Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This teacher needs help too

Reading aloud to children is one of my most favorite things about being a teacher.
I love how children get excited about listening to stories and learning how to read.

It wasn't until I actually began to teach, that I would realize that the students would be the ones
who would help me learn how to teach.

I now know that now matter what age they may be, they are going to be excited to sit in a reading corner.

I now know that no matter how many times you say pretzel legs or crisscross applesauce- someone in the front row will sit on her knees.

I now know that now matter how slowly you show the pictures there is always one student who will shout out, "I can't see!"I know now that expression is the key to attention.

I now know that when you stop to ask a question, you never know if you are going to get an answer or "Hey, Ms. W., I like your bracelet!"

I now know that if a bee flies in or an ant crawls by, I will have to stop reading an carefully try to help the insect exit the room. I ALSO know that if I DON'T do this there is no possible way that reading will resume until the little guest has been carried outside to safety by all twenty children.
I have been working so hard to finish setting up my room, but unfortunately there is one BIG thing missing...BOOKS! There are obviously many books to be borrowed around the school, but I am missing my own classroom library. My personal collection, simply is not enough. If by any small chance you or someone you know would like to donate used books to my classroom I know that the children would really really appreciate it.
Please email me if you would like to donate a book or two to help build our classroom library.