The title? Yeah. Let’s not even discuss numbers or time lines. Let’s just say the President wasn’t black the last time I got laid.
Cue ice crunching.
The thing is, other than that minor major physical event- I’m completely happy right now with the relationships I have with people in my life. Without getting into a lot of details (because if there’s one thing I know, it’s the idea of vague being vogue), I feel really lucky to know the people I know and I’m 100% confident that I’m getting more from some people without sex than some people are getting WITH sex.
Which of course makes me ask the age old question:
Would you rather have mind blowing, hair tugging, complete body quivering, life changing sex ONCE a year, or mediocre, ho-hum, it’s good but you won’t remember it the next day sex everyday for a year?
When it comes to sex, what’s more important? Quality or quantity?
I’m going out to buy more ice.