This time of year gets me so excited! Not to mention that Deb, Gi's mama called me this a.m to tell me that she is infact doing well and Erica, the rock that she is, is doing just fine too. Gigi did develop body acne and is basically a walking blister. The acne is just a reaction to the massive amounts of chemo and radiation. It's clear that this is the worst form of cancer there is. And my girl is soldiering on! She can't eat, no tongue...or it's no longer a real tongue, she has liquids only which is fed through a feeding tube. So it is the toughest, mentally as well as physcially. You do everything through your mouth, talk, eat, breath....She is going to make it. She told me she was. I have faith!
On friday I went to Pier 1 and I found my new tableware and flatware. I got this gourgeous Bamboo charger with Oak sides for a steal @ $25. It's so nice. I chose a mocha plate set with an expresso colored mug. I also got the bread plates, soup bowls and napkins to match. The flatware I got with a "W" on them. It's very nice. My grandmother was pleased when she saw everything yesterday. I decided to go with a snow white table runner as my grandmother suggested because my dining room table is so pretty that I don't want to cover it up. I went with a lovely shade of oatmeal placemats that are velvet. It's beautiful. I'm redoing my kitchen floor. Isaiah cracked it and I demanded that everything be replaced. It's brown and white mixture of colors. My mom's kitchen was just finished. She turned her kitchen into the kitchen at the Little Inn at Washington. Her kitchen is so nice. Every freaking detail right down to the cobalt blue tile! It's afixed with her huge flat screen apple computer to search for recipes and watch CNN while she cooks. It's absolutely amazing. I'll have to take pictures. She has an island sink with a double oven. She really went far out even with the Refrigerator that looks like it's a big pantry door. She's very proud of it. Exspensive but worth it. I don't intend to makeover anything to the extent that she has! My new favorite color is pomegrante red for a dining room. I won't go that far though. It's a lot of red.
So I found this years Christmas card. It's so peaceful and humbling and it just captures so much of how you percieve Christmas and winter. I'm calling it "OLD MAN WINTER". The envelopes are silver lining and they're gorgeous. I must admit I do have great taste!
As far as Christmas decorating goes, I think I'm going to decorate on Saturday the 26th, I took the day off for shopping but I think it's time to start decorating too. I'm still trying to figure out my theme. I bought the tree topper already. It's an Angel praying on one knee with a tiara that lights up. As soon as I saw it I had to buy it. It's lovely and sweet. Reminds me a lot of myself!
I have a huge Christmas list again this year but I love buying for others and it's time to start. We're going shopping after work on black friday. I have to shop for my adopted family from the Salvation Army. I have a family of 5 this year. I agreed to take it on so I can't complain!!! Christian is 6 and wants a bike, Abigail is 7 and loves baby dolls (which little girl doesn't?), Joseph is 12 and wants a 'boombox'!!! I thought that was funny when I saw that. The parents just want food to eat on Christmas. Can you imagine? No. I clearly can't. I can't even imagine that people in our prospourus country go hungry and is worried about food. I'm worried about how the food will be presented on my table. Some people don't even have the food! Wow. Humbling when you think about that. I'm going to encourage everyone to adopt a family this year. Or a child. Don't just put money into the red kettle. Go the the Salvation Army and take on a family. My family has been doing this for years. My grandparents even invite their adopted family over to there house right before the holidays. A lot of times people have refused to come because they're ashamed but the past few years they have came. I'm not saying you should invite strangers into your home but we all are able to say that we do well. We all waste money. We all do contribute a lot to charities but it's Christmas and could you imagine waking up and not having presents on Christmas??? It wouldn't be Christmas. And yes Christmas isn't about gift giving but to the kids it is. And somewhere we'll know on Christmas morning that a kid and his brother and sister all have a present and they have food to eat. To me thats the best gift we can give to ourselves!!! So call the Salvation Army and adopt your child/family today!!!!
I will check up on my friends and I better hear that you all are doing your part! Faith you're excused from this. Brandy and Davy have already bought a lot for their kids.
At work on December 10th. Yes, that means no NYC afterall. I'm having a Christmas party for our employees children. We're going shopping on Dec 2nd to get all the toys. So far, a lot of employees are bringing their kids. This is the first time ever doing this but I think it will be a hit. I've even decided that we need to be in the Christmas Parade. We just have to come up with an idea for a float. The parade is Dec 3rd which is the same day as my cousin Danny's winter wedding, but it's an evening wedding so I can do it all!!! If we can come up with a float idea related to the Caverns. I was brainstorming but perhaps we could have the Holy Night scene taking place in a cave background on a float?! It's going to be hard but it's a start. I'm open to suggestions! I'm almost desperate.
I just popped in my Mariah Carey Christmas CD and I'll be singing O Holy Night all day!
So all is well here in VA. Can you guys believe that I'm cooking for the holidays? Crazy huh?! I've just discovered that cooking is an art and like any art you have to perfect it. I'm cooking a lot more these days. You'd all be impressed!
I'm on my way to the gym now. Muah!