Too much has been going on lately which is why I haven't had the time to update nor have I really had any desire to. The trial is soon and I can't wait to just get it over with!!! I'm going to Vegas soon and one of my 'friends' has proposed...I guess thats what that was!!! We've been friends for a looong time and we're going to do something crazy and see where it takes us!!!
"Through you (you know who you are) I've learned to smile again. You've opened the path to happiness! Your love's amazing. Lying beside me you see into the soul of me and your spirit sets me free!"
And to everyone who got a drunk dial on Friday...I'm sorry :)
Oh and "BrokeAss" (he reads this, he knows what I call him!) and I have been cordial to each other. He called out of nowhere and we've been talking since. Turns out Dirty Diesel B is a maniputive Polynesian little cunt. Mike set the record straight for me. How could I be so retarded as to trust her?! He says that she's still crazy jealous. Big Shocker.
Isaiah is the best ball player ever! He scored the winning hit for the Padres last night. He is the man. Derek, take notice!!! And did I mention that he's also the brightest child I know?! He bought a gerbil from the pet store and I was trying to get info from Isaiah about the nasty thing and when I asked what exactly it was he broke it down for me "It's a Gerbil, I named him Tanner because he's tan and white. He's about 8 weeks old and he belongs to the rodent family, they have a negative reputation in the heterosexality community". I was shocked. The kid is only 8 years old! When I asked how he knew that he said "Research Mini" He's beyond brilliant!
Upcoming events:
NEW YORK CITY :) Can't wait to see ya :)
VEGAS :) We're doing this in June
CHICAGO :) Mike is going nuts!!!
Memorial Day weekend plans are still up in the air. Any ideas? Email 'em.
I have to get back to work!
OH and Issaac--Don't REINLIST :( :(