Yesterday was a very big day for me. I haven't blogged about the details because I didn't want to get my hopes up. It's. A. Very. Big. Deal. It's the first time I've been excited about something in a long time. My family and most of my friends were all in on what was going on. Yesterday was HUGE for me.
One by one they all texted, called, came by to see how it went. All except one person. Nothing. After about 7 hours of waiting to hear from this person, I confronted them. They didn't ask how it went because they were busy. I understand busy schedules and hectic situations, but 7 hours later? I'm a very forgiving person and I already forgave them.
However this puts things into perspective for me. With that said, it's a new year, it's a new Amaya. Additionally, I would argue that I have the most incredible friends of all time. They're the smartest, most fun, most amazing people ever and at the end of the day, I'm always thankful that I have them in my life. I love you all.