stepfather of pedophelia, and ends with the boy's death. In the play, titled "Richard McBeef," the boy talks of killing his stepfather.

Cho's parents live in a townhouse development in Centreville, a suburb of Washington. They own a dry-cleaning shop nearby. Police searched their home last night. Neighbors haven't seen their son home in years. Cho did leave a suicide note "You caused me to do this". It's several pages long but the police are not releasing it yet.

This rampage has made headlines from England to Spain to Tokyo to Africa.

May God Bless & May God Keep.


I just watched live coverage of a very moving ceremony @ Tech. President Bush delivered a nice message. "Yesterday began like any other day. Students woke up and they grabbed their backpacks and they headed for class, "And soon the day took a dark turn, with students and faculty barricading themselves in classrooms and dormitories. For many of you here today, it was the worst day in your lives,"

The tears haven't quite stopped for me. I didn't know anyone that died personally but Emily Hilcher was from Woodville. That which is about 30 minutes away from me. She was the first that was gunned down by this disturbed Sueng Ho Cho. He killed Emily first. It's believed that he was romantically interested in her. I've heard through the grapevine that a Luray native was one that actually jumped out of a two story window. No facts on that just yet though.

It turns out that Sueng Ho Cho paid $571 for the handguns in Roanoke VA one in March. Virginia law requires that you wait 30 days to purchase another handgun. So he probably bought it on or after April 13. Obviously he had been thinking about this for some time. has posted the text of a play, purported to be by Cho, which describes a 13-year-old boy who accuses his stepfather of pedophelia, and ends with the boy's death. In the play, titled "Richard McBeef," the boy talks of killing his stepfather.

Cho's parents live in a townhouse development in Centreville, a suburb of Washington. They own a dry-cleaning shop nearby. Police searched their home last night. Neighbors haven't seen their son home in years. Cho did leave a suicide note "You caused me to do this". It's several pages long but the police are not releasing it yet.

This rampage has made headlines from England to Spain to Tokyo to Africa.

May God Bless & May God Keep.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A total travesty

None of us can change the bloody massacre that occured @ VA Tech today, but we can pray for these innocent people, their families and the entire tech community that was senselessly ambushed this morning. This makes Columbine look like a tea party.

Why wasn't the campus on lockdown after the campus was sending mass emails out to students about a student that was gunned down in her dorm?
Why did this sociopathic have enough time to get across campus and ruthlessly kill 31 other people?

These are questions I won't have answers to, but I can give all of this to God in prayer. Please do the same! My heart is heavy.