Sunday, August 05, 2007

Things That We Can All Do....

.....To be heroic!

Today is my Mommy's birthday. As we were all sitting on the patio sipping on Sangeria we were all in on the same conversation, How blessed we really truly are. And reflecting on all of our blessings it makes me want to do more. Since today is my mother's birthday she always says that '"The silence of good people is worse than the actions of the bad."Everyone knows that nothing else makes me smile more than the ability to make someone else smile :)

So I thought I'd share some secrets with you on how each of you could all be heroic, just like my Mom!

  • Click to feed the hungry. Thats right. Corporate Sponsors will donate a cup of food to people in need. It's that simple.
  • Save lives with silly string- Marcell Shriver learned that her son Todd, a brave soldier in Iraq used silly string to detect bomb wires strung across the ground in a war zone. Go to walmart and buy $10 in silly string and mail it to: St. Luke's Church 55 Warwick Road, Stratford, NJ 08084
  • Donate all of your never to wear again bridal party wear, cocktail dresses to high school girls who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford the chance to be the Belle of the ball. My family has been doing this for the past two years.

A heroic thing for me are those rare moments where I've been able to turn the other cheek when someone hurts me instead of seeking revenge.

What are your heroic abilities?