Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Putting a Fork in it

The best way to never be disappointed? Don't expect anything from anyone.

This is what I keep repeating when I'm trying to convince myself that I have every right to be disappointed.

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.

Expectations are a dangerous thing. They lead you down this road full-speed ahead and it's so hard to stop. It's this road where everything is as it should be in your head. A road filled with people who behave in the ways you'd want them to behave and who say the things you'd want them to say.

It's a road that has the people around you falling at your feet trying to do whatever it takes to please you.

This is the road that will tell you to eat the Nutella and that, no, it won't end up on your hips.

For the most part, this road has blockades on it with DO NOT ENTER ROAD NOT IN USE signs littering the entrance. But, somewhere along the way there must also be a sign that says:


Because sometimes, there I am. Back on the road. Looking in my review mirror and wondering how I managed to bypass all the warning signs. Yet again.

That road sucks.

Luckily for me, while it's still (barely) in use for certain people, it's become a very short road.